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Example sentences for "vas"

Lexicographically close words:
varry; varsity; vartue; vary; varying; vasa; vasallos; vascular; vascularity; vasculosa
  1. It was frightful, for der life of mein friend vas at shtake.

  2. You dat haf shed a tear for Bons enliden me; I am in teep tarkness, und Bons said dat I vas in der midst of shcoundrels.

  3. I vas opliged to play to keep him kviet, and the virst-floor lodgers vas komm up to tell me to be kviet!

  4. He vas der only von dat accombanied mein only friend to die church und to die grafe.

  5. Bons vas fery fond of him, und helped him.

  6. Somepody vas speaking of him chust now--" said Schmucke, completely beaten.

  7. I vas goin' to shoot der arrow oudt mit dot golt, py shimminy, und don'd you vorgid me!

  8. I vas goin' to shown him a trick vot I nefer seen.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    canal; duct; intestine; pore; vagina; vessel

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    vascular bundle; vascular bundles; vascular system; vast abundance; vast amount; vast army; vast concourse; vast deal; vast extent; vast height; vast importance; vast majority; vast mass; vast multitude; vast number; vast numbers; vast plain; vast quantities; vast quantity; vast variety; vastly superior; vastly well