It is, perhaps, to be regretted that time did not allow of an examination of the other affluents of the Usayali trending towards San Ramon and Tarmo.
They crossed the dense scrubs and basaltic ridge dividing the Dawson waters from thosetrending to the west, flowing into the basin of the Maranoa River.
Very little rock of this character is met with west and south of the Dividing Range which separates rivers flowing to the eastern and northern coast, and those trending south to the Murray or Cooper's Creek.
After this, the river trending too much to the east, they crossed the divide, thus leaving the Gulf waters behind them.
Steering to the west through open water and patches of trailing brash, we were encouraged to find the pack trending towards the south.
Aurora' was in calm water under another mighty ice face trending across our course.
The glacier-tongue is trending to the east and a line of heavy pack extends to the north, with many large bergs.
January 20, our progress to the west was stopped by a fleet of bergs off the mainland and an extensive field of berg-laden pack-ice, trending to the north and north-east.
It is about a mile in length, trending nearly north and south, having a breadth of about half this; and in height some five hundred feet.
Keeping to a direction was impossible in trending the intricate alley-ways; the coolie seemed merely to be following the paths of greatest smell.
It certainly appeared impassable--trending along the sky like the escarpment of some gigantic fortress.
The sides of this mountain, trending up from the level of the plain, rose not with a gentle acclivity, but with precipitous abruptness.
The hillock from which they had descended was but the highest summit of a long ridge, trending in the same direction as the coast.
Russian charts lay down the trending of the coast from Olutorskoi Noss.
The weather becoming moderate for the remaining part of the day, we directed our course according to the trending of the ice, which in many parts formed deep bays.
The main coast beyond the point forms some bights, and is divided betwixt sand and rock, as before described: its general trending is nearly east.
No land could be seen in the direction from whence it came; and these circumstances, with the trending of the coast to the north, did not fail to excite many conjectures.
It was seldom that the weather would allow of any thing being distinguished beyond two miles; and when the night came on we were quite uncertain of the trending of the coast.
We reach you to-day not by deep-sea vessel from the westward but up through the continent by its biggest northward-trending stream.
That sparkling flood beyond proves the Athabasca to be a live, northward-trending river, a river capable of carrying us with it, and no mere wiggly line on a map.
Breaking off at Fort Resolution, Great Slave Lake, and trending eastward by canoe over unchartered ways, will they reach salt water on Hudson Bay as they hope?
They form a double atoll about 38 miles in length and trending N.
The Mount is an isolated rocky tongue rising suddenly like an island from the low levels, and trending north-west to south-east.
The surface is rolling ground, with a rise and a depression trending from south-west to north-east.
It lies at the south-western end of a butte, one of a series disposed in parallel ranges and trending in the usual direction.
They can always be struck by a cross-cut trending east-west.
The path crossed several streamlets trending north to the Aunábé, and a bad mud which had seen corduroy in its better days.
We found a small watercourse trending easterly, and in it I discovered a pool of clear rain-water, all among stones.
Crossing safely, and now having the river on my right hand, we continued our journey, sighting a continuous range of hills to the north, which ran east and west, and with the glasses I could see the river trending towards them.
The character of the country is an open stony plateau, upon which lines of hills or ranges rise; it is intersected by numerous watercourses, all trending to Lake Eyre, and was an excellent cattle run.
They form parallel belts of varying width trending north-east and south-west.
A striking geological feature of the county is the number of dolerite and basalt dykes trending in a north-west direction, which are referred to the same period of intrusion.
This mountain range, trendingsouth and a little west from Dublin, is the main feature of Leinster--well marked in history.
It is forty leagues or more to Tiguex, the road trending toward the north.
At ten miles we crossed a watercourse with many pools of brackish water in it, trending to a lake visible under the coast ridge.
Four miles beyond this we crossed a chain of salt ponds, trending seawards, towards an apparent gap in the coast-line; and six miles further another.
The valley we were upon (and one or two others near) led to a much larger one below, through which appeared to take its course the channel of a considerable watercourse trending towards a bight in the coast at S.
The captain of the Pinta reported that he understood from that, that this Cuba was a city, and that the land was a great continent trending far to the north.
Beyond this cape there stretched out another land or cape, also trending east, which the Indians on board called Bohio.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trending" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.