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Example sentences for "titrating"

Lexicographically close words:
titmice; titmouse; titolo; titrate; titrated; titration; titre; tits; titter; tittered
  1. This property is made use of in determining the quantity of uranium in pure solutions by titrating with permanganate of potassium solution as in the case with iron.

  2. The strength of this solution is determined by titrating against 10 or 20 c.

  3. The ferrous iron is determined by dissolving another 2 grams in hydrochloric acid and at once titrating with the permanganate of potassium solution.

  4. These show the importance of always cooling before titrating, and of titrating the assay and standard at the same temperature.

  5. The iodine is measured by titrating with a solution of sodium hyposulphite,[57] using starch paste as indicator.

  6. This should be remembered, since when titrating arsenic assays with iodine it must be present; and students must avoid confounding the two titrations.

  7. The quantity of titanium reduced is measured by titrating with permanganate of potassium solution.

  8. Besides the standard solutions, which are required for titrating an assay, permanent solutions of the metal or acid of equivalent strength are very useful.

  9. Dilute sulphuric acid, made by adding one part of the acid to three of water, and titrating with the permanganate solution till a faint pink persists after warming for several hours.

  10. The solution is standardised by titrating a quantity of oxalic acid about equivalent to the lime present in the assay; 0.

  11. The indicator is a saturated solution of iron alum, or a solution of ferric sulphate of equivalent strength made by titrating acid ferrous sulphate with potassium permanganate.

  12. If not already neutral, it is neutralised by titrating cautiously with a solution of soda.

  13. In one determine the iron by reducing and titrating in the way described under volumetric iron.

  14. For example: if 2 grams of a mineral were taken, and if on titrating with the permanganate solution (standard 1.

  15. N/10 solution of sodium thiosulphate, standardised just prior to use by titrating a weighed quantity of resublimed iodine dissolved in potassium iodide solution.

  16. Chlorides are estimated by titrating the neutral solution with N/10 silver nitrate solution, potassium chromate being used as indicator.

  17. The total quantity of these compounds may be ascertained by acidulating with acetic acid, and titrating with N/10 iodine solution, using starch paste as indicator.

  18. Total alkali is estimated by dissolving 2 grammes in distilled water, and titrating when cold, with N/1 acid, using methyl orange as indicator.

  19. Chloride of sodium (common salt) may be estimated by dissolving the total salts in water, adding potassium chromate, and titrating with N/10 silver nitrate solution.

  20. Caustic soda, by titrating with N/1 acid the filtrate resulting from the treatment of 20 c.

  21. The amount of sulphides may be estimated by titrating the hot soda solution, to which ammonia has been added, with an ammoniacal silver nitrate solution, 1 c.

  22. Alkalinity, which is usually sodium carbonate, and may be somewhat considerable if the soap has been grained with caustic alkali, is determined after dilution with water by titrating with N/2 acid, using methyl orange as indicator.

  23. N/1 sulphuric acid, boiling for a few minutes, and titrating the excess of acid with N/1 caustic soda solution, using litmus as indicator.

  24. The process is performed by precipitating the bismuth by excess of oxalic acid, dissolving the precipitate (first purified from free oxalic acid) in dilute hydrochloric acid, and lastly, titrating by permanganate.

  25. Ammonia is most quickly estimated by distilling, receiving the distillate in decinormal acid, and then titrating back.

  26. The estimation was in each case performed by titrating the distillate with argentic nitrate, the sulphur compounds having been previously got rid of by saturating the distillate with KHO, and precipitating by lead acetate.

  27. Phenol-phthalein solution being added, the excess of potash is estimated by carefully titrating with standard hydrochloric acid solution.

  28. The purity of the compound can be ascertained by dissolving in glacial acetic acid, adding potassium iodide, and titrating with thiosulphate; 0.

  29. Methylated spirit is detected by rubbing a little of the suspected brandy on the hands, and then drawing a long breath with the hands over the mouth.

  30. A mixture of 9 parts powdered Bergundy pitch with 1 part pine pollen, 3/4 oz.

  31. Assuming the impure NaOH used originally in making the titrating solution consisted of NaOH and Na{2}CO{3} only, what per cent of each was present?

  32. In titrating solutions of alkali carbonates in the presence of phenolphthalein, the color change takes place when the carbonate has been converted to bicarbonate.

  33. On titrating with standard acid, it required 15.

  34. It is evident therefore that after multiplying the number of cubic centimeters used in titrating by the heat factor for nitric acid (2.

  35. Each cubic centimeter of the ammonia titrating solution used is equivalent to a correction of 2.

  36. Illustration: Titrating apparatus] The author also describes the apparatus he employs for storing and titrating with baryta solution.

  37. The methods of reducing with iron and titrating this with chromate of potassa, etc.

  38. Of the methods of precipitating the compounds of the protoxide and estimating the acid, that of the phosphate is by far the most accurate, titrating with uranium solution; 99.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "titrating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.