They found themselves in a long corridor, littered with a strange multitude of objects, scarcely distinguishable in the dim light shed by oneunshuttered window through which some of the evening glow still penetrated.
Melrose went to the windows, and with a physical strength which amazed his companion unshuttered and opened them all, helped by Undershaw.
For no figure had risen, had repassed across the unshuttered space.
In front of the house was what in the summer had been a flower-garden; everything about it was neat, and the tiny panes of glass in the unshuttered windows were spotlessly bright.
They went directly to Dorothy's chamber; and it was so bright with the moonlight now pouring through the unshuttered windows that they needed no candle.
The room was in utter darkness but for one ray of moonlight athwart it and the faint light of the stars, by which he saw Olive leaning against the sill of one of the unshuttered windows, and looking, as it seemed, towards him.
Then he and Dickson made their way to the hall, where there was a faint glimmer from the moon in the upper unshuttered windows--enough to reveal the figure of Wee Jaikie on duty at the foot of the staircase.
The sunset which had been flaming for some time in the unshutteredpanes was now passing into the dark.
The boat passed onward through the now silent town; only in one other place a light glowed through the unshutteredlattices that were ruddy with light and emblematic with the paintings of the Renaissance.
It is a hot night, and the tall French windows stand unshuttered and open.
From theunshuttered dining-room windows comes a great square of yellow lamplight, and lies smooth upon the gravel.
Hendricks, upon receiving my permission, sprang to one of the two ports in the navigating room and unshuttered it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unshuttered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.