The art of tinning sheet-iron was brought over from Germany by natives of that country, at the instigation of Andrew Yarranton, the agent of an English company.
In the last toy, if tinned plate and tinned steel wire are used, the soldering is a fairly easy matter, because the tinning has already been done.
And, no doubt, the process still followed is of the same nature as the process used by the ancients for tinning copper.
The ancients seem to have been ignorant of the method of tinning iron.
Reaumur undertook to discover a method of tinning iron sufficiently cheap to admit the article to be manufactured in France--and he succeeded.
The following method fortinning copper, brass, and iron in the cold, and without apparatus, is by F.
In the former country there are several establishments of a colossal character, where the work of tinning the meat is carried on, in many of which establishments hundreds of cattle are slaughtered daily.
If proper care be taken of them, and they are well dried after being cleaned, they are also by far the cheapest; the purchase of a new tin saucepan being little more than the expense of tinning a copper one.
Pans of copper or brass are extremely improper, as the tinning wears out by the scraping of the ladle.
If the tinning of a pan happens to be scorched or blistered, it is best to send it directly to be repaired, to prevent any possible danger arising from the solution of the metal.
Upon inspecting the boilers, my first fear was realized--there was nothing but copper--all the tinninghad worn away.
My eldest brother went to learn the tinning business of the Major's workmen.
When we wish to combine tin with iron, as in the tinning of cast-iron tea kettles, we rub sal ammoniac upon the surfaces of the hot metals in contact with each other, and thus exclude the atmospheric oxygen by means of its fumes.
It is principally used in tinning of cast-iron, wrought iron, copper, brass, and for making the various ammoniacal preparations of pharmacy.
Fourth, use the same flux intinning as is to be used in soldering.
The tinning must be thoroughly done, or it will come off and have to be re-tinned.
Before the tinning is done, paper is put on the brass, leaving only 1-1/8 inches exposed.
A little practice will develop the use of the iron in the hands of the beginner so that this tinning process will be done very rapidly.
This method oftinning the ferrule will spoil the wiping solder.
The use of muriatic acid in tinning the iron is not recommended.
This operation is the same, only on a smaller scale, as the tinning of the 2-inch and the 4-inch brass ferrule.
Constant wiping on the brass ferrule will result in the tinning on the brass ferrule coming off.
The inside of brass or copper vessels should be scoured with fullers' earth and water, and set to dry, else the tinningwill be injured.
The tinning of copper-saucepans should be kept perfect, clean, and dry: in which case they may be used with safety.
Undoubtedly the best method oftinning a bit is that in use by the plumber who well knows the invaluable qualities of sal-ammoniac (ammonium chloride) for the purpose.
The tinning may be done in several ways, but the easiest is by the blowpipe, using resin oil as flux.
One brick is used to support the soldering tool, and the other to contain the tinningmaterial and to furnish a material which will keep the copper bit bright enough to receive its coating of "tin.
If proper care is taken of them, and they are well dried after they are cleaned, they are by far the cheapest; the purchase of a new tin saucepan being little more than the expense of tinning a copper one.
In my experience also an iron so tinned is more easily spoiled as to the state of its surface, "detinned," in fact, by overheating than when the tinning is carried out by resin and friction.
It will be found advisable to tin every side of the point of the bit and to carry the tinning back at least half an inch from the edge.
I find it necessary to speak of tinning the ends of iron pipes, etc.
Do not put too much heat on your iron pipe, either whentinning or making the joint, or the solder will not take or stand.
Previously, I described the method of tinning the bit, etc.
Of the process employed in tinning in ancient times, we have no account; but the words of Pliny incoquere and incoctilia seem almost to denote that it was performed, as in tinning our iron wares, by immersing the vessels in melted tin.
Had tinning been then as much used as at present, some tinned vessels must have been found.
This much, however, is certain, that the tinning of iron is more modern than the tinning of copper.
The art of tinning plate-iron was invented either in Bohemia or Germany, and introduced at a later period into England, France, and other countries.
Pliny perhaps meant to say, that tinning properly ought to be done with pure tin, but that unprincipled artists employed for that purpose tin mixed with lead.
But, notwithstanding all this dexterity, which must be allowed to the Romans, they appear to have employed tinning at any rate for kitchen utensils and household furniture very seldom.