He wrote a few underlined words, entreating Vittoria to grant an immediate interview in the library of the castle.
Moreover, Laura had underlined 'it is an Austrian who rescues you.
The bill of Monday, July 22, was underlined to the effect that, in consequence of the continuous and dangerous indisposition of Mr. Grimaldi, the pantomime was unavoidably postponed.
Who left it there, I cannot say; nor whether it was underlined with the intention of hurting my feelings, or merely by chance.
One day I found these words underlined in a book left open on my table.
Pole, is preserved among the Records in the Rolls House, scored and underlined in various places, perhaps by members of the Privy Council.
Presuming that, on the whole, the suppression of the monasteries would be sanctioned, the preamble stated (and the words which follow are underlinedin the MS.
After which she wound up with an exhortation to her daughter not to break her father's underlined heart in his underlined old age.
She would limit what she had to say entirely to the underlined deep grief that Sir M.
I thought this so important, in order that I might not appear to be asking for any personal favour but only for justice, that I underlined it.
I emphasised passages underlined by you, indeed showing him your marks and initials.
Here, text originallyunderlined in red appear in all CAPS.
Then, after the manuscript is complete, the name of the character above each speech is underlined in red ink, and every bit of business throughout the manuscript is also underlined in red.
The underlinedwords are plainly the punch lines of this famous song--the most attractive lines of the whole lyric.
But though most of his praise seems mere literary commonplace, the sentence underlined strikes us as having another source.
O mon seigneur, Gauter en peis" (where the underlined words are equivalent to the Latin in pace) to Gautier of Montbeliard in the past tense.
Keating followed old and good sources, and although the passage I have underlined is not to be found in all MSS.
Your very good friend,' underlined twice, that sounds as though she wanted to warn me.
In the original the words "is Richard Fulwood" are interlined, and "he will not tell" underlined or erased.
Before the words exculpating Father Gerard from all knowledge of the conspirators' purpose, the word Hucusque appears in the handwriting of Sir Edward Coke, who has underlined the sentence in red.
As they clung together there was a cry from behind them, underlined by a shot.
The crash of a shot underlined the fact that he had no other recourse.
He had returned the copy-book to Anna, but without her having detected it, he had cut out the page on which stood the underlined words.
I underlined the word on the second page that I have translated as "winsome.
There is an underline and then from the underlined word is an arrow.
Those doubly underlined are the most prominent [the lithographer has not rendered these correctly.
At such times he had a map of the country-side before his eyes, with every ditch and fence and pit underlined and marked dangerous; and though he rode straight when the hounds were off, he rode straight with a fluttering heart.
Who was the discriminating judge who had marked these passages and underlined these letters?
The first step is the recognition of rhyming syllables which are underlined with colored pencils, using a different color for each rhyme.
The numbers so underlined stand out like a design in such a way that the child easily can study and compare the tables.
Her long lashes brushed her cheek; she drew a kind of isolation from the way her manner underlined the office.
They were grouped and shut off in a high light which seemed to proceed partly from the usual sources and partly from their own personalities; he saw them in a way which underlined their significance at every point.
In the following use a synonym in place of one of the underlined words:-- 1.
Reconstruct the following sentences, putting the underlined phrases in their proper places.
I am sorry, but I say this advisedly, since this disclosure must have taken place in your house," and heunderlined the words emphatically.
We know that it was not underlined by the Commission, and no one in the Government that had anything to do with it has ever told us that they had anything to do with underlining it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "underlined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: decided; emphatic; forceful; forcible; italicized; pointed; positive; stressed