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Example sentences for "thone"

Lexicographically close words:
tholed; tholes; tholos; thomething; thon; thong; thonged; thongs; thonne; thoo
  1. Not that Nepenthes which the wife of Thone In Egypt gave to Jove-born Helena.

  2. Not that Nepenthes which the wife of Thone 675 In Egypt gave to Jove-born Helena Is of such power to stir up joy as this, To life so friendly, or so cool to thirst.

  3. For if Kiddes be sockled vp wyth Ewes Milke, and Lambes wyth Goates, the woll of thone will grow more rough and hard, and the heare of the other more tender and soft.

  4. On the eastern boundary of the forest, on rising ground, was the isle, surrounded by dangerous marshes formed by the little rivers, Thone and Parret.

  5. Not far from here, at the meeting of the Thone and the Parret, there lies an island surrounded by morasses.

  6. And cyning; and thy geare namon | this year were slain nine earls and West-Seaxan frith with thone here.

  7. Thone chose this cottage for me because of the number of the flowers.

  8. After ten minutes Thone entered and went up to Clara.

  9. Thone took me in, and I believe she had waited for me at the door.

  10. For Thone could spell out a little English now.

  11. Should I tell Mr. Davy what I pay to Thone for keeping my house in order,--or whether I went to church on a Sunday?

  12. But while Thone is at that work, perhaps you will like to walk in out of the sun, which is too hot for you, I am sure.

  13. Thone opened the door, looking quite as eastern in the western beams.

  14. Thone was waiting, and held it open,--the sweet hay scented every breath.

  15. Thone took the cue, gave me a kind of smile, and preceded me with a noiseless march to the very back parlor; I advanced on tiptoe and crouching forwards.

  16. It was the first time Thone had ever called me "sir," and I felt very grand.

  17. This was as it should be, the very door-bell dressed with flowers; but more as it should be, it was that Thone opened the door.

  18. Clara asked no questions of her chief guest, but pouring out both chocolate and coffee, offered them both; he accepted the former, nor refused the wing of a chicken which Thone brought, nor the bread which Clara asked me to cut.

  19. Boh Da Thone was a warrior bold: His sword and his Snider were bossed with gold, And the Peacock Banner his henchmen bore Was stiff with bullion, but stiffer with gore.

  20. The name of thone is Smith, cook of the Moone; the others name is Asberry, a marrenar in the Bull.

  21. Thone did not like my staying, but I would stay, although I did not once sit down.

  22. I would have withdrawn my hand, for I was beginning to fear something dreadful in the way of an oracle, but Thone led me with irrepressible authority to the window.

  23. No more I do mean, but perhaps it will come upon me, and Thone says, 'Child, you must.

  24. Thone never answered the door in St. Anthony's Lane, but invariably the same extraordinary figure who had startled me on my first visit.

  25. Thone took my hand in hers, and feeling I trembled, she said some quick words to Clara in a species of Low German, whose accent I could not understand, and Clara replied in the same.

  26. Thone can't talk much English, but she said to me, 'Make her speak.

  27. Thone is very wise, and she said to me the other day, after you were gone, 'He is one of us.

  28. Thone was with me, and took care of me in that wild place.

  29. On receiving a short, low reply, as Thone left the room, she again addressed me.

  30. Thone was neither a gaunt nor a great woman, though tall; her hands were beautifully small and slender, and though she was as brunette as her eye was dark, she was clear as that darkness was itself light.

  31. Item thadmirall of the vanwarde ys appoynted to beare too flaggs of saint George crosse, thone in his mayne topp and thother in his fore topp.

  32. And more twoe banners of damask thone of crymson with a lyon of gold, thother of purple with affaulcon of silver fringed with silke.

  33. And ealle we cwædon on tham dæge the mon tha athas swor, thæt ne theowe ne freo ne moton in thone here faran butan leafe, ne heora nan the ma to us.

  34. Gif man thone man betyhth, the bith læssa maga thonne se cyninges thegn, ladige he hine mid XI his gelicena and mid anum cyninges thægne.

  35. Ond ic bebiode on Godes naman thæt nan mon thone æstel from thære bec ne do, ne tha boc from thæm mynstre.

  36. But where do the hallucinations of the city of Thone fit in?

  37. Then, as one part of his mind drew back in terror at what it knew was about to happen, another part wondered at the mystery of Thone and the people in it.

  38. Item, one fanne of feather of divers colours, the handle of golde, with a bare and a ragged staffe on both sides, and a lookinge glass on thone side.

  39. Item, one handle of golde enamelled, set with small rubies and emerodes, lackinge 9 stones, with a shipp under saile on thone side.

  40. He is Leo geciged of Iudan maegdhe, Dauides wyrtruma, fordhan dhe he, dhurh his godcundlican strencdhe, thone miclan deofol mid sige his dhrowunge oferswidhde.

  41. Tha waeron mid him aefre sydhdhan, and he him taehte ealne thone wisdom dhe on halgum bocum stent, and thurh h['i] ealne cristendom astealde.

  42. Understandadh nu hwilc sy on weges geswince to ateorigenne, and dheah nelle thone weg geendigan.

  43. Se witega Ionas waes gehealden unformolten on dhaes hwaeles innodhe dhreo niht, and seo swicole Dalila thone strangan Samson mid olaecunge bepaehte, and besceorenum fexe his feondum belaewde.

  44. Se eadmoda Godes Sunu waes gearo to geneosigenne thone dheowan mid his andwerdnysse, and he gehaelde thone aedheling mid haese; be dham cwaedh se witega, "Se healica Drihten sceawadh tha eadmodan, and tha modigan feorran oncnaewdh.

  45. Gif oxa odhres mannes oxan gewundige and he thonne dead sy, bebycggen thone oxan and haebben him thaet weordh gemaene and eac thaet flaesc swa thaes deadan.

  46. Gif hwa thonne of gyrnesse odhdhe gewealdes ofslea his thone nehstan thurh syrwa, aluc thu hine fram minum weofode, to tham thaet he deadhe swelte.

  47. Gif hwa slea his thone nehstan mid stane odhdhe mid fyste, and he theah utgangan maege be stafe, begyte him laece and wyrce his weorc tha hwile, the he sylf ne maege.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.