An old man, Titokowaru's tohunga, or priest, walked up to it with a long stick of green timber in his hand, an unbarked sapling with a rough crook at one end.
Now commence fixing on theunbarked twigs; they should be as straight as possible and used in their natural shape, without being split in halves.
The chair can be made from unbarked wood without any dressing, or the bark may be removed and the wood, when dry, can be finished in stain and outside varnish.
The material may be fir or other straight unbarked saplings and twigs.
The walls were of unbarked logs, the roof of thatched branches interlaced, with the door at the river side.
Some trained in long arbors are held up by pillars of unbarked wood; others trail upon the earth in delicious luxuriance.
As the room had felt a little chilly from want of use, a large fire of unbarked wood had been kindled.
All the katashiro which are brought back are packed into two sheaths of reed and placed on a table of unbarked wood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unbarked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.