Rob Roy, and also a fresh heap of traditionary gleanings, which he had gathered among the tale-tellers of his district.
At Bethnal-green is an old mansion, which the inhabitants, with their usual love of traditionary lore, assign as the palace of the blind beggar.
There is a traditionary report, that the garrison was partly surprized through some of the troops being engaged at cards when the assault commenced.
He tells us that Bethlehem, the traditionary birthplace of the Lord, was shaded by a grove of that still older Syrian Lord, Adonis, and that where the infant Jesus had wept, the lover of Venus was bewailed.
Grant that it is "the traditionary testimony of the Church" which guarantees the canonicity of each and all of the books of the Old and New Testaments.
In local nomenclature the hill has long been known as Snake Hill, from the traditionary abundance of rattle-snakes on it, though few have been seen there in later years.
It has its traditionary Indian story, of course; in this section of country it is easy to coin traditions of the wars of the Mohawks, the Hurons, and the Algonquians; they interest but do not harm any one.
Three or four miles north is Wanton Island, the site of a traditionary battle between the Mohawks and the Katskill Indians.
The Mohammedans likewise have been held in the bondage of traditionary forms and ceremonials.
The Giant Gods Gods and demi-gods as vast as their mountains are celebrated in the traditionary chants of the Hawaiians.
To this day fear and ignorance paint gnomes and elves in the palm groves and among the wild Java uplands of the mid-Pacific, and Honolulu itself is not free from the lingering and traditionary kahuna.
Others appear to have retained with tenacity that traditionary lore which the aged among the tribes generally employ the leisure of their superannuated days in handing down to the young.
He gathers together the bits and ends of sayings which go to make up the traditionary lore of a country; and this unbooked knowledge renders him sager than a man of much reading.
Yet the civil and religious wars of the seventeenth century have afforded some subjects fortraditionary poetry, and the reader is here presented with the ballads of that disastrous aera.
Of this the traditionarystory of Sir Godfrey Macculloch forms a curious example.
But the traditionary accounts regarding her are too obscure to admit of explanation.
He had read deeply and extensively, digested his acquisitions, and had practised himself in surveying them, free from those conventional conclusions and those traditionaryinferences that surrounded him.
The literature of the Gaelic is exceedingly limited, confined chiefly to old ballads, songs and traditionary stories.
He read poetry, romances and tales with avidity, and stored his mind with traditionary ballads, songs and stories.
He soon began to try his own hand in imitation of these traditionary poems, and published a volume of ballads, which attracted some attention, but never became very popular.
Imbedded in the national consciousness of many European States the historian finds everywhere the shadowy outlines of "nobility" and "aristocracy" delineated on the surface of traditionary pretense and political desire.
Some traditionary merriment always lingered among the working classes of England.
Its grace and ceremony must have been organic; for there was no traditionary type in existence from which he could have derived or inherited it.
Though far from complete, this summary is a more comprehensive presentation of the traditionary history of these people than has heretofore been published.
Stephen’s traditionary material from Tusayan, embraced in the first chapter of the paper.
Some reference to this ruin win be found in the traditionary material in Chapter I.
As of that remote time, there is not even a traditionary record; this supposition is absolutely conjectural.
They are known to us only through traditionary legends orally handed down by the races that succeeded them.
His performances may derive some original traits from his own genius; but must generally conform to a traditionary pattern and to the consequent expectations of the audience.
Hence the wizard is always trying experimentally to extend his poweraEuro"of course on the model of his traditionary art; always desiring power, and believing that he has obtained, because he desires it.
Hence not only traditionary myths may be monstrous and arbitrary, but occasional tales of private invention, amongst both children and savages, usually exhibit disconnected transitions and impossible happenings.
He boasts of it as the foundation of his power over nature or over spirits; often as a supernatural gift of spirits whom he has visited, or who have visited him, and who have initiated him; or else as secret traditionary lore.
Euro The traditionary lore of the Kayans answers many deep questions; but the keener intelligences inquire furtheraEuro"aEurooewhy do the dead become visible only in dreams?
Whatsoever of truth, traditionary or original, thy own god-given intellect shall point out to thee as true, that thou wilt go and do.
It is governed by a most singular series of traditionary influences, which generation after generation cherishes and preserves because it knows that they embalm custom and represent law.
Criticism was eating into it on one side, and ritualism on the other, breaking through the old use and wont, the traditionary habits which were its strongest bulwarks.
They were the objects of universal homage--partly a vulgar adulation of rank, partly the traditionary reverence for their order, which had not yet begun to wane.
Parodies and dialect poems have been purposely omitted, because they form classes by themselves and are essentially different in spirit from both the traditionary and the literary ballads.
There were several dishes quaintly decorated, and which had evidently something traditionary in their embellishments; but about which, as I did not like to appear over-curious, I asked no questions.
The traditionary customs of golden-hearted antiquity, its feudal hospitalities, and lordly wassailings, have passed away with the baronial castles and stately manor-houses in which they were celebrated.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "traditionary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.