Strength and skill were of no avail; such qualities could not even prolong the agony; the veteran and the tyro, the brave and the shrinking, were struck or cut down with equal ease and swiftness.
It was useless to prolong the discussion, and Tiberius was glad to get into the open air of the Forum again.
Shall we be able to prolong the struggle, and for how long?
Stand firm then, Afrikanders, prolong the glorious fight, Unfurl the good old 'Vierkleur.
The Government had decided that the War should be continued and it was the duty of every general to manoeuvre so as to prolong it.
There are a few Hollanders in the hut yonder who said they would shoot me if I surrendered; and you know, sir, that it is these Hollanders who urge the Boers to fight and prolong the War.
But now it is of great moment to me that you should prolong my life for a few days.
Is it not well to remind the student from time to time that a physician's business is to avert disease, to heal the sick, to prolong life, and to diminish suffering?
The tender nerves and low spirits of such poor creatures would be much relieved by the use of Tar Water, which might prolong and cheer their lives.
On the following morning the Prince sent word to me that it would be very agreeable to him that I should direct the opera, and in that case he would prolong his stay to hear it.
The first has led many to imagine that they might find means to avoid death, or, failing in this, that they might, nevertheless, so prolong existence as to reckon it by centuries instead of units.
Yes; but they have not obliged the Deity to prolong the life of your sparrow beyond his term.
At any rate, one does not want to bolt his botany, but rather to prolong the course.
A mile or so from the entrance we pass a couple of rude stone houses, built forty or more years ago by some consumptives, who hoped to prolong their lives by a residence in this pure, antiseptic air.
No, sir; the fine weather has induced many to prolong their stay.
He couldn't prolong his journey farther south, and so we agreed to rendezvous here.
Not toprolong the relation of details, it was found needful to keep this lady in bed for five months before the heart seemed to recover sufficiently to allow her to get up.
It is an evil thing for us to prolongas we do the mental, visual, ideal consciousness far into the night when the hour has come for this upper consciousness to fade, for the blood alone to know and to act.
It is better to sleep only six hours than to prolong sleep on and on when the sun has risen.
Since twilight ends when the sun is 18° below the horizon, any circumstance which makes the sun go down rapidly will shorten the duration of twilight, and anything which retards the downward motion of the sun will correspondingly prolong it.
Mozart had other and very different reasons for wishing to shorten Wolfgang's stay in Paris as much as he had hitherto desired to prolong it.
The latter, from respect to the order of the government, did not prolong the colloquy.
Prolong no more this all-unmeasured woe, Ill-timed reward for such a love as this.
Hard labor and a phlegmatic temperament usually prolong the interval between the periodical illnesses.
These shades of moral insanity all disappear in a little while, if there be no family tendency to insanity to prolong and intensify them.
Are those women who marry late in their sexual life more apt to bear living children than the married of the same age; and are they more likely to prolong their child-bearing period by their deferred nuptials?
By not doing this, we prolong the war, and double both the calamities and expenses of it.
The least remissness in preparation, the least relaxation in execution, will only serve to prolong the war, and increase expenses.
If the individual is in good condition much may be done by judicious advice and treatment to ward off complications and prolong life with a considerable degree of comfort.
Pressure on the left vagus will have a tendency to prolong the P-R interval until even complete block occurs.
When one of you in praying prolong his inclinations and prostrations till a cause of impurity[FN#349] come upon him.
And if thou prolong thy mourning for many days it were a little thing; for though the Moslems resolve to beleaguer us years and years, they will never win their will of us nor gain aught of us save trouble and weariness.
Then he bade one of his eunuchs carry her on a camel to one of the far-off deserts and there leave her and go away, and he forbade [him] to prolong her torment.
But the eunuch said to him, 'O king, may God prolong thy continuance!
On the other hand, my visitors looked very grave and silent; whether it were to prolong my doubts, or as having doubts of their own, perhaps.