Men's words are a poor exponent of their thought; nay their thought itself is a poor exponent of the inward unnamed Mystery, wherefrom both thought and action have their birth.
Prince von Ichdien, the well-known Ambassador (loudly, to an unnamed gentleman).
What your country ought to do--(He finishes his remarks in the lip-language, which the unnamed gentleman seems to understand.
Around the long low shanties, whose rough lines Break the sealed dreams of many an unnamed lake, Already in the frost-clear morns awake The crash and thunder of the falling pines.
Supposing the third Gospel to be lost, what would be the source assigned to the following quotation from anunnamed Gospel in the work of one of the Fathers?
Then an unknown voice breaks in upon the song, calling on unnamed attendants to fling wide the gates.
It is because the unnamed herald's ear has heard the divine voice uttering the gracious assurances of verse 1, that his voice is lifted up in the commands and assurances of verse 4.
A background of unnamed persecutors is dimly seen.
So there rings out from unnamed lips the stirring command to the city, thus visited by the indwelling God, to proclaim the glad tidings with a voice, the strength of which shall correspond to their gladness and certainty.
The first of the five letters purports to be from Logan to an unnamed conspirator, addressed as 'Right Honourable Sir.
Three were from Logan to conspirators unnamed and unknown.
As yet unnamed smaller species of Geomys from the Rexroad fauna (late Pliocene) and Saunders fauna (latest Aftonian) may also be on the main line of evolution.
Mary of Magdala has been confounded (1) with the unnamed fallen woman who in Simon's house anointed Christ's feet (Luke vii.
Writing from an unnamed place in Belgium a correspondent of The Daily News says: "The regiment I am concerned with was fifteen days and nights in the Antwerp trenches in countless engagements.
Among those unnamed are to be found many fully the equals of those so imperfectly represented in the preceding pen pictures.
Though but few have been named, they are best known and with the unnamed larger half compose nature's magnificent if sometimes inharmonious symphony.
Peter and John may never have met this unnamed disciple before.
I find here in the records of Matthew and Mark the assurance of the Lord concerning the unnamed woman of whom they have written.
Louisiana, parting the numberless and mostly unnamed small waters which make on either hand for their respective outlets in the two rivers.
The unnamed hacienda of the text is so marked on his map, on the above "fine stream.
Before Anna Braithwaite sailed for England, she wrote a letter to an unnamed Friend in Flushing relative to the interviews with Elias Hicks.
Touching these matters he put himself definitely on record in 1827 in a letter written to an unnamed Friend.
Our troop led the pursuit; and this brings me to an incident in which thy old chronicler--figuring in the histories as an unnamed sergeant--had his share.
Twas the little bugler boy who saved his colonel's life, and not the unnamed "sergeant," as the histories have it.
In the face of such analogies, it is unsafe to lay down a peremptory rule, that no dialogue can be the work of Plato, which acknowledges as collocutor an unnamed person.
After the momentous step of certain unnamed Jews of Cyprus and Cyrene, who founded the church at Antioch, Barnabas had no difficulty in recognizing the grace of God.
The unnamed Horror was looking at her through his open door.
She called upon the mercy of God for deliverance from herself; for deliverance from the possession of the Devil; for blindness to fall on her, for death to strike her, so that she might never see that unnamed Horror more!
At a thousand unnamed English firesides he found the living originals for his Prince Hals, his Orlandos, his Antonios, his Portias, his Isabellas.
We then see him on foot and alone, with no companion but his dog, and no friend but his rifle, making his way over trackless and unnamed mountains, and immeasurable forests, until he explores the flowering wilderness of Kentucky.