The principal object of the peace between the triumvirs was a new division of the provinces, by which the city of Scodra in Illyria was fixed upon as the boundary.
Sulla so rewarded his sworders; the triumvirs took the land of eighteen Italian towns to divide among their legionaries.
In the same way, Julius Caesar, and the triumvirsafter him, were in their day moved to extend citizenship in Italy because of the falling-off in the free Roman population.
The only noteworthy deviation from historical accuracy is in making the conference of the triumvirs take place at Rome and not at Bononia.
Nevertheless, although his efforts were ineffectual, he was still an obstacle of sufficient importance for the triumvirs to desire to get rid of him.
On his return two years later he continued to struggle against the combined powers of the triumvirs in the city, and became involved in scenes of violence and riot.
They declared themselves triumvirs for the settlement of the commonwealth, and after a conference of three days, divided between themselves the provinces and legions.
The republicans had a force of eighty thousand infantry and twenty thousand cavalry, while the triumvirs commanded a still superior force.
The triumvirs had now gratified their vengeance by a series of murders never surpassed in the worst ages of religious and political fanaticism.
Thus, in the year 54, he set out for Syria, and the world saw each of the triumvirs busily engaged in pushing his own cause in his own way.
This was but the beginning of blood-shedding, for when the triumvirs reached Rome they issued list after list of the doomed, some names being apparently included at the request of daughters, wives, and friends to gratify private malice.
He was proscribed by the triumvirs at the same time that Cicero was, but was fortunate enough to escape and subsequently to be placed under the protection of Augustus.
The triumvirs found the influence of Cicero unfavorable to their plans, and encouraged his enemy, P.
When the triumvirs came to terms with one another, Cicero was included by Antony among those whose death he demanded.
He was a close friend of Atticus, who afterwards saved his property from confiscation by the Triumvirs (Nep.
The triumvirs had an instrument for rendering him helpless in Clodius, but Cicero could not believe that they would use it, or that his services to the state could be so far forgotten as to make danger possible.
Meanwhile the triumvirs were more successful in their military operations than the partisans of the prince.
At last the time came when the triumvirs were expected to appear at Fontainebleau on the morrow, to secure the prize of the king's person.
Such was the trick by which the triumvirs hoped to take the wind out of the confederates' sails.
But neither of the triumvirs showed any readiness to obey her orders.
Triumvirs as to the propriety of engaging the Huguenots, ii.
A memorandum of eight articles from the triumvirs to Navarre, seized at the same time, showed the intention to arrest the Prince of Condé.
The triumvirs would not agree to the recall of those who had been exiled.
Under these circumstances the prince offered, through his brother, the Cardinal of Bourbon, to accede to the wish of Catharine, and leave Paris by one gate at the same moment that the triumvirs should leave by another.
Decemvirs as well as triumvirs were at times appointed to make distributions of domain lands in accordance with the provisions of an agrarian law.
The triumvirs entered upon their duties under the most unfavorable circumstances.
For when they learned of the union of the triumvirs and what the latter were doing against them, they came together there and made common cause more than ever.
Roman families arrived, with colors flying and under the guidance of three triumvirs or commissioners, on a territory to the north-east, on the borders of the Adriatic.
The treaty between Sextus Pompey and the Triumvirsdid not last long.
The Triumvirs next proceeded to imitate the example of Sulla by drawing up a Proscription--a list of persons whose lives were to be sacrificed and property confiscated.
The Triumvirs now left him to his fate, and Cicero, giving way to despair, quitted Rome at the beginning of April (B.
Cæsar saw that it was evident they would support whatever the Triumvirs might wish.
As soon as the Triumvirs had made their secret arrangements they marched toward Rome.
So great were his anxiety and fatigue that he died the night before the entry of the Triumvirs into the city.
It was arranged that the government of the Roman world should be divided between the three for a period of five years, under the title of "Triumvirs for settling the affairs of the Republic.
A law was proposed and carried conferring upon the Triumvirs the title and powers they had assumed.
The two Triumvirs then repaired to Rome to celebrate the marriage.
The Triumvirs were on the lower ground, in a less favorable position--Octavian opposite Brutus, and Antony opposite Cassius.
The contrast between the two Triumvirs was sufficiently striking, but Octavian called attention to the follies of Antony.
Conference of the Triumvirsat Luca 55 Second Consulship of Pompeius and Crassus 53 Disaster at Carrhae.
Much of his inherited property was lost; and it is possible that, like Vergil, Horace, and Propertius, he was a victim to the confiscations of the Triumvirs in 42 B.
Like Vergil and Tibullus, he lost his family property in the confiscation of lands by the Triumvirs in 42 B.
By the conference of the Triumvirs at Luca, it was arranged to secure the succession of Crassus to the government of Syria, in order to make war on the growing strength of the Parthian Empire beyond the Euphrates.
Since then the immediate danger to Rome seemed to come rather from the North than from the West, the Triumvirs watched with much anxiety the hesitating attitude of Guerrazzi and the Tuscan Government.
This motion was carried; the Triumvirs resigned their post to the Municipality, and a new Triumvirate was elected to carry out the terms of peace.
Even in the capital the Triumvirs had to use strong measures to check the fierce feeling against the priests.
Thereupon the Assembly voted that the Triumvirs should have power to resist force with force.
In sweeping away the various irregular tribunals, which had grown up under the papal tyranny, the Triumvirs had to deal with the question of the Inquisition.
The forces which had been rather carelessly scattered in the outlying provinces of the Roman State, were concentrated by the Triumvirs near Bologna.
Many of the houses were battered down, but the inhabitants were provided by the Triumvirs with fresh lodgings in the deserted houses of the Cardinals.
But the Triumvirs felt that there would be a certain incongruity in such a trial, which could only lead to mischief, and they persuaded Roselli to abandon his proposal.
The judicial powers of the triumvirs were taxed to the utmost to determine what land was public, and what was private.
Caius Gracchus and Fulvius Flaccus were named amongst the triumvirs who were to establish the new colony.
The women appealed to the sister of one of the triumvirs and to the mother and wife of another but with little success.
The estates of the wealthy were confiscated, and conferred by the triumvirs upon their friends and favorites.
The history of the events that lie between the action at Philippi and the establishment of the empire is simply a record of the struggles among the triumvirs for the possession of the prize of supreme power.
The triumvirs by this massacre firmly established their rule at Rome and in the West.
In the East, where Brutus and Cassius had gathered a formidable force, the triumvirs were not to win without a struggle.
Being proscribed by the triumvirs he took flight, but was betrayed by his slaves and put to death, B.
In the proscription agreed on by the triumvirs he was marked out as one of the chief victims.
But, although agreed in this main object, the triumvirs were extremely suspicious of each other, and jealous of the rights each might claim in the spoil which they contemplated.
All the parties of the assembly were united against Robespierre, all the accomplices of the triumvirs were prepared to act against the convention.
During this stormy contest the accomplices of the triumvirs had assembled at the Commune and the Jacobins.
The triumvirs were delivered to the gendarmerie, who removed them amidst general applause.
De Lesseps and theTriumvirs were still conferring.
On that same day the Triumvirs resigned, and the Assembly appointed Garibaldi dictator.
Garibaldi desired no armistice, he feared delay, but theTriumvirs still hoped to obtain France's assistance ultimately and so checked his pursuing the first advantage.
Three weeks later the forces clashed again and the triumvirs won a complete victory.
The triumvirs were in no mood to read a book of lamentations.
Epyllia Ethics in the Aeneid Etruscans Evictions by the triumvirs Evolution Fate, in the Aeneid Fowler, W.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "triumvirs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.