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Example sentences for "observes"

Lexicographically close words:
observd; observe; observed; observer; observers; observeth; observing; obsess; obsessed; obsessing
  1. Comte himself observes that the evolution of science has been accomplished by the division of labour; but he quite misstates the mode in which this division of labour has operated.

  2. This is undoubtedly too extreme a view, but the more one observes these cases, the more one is inclined to hesitate in calling these individuals normal in the accepted sense of the term.

  3. He observes little that goes on about him and remains motionless in one spot.

  4. That moss, observes Gilpin, is a flat area, about seven miles in circumference, situated on the western confines of England and Scotland.

  5. Mr. Austen observes that this rule holds good in every part of the English Channel examined by him.

  6. The rein-deer, observes a modern writer, is in Lapland a loser by his connexion with man, but Iceland will be this creature's paradise.

  7. The mountain stream or torrent," observes Keith, "washes down to the valley the seeds which may accidentally fall into it, or which it may happen to sweep from its banks when it suddenly overflows them.

  8. The sex is practiced in deceiving," observes St. Maximus.

  9. If one observes this relationship, one is bound to notice that it is based on the self-evident assumption that one possesses a lasting individuality, whose actions deal with a lasting material world.

  10. This phenomenon can be seen in nature, if, for instance, one observes a bed of blue and red flowers in the fading evening light and compares the impression with that which the same flowers make in bright daylight.

  11. The New Year," observes The Athenaeum, "opens with some announcements of promise in our own literary world.

  12. Wilde observes that stone hammers, and not unfrequently stone anvils, have been employed by smiths and tinkers in some of the remote country districts until a comparatively recent period.

  13. He further observes that “none of the cavern blades appeared to have been rubbed or polished, but exhibit the rough serrated edge of the original fracture.

  14. Dewey observes that many of the difficulties in current controversy can be traced to presuppositions tacitly held by thinkers as to what experience means.

  15. In beginning these studies Dewey observes that certain idealistic writers (not named) have been employing in support of their idealism certain facts which have an obvious physical nature and explanation.

  16. He observes that the window-shades have not been drawn.

  17. That such an impression can be produced, no one can question who observes the conduct of men in their ordinary relations to each other.

  18. Mr. Lang observes that this shows savages and civilized men to have "different standards of credulity.

  19. There we are told that Man, the servant and interpreter of Nature, can only understand and act in proportion as he observes or contemplates the order of nature--more he cannot do.

  20. And this ceremony Plato also observes in his Banquet.

  21. A very interesting looking young man," Mrs. Boodels observes aloud when he arrives, but she is a little afraid of him on finding that he can do a conjuring trick.

  22. Whereupon Miss Medford observes that the gentlemen will amuse us.

  23. Cazell observes quickly that the place for curious marine specimens is Bakstorf in Central Russia.

  24. Medford observes that there will be time before the lecture begins to show his conjuring trick with the shilling.

  25. It is just like Mr. Regniati," observes Madame, severely.

  26. Chilvern observes that it all wants doing up, and commences making plans and notes in a book, which he takes from his pocket, in company with a small ivory two-foot rule.

  27. I vas born for a sport-mans," Mr. Regniati observes to us.

  28. Mrs. Frimmely observes "that it'll be something to do.

  29. Boodels observes in a chilly sort of way that he doesn't care for larches, or firs.

  30. Jenkyns Soames observes that he shall devote his day to correcting his great work on Scientific Economy for the press.

  31. Medford pockets his shilling and observes that "he'll do it afterwards.

  32. He observes frequently that the judicial work is the only part of our administrative system which is still in a thoroughly satisfactory state.

  33. In a letter written in July 1855 he observes that the Midland is the nearest approach to the old circuits as they were before the days of railways.

  34. Mr. Coleridge observes that he was anything but a passive victim, and turned fiercely upon the ringleaders of his enemies.

  35. He observes in one article of the time that his father had made the same prophecy before 1847.

  36. Fitzjames, in his preface, observes that much has been said of the 'historical method' of late years.

  37. In 1856 he observes that he was about to take a walk with Alfred Wills of the 'High Alps.

  38. On the day before the poll he observes that 'it is wretched, paltry work.

  39. Ilbert, in the 'Law Quarterly,' observes that their real merit is that they were 'suitable and sufficient for the needs which they were intended to meet.

  40. Taylor observes that Stephen 'had an enormous appetite for work,' and 'rather preferred not to be helped.

  41. In giving the news to Lord Lytton, he observes that he feels like a man who has got into a comfortable carriage on a turnpike road after scrambling over pathless mountain ranges.

  42. He observes himself that his 'book will be read by hardly anyone, while Macaulay's paragraph will be read with delighted conviction by several generations.

  43. Romilly observes that the appointment was questionable, because Stephen, though he was fully qualified by his abilities, was not sufficiently versed in the law.

  44. Writing a few months later to the same correspondent, he observes that the difference between them is partly a difference of character.

  45. But you suppresses the facts, Kif, when you says she's haughty," observes Dan Boggs.

  46. Nor can any one wonder that such should be the case, who observes what is going on there.

  47. That the inductive philosophy is even more marked by its secular tendencies than by its scientific ones, will be evident to whoever observes the epochs in which it has been most active, and has possessed most adherents.

  48. In one of his essays, he observes (Philosophical Works, vol.

  49. He keeps on observing until a German shell observes him.

  50. A captive balloon behind the lines which observes the enemy.

  51. A position in the front line where an artillery officer observes the fire of our guns.

  52. There was not quite that degree of cultivation which the traveler observes in the best parts of England, but the scenery was none the less beautiful for that.

  53. His countenance is filled with mingled astonishment and horror, yet he preserves his wits and observes very critically all that is about him.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "observes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.