There was a generaltitter among the officers, in which I heartily joined.
A titter ran round the classroom and Gerry got fiery red.
And although Muriel Paget commanded her sharply to shut up and get into bed, yet the titter of appreciation that went round the dormitory warned Geraldine only too surely that Dorothy had found a nickname for her that would stick.
I did so all the more carefully that I had heard from behind the high garden wall a suppressed girlish titter at the success of the merry trick.
He thanked me with rather a surprised look: I myself blushed deeply, and hearing a derisive titter from the ladies' bower, I lost my composure for a few minutes.
His Holiness the Judge leaned back on his throne and surveyed me with the contempt I deserved, nor did he repress the little titterthat ran through the assembly.
I have heard none,’ said he, and again the titter went round the court.
The folly of the question raised a titter from his brothers, who had always regarded their senior as the least brilliant of their clan.
As Mr. Spark's help-mate was a fruitful vine, and presented him with a pledge of her affection every year, the titter among the congregation was unmistakable and irresistible.
In her dreams she saw the young maidens of the village stand aloof, as she had once stood aloof from them:--she heard the senseless titter of their laugh; and she had no courage to resent the impertinence.
Their titter is only suppressed because of the place in which they are.
Scarce had they turned the corner when a titter Like the skipping of rabbits by moonlight,--three slim shapes, And a face that looked up .
A titter came from the faces pressed against the windows outside.
There was a titter of laughter at this piece of information.
There would have been a titter if any other man had said it, but it was so strong and earnest, and so much in character, that hardly a smile crossed a face that fronted him.
A titter ran around the court-room, in which Mr. Belcher joined.
When this happens, if one has presence of mind to listen, he can distinctly hear a fine metallictitter along the tops of the furniture and a hasty scamper, as of tiny scurrying feet.
At this there was a titter among the young ladies.
There was an ugly look in her eyes as she said this, but the titter increased into a kind of derisive laugh.
She gave a titter which rolled through my very heart.
I burst into a sarcastic titter at Matilda's expense and my own "Of course I was a ninny," I scoffed at myself again and again.
But then, a titter from the rude gallant as he passed, sent them forward amidst the throng.
This sally of Tarleton's against the Earl of Leicester was received with a titter of applause, and Burleigh, who had indeed tutored the poor jester, greatly enjoyed it.
I heard a titter behind me, and here and there some fine lady or gentleman held a quizzing-glass to the eye, as though I was some strange natural from over-seas.
There was a slight titter at this sly reference to the magnitude of the lies that would have to be taken in, but Ujarak's vanity rendered him invulnerable to such light shafts.
No one laughed—I grew so desperate that a titter would have given relief.
It soon became evident, however, that the hearers were moved by some other feeling, for I heard a profound titter or two behind me.
In this knot De Vere was conspicuous by the loud tone of his voice and the continued titter of his unmeaning laugh.
This was said with an air of sneering mockery so palpable as to call forth an approving titter from the throng of satellites at his back.
Under a cloud of rappee, his lordship made a desperate attempt to look perfectly delighted and amused, and effected a retreat to the window, where he again indulged in a titter of unutterable spite and vexation.
The titter which followed this menace was unexpectedly interrupted.
Ashwoode did not move, and an universal titter ran round the spectators, whose attention was now effectually enlisted.
Then I wad ware my widowhood Upon a ranting Highlandman' This canticle, which excited a suppressed titter among the younger part of the audience, totally overcame the patience of the taunted man of the anvil.
And sometimes, if papa and mamma were not in the way to keep them on their good behaviour, the misses would titter a little.
A titter ran round the various tables as I did so, and I distinctly saw one boy make a grimace at me.
She came down the platform, head well up and an easy swinging walk, no more regarding the amused titter of the crowd of girls, separating to let her pass, than a St. Bernard dog would have noticed the yap of some toy poodles.
A titter among the younger officers, at Gerald Grantham's expense had followed this rejection of his proffered arm.
An ill-suppressed titter pervaded the group of British officers--the general alone preserving his serieux.