Thonne bistu thone deg dael-niomende thorh Dryhtnes gefe alra theara goda the ænig monn for his noman gedoeth, and thec alle soth-festæ fore thingiath in caelo et in terra.
Gif man thone man betyhth, the bith læssa maga thonne se cyninges thegn, ladige he hine mid XI his gelicena and mid anum cyninges thægne.
Thonne wille we be him awritan swa swa we hine ageaton .
Deadh ne ondraet, thonne gefohdh he the and the byth aefre wa to ecere worulde.
Se-the hine thonne neades ofsloge odhdhe unwillum odhdhe ungewealdes, swylce hine god swa sende on his honda and he hine ne ymb syrede, sy he his feores wyrdhe and folcrihtre bot, gif he frydhstowe gesece.
Gif ge thonne elles dodh, hi cleopiadh to me and ic gehire hi, and ic eow thonne slea mid minum sweorde and ic gedo paet eowra wif bidh wudewan and eowre bearn bydh steopcilde.
Gif thu swa ne dest, thonne cleopadh he to me and ic hine gehyre, forthon the ic eom swidhe mildheort.
Gif hit thonne cucu feoh waere and he secge, thaet hit here name odhdhe thaet hit sylf acwaele, and he gewitnesse haebbe, ne thearf he thaet gyldan.
Gif he sydhdhan aefter sunnan upgonge this dedh, he bidh mansleges scyldig and he thonne sylfa swylte, butan he nyddaeda waere.
Gif hethonne sy idaeges dead, thonne sitte seo scyld on him.
Gif hwa ofslea his theowe odhdhe his theowenne thaet eage ut, and he thonne hi gedo aenigge, gefreoge hi forthon.
Gif he thonne gewitnesse naebbe, and he him ne getriewe ne sy, swerige he thonne.
Gif se hlaford thonne wiste, thaet se oxa hnitol waere and hine healdan nolde, sylle him odherne oxan fore and haebbe him ealle thaet flaesc.
Ac se wisa Salomon cwaedh, thaet selre waere to wunigenne mid leon and dracan thonne mid yfelan w['i]fe and oferspraecum.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thonne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.