Suspecting that I was gone towards the River to looke for shipping, they persued mee up and downe the River side, as I could guese by the barking of the doggs in those townes and villages which lay in the water side.
At length I tooke the oppertunity to walke downe the stayres silently, and coming downe I found the gaurd that was apoynted to attend mee in the kitchin, making merry with drinking liberaly upon my cost, not suspecting my coming downe.
The secret of Mr. Adams's satisfaction [with Marshall] was, that he obeyed his Secretary of State without suspecting it.
Cusack, little suspecting the importance of this simple message, delivered it glibly, and being of course brimful of the excitement of the hour, he remained a little to regale Wyndham with a history of the afternoon's events.
Indeed, by suspecting him privately he had done him injustice enough as it was, for which he could not too soon atone.
Once or twice, suspecting the near presence of an enemy, they slept in the canoes.
It was a massive stone building, and Andy, notsuspecting that he was being fooled, went in.
A layman cannot refrain from suspecting that Darrel had hypnotic control over Somers.
There were others present who agreed with Kelyng in suspectingthe actions of the girl on the stand.
He proceeded to the opposite wall, darting swift glances to left and right, as if halfsuspecting that someone was lurking in the shadows.
The clerk bowed debonairly, little suspecting that the new guest, who so unmistakably presented all the earmarks of a cultured and leisurely gentleman, was at this moment the most "wanted" man on the North American continent.
I now think I was wrong in suspecting her to be the lost Lucy Rogers; but there is surely some romance connected with her, and she is not what she seems to be.
I wish to send the girl into a deep sleep, to render her unconscious without her suspecting my intention, or realizing the fact.
I should never have cross-examined Mr. Grahame, if I had not seen reason for suspecting him before the inquiry began.
I was painfully impressed by his manner the night I dined here with him; and I believe, from certain indications dropped unconsciously by your Coroner, that he too saw reason for suspecting Mr. Grahame.
He had a horror of entering that house of Penmorval just now, lest he should see or hear something that would give him new cause for suspecting Bothwell.
You surely have left off suspecting him," said Hilda, with an indignant look.
It tells me that Mr. Heathcote has begun to see how wrong he was in suspecting Bothwell.
She would learn that there were people in the neighbourhood capable of suspecting this very Bothwell Grahame, gentleman and soldier, of so dastardly a crime.
He then got in a rage and said I ought to be ashamed of myself for suspecting a notary's honour.
The poor man came up humbly to me, and spoke as follows: "I am ordered to come here, sir, to apologize for suspecting the authenticity of the bill of exchange you gave me.
The old man burst out laughing, and Lucrezia suspectingthe truth bit her lips and said nothing.
He told her that I was at least twenty years older than herself, and that in suspecting me she had committed a greater sin than if she allowed me to take some slight liberty.
Next day Bolini told me that Brigida was far from suspecting his flight, as owing to his gaiety at the thought of freedom he had contented her so well during the night she had passed with him that she thought him as much in love as she was.
I guessed that she feared my suspecting the ambassador of enjoying from the mysterious closet the sight of our amorous trio, and she wished to destroy that suspicion by her proposal.
The governor, suspecting that his majesty destined him for the same fate, had slipped out; and the king laughed merrily when he heard of his departure.
Although I hoped with all my heart that I should get Rosalie back again, I had good reasons for suspecting that all the marquis's wit would be employed to seduce her, and I could not help thinking that he would succeed.
I got hold of the oyster with my lips, but did so in such a manner as to prevent her suspecting that I had taken any extraordinary pleasure in the act.
You can leave me to find out a room where we shall be at our ease, and without any danger of people suspecting that we have spent an hour together.
She was laughing; and I did the same without suspecting the end of the joke.
We will go together; but let us not go too swiftly, otherwise the watch, suspecting something is wrong, will not let us pass.
Suspecting him of such a thing is like--is like suspecting myself!
It was Sunday afternoon, and there was nobody about but Maudie, who departed coldly on the entrance of the girl, suspecting trouble.
Elsie Haggard looked at her sharply, suspecting her of flippancy.
Swiftly he walked along the gallop, his eyes everywhere, suspecting he knew not what.
Sometimes the paper was not delivered at all, and Stephen could not help suspecting that he had sold it in the street.
The fact was, her promise was so easy that she had scarcely thought of it after, not suspecting that Stephen laid any stress upon its fulfilment, and, indeed, not knowing where the chapel was.
All the declining enmity of Miss Milner was renewed at this behaviour, and suspecting Sandford as the instigator of the visit, she could not overcome her displeasure, but gave way to it in a manner she thought the most mortifying.
Dinner was then immediately served, and Lord Elmwood appeared much in his usual spirits; at least, not suspecting any cause for their abatement, Rushbrook did not observe any alteration.
The old man, not suspecting treachery of any kind, consumed the broth and pronounced it excellent.
A white man suspecting him to be a runaway, demanded his pass; as he had none he was seized and put in Newbern jail.
When Galloway returned, not suspecting his wife, he asked her if she knew what had become of his pig.
This good Elizabeth must be warned, that she may become more cautious, and give her numerous enemies no occasion for suspecting her.
Usually he asked about something from the last lesson; always intelligent, suspecting a mistake on her part, a want of perception or logic.
The other boy came climbing upward, little suspecting the danger that awaited him; slowly he jogged along as if enjoying his liberty and solitude: soon his heavy boots were heard with their iron heels clanking against the stones.
Old Moola, not suspecting my intentions, came out from her hut, and promised to reward the victor.
Jethro was far from suspecting the real use to which his scheme could be possibly put.