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Example sentences for "pars"

Lexicographically close words:
parroquets; parrot; parrots; parry; parrying; parse; parsecs; parsed; parsimonious; parsimony
  1. It stands to the universe in much the same proportion as any single man to the whole earth-- Et videas caelum summai totius unum Quam sit parvula pars et quam multesima constet Nec tota pars, homo terrai quota totius unus[61].

  2. The first part, Pars Prima, contains the Pontifical Bull, Quod a nobis, of Pope Pius V.

  3. But those who wish for an exhaustive study of times and seasons may safely read Kalendarium Manuale, Pars I.

  4. The full title has some interest: Vera circuli et hyperbolae quadratura cui accedit geometriae pars universalis inserviens quantitatum curvarum transmutationi et mensurae.

  5. In the Low Countries, France and England the jurisdiction of the official principal was wider (Van Espen, pars i.

  6. It was the general practice to appoint two or three to sit together (Van Espen, pars iii.

  7. Causes could even be evoked to Rome before any judgment and there heard in first instance (Van Espen, pars iii.

  8. On the European continent the courts Christian often carried out their decrees by their own apparitors who could levy pecuniary penalties on a defendant's goods (Van Espen, pars iii.

  9. There could be an appeal from these delegates to the pope and from the pope himself to the pope "better informed" (Van Espen, pars iii.

  10. Generally they were reserved to the pope (Van Espen, pars iii.

  11. There were no true exemptions before the 11th century (Van Espen, pars iii.

  12. In Belgium causes appealed to Rome had to be committed to local delegates (Van Espen, pars iii.

  13. Ces ymages bien avise, Qui, si comme j'ai devise, Furent a or et a asur De toutes pars paintes ou mur.

  14. Pars humili de plebe duces; pars compede suras Page 209 sends towering promises with new gifts, if haply his foe may pause at his entreaty.

  15. To which an unseen person answered, "Ar pars eight it is, in the lane be'ind the church.

  16. Then Kipps began to sing, "Ar pars eight tra-la, in the lane be'ind the church.

  17. Nunc æmulo plane sanctitatis et virginitatis in Elizabâthe ingenio requisita sunt inter sordes sterquilinii publici quarum foedissima pars erant, et incredibili studio inventa purgata lota in thecam eandem reponuntur in quâ S.

  18. The careless Roman was inclined to say, for instance, magna pars de exercitu, rather than to use the genitive case of the word for army, magna pars exercitus.

  19. His igitur in orbem agitatis cum turbata essent, calidi magna pars alias in terra relicta est, partim quidem magna, partim vero minor, alias etiam valde parva, sed in multas partes divisa.

  20. Mr. Whymper has written the history of the conquest of the Matterhorn quorum pars magna fuit, and his book is a worthy record of a great achievement.

  21. Whether a method such as Professor Masson's is justified, depends solely upon the degree in which the hero of the biography contributes to the history with which his name is associated, and in which he can say, quorum pars magna fuit.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.