But when the Kentishmen perceiued, that to resist him by force, they were nothing able, they attempted by monie to buy their peace, and so obteined their purpose, vpon paiment made to him of thirtie thousand marks of siluer.
About the same time the brother of king Halden came with thirtie [Sidenote: Matth.
Diuerse other of the Danish nobilitie to the number of thirtie (as Simon Dunelmensis saith) came at the same time in companie of their king Gurthrun, and were likewise baptised, on whòme king Alured bestowed manie rich gifts.
I haue maintain'd that Salamander of yours with fire, any time this two and thirtie yeeres, Heauen reward me for it Bard.
This to my Lord of Westmerland, Go Peto, to horse: for thou, and I, Haue thirtie miles to ride yet ere dinner time.
Commonly thirtie Acres make a farthing land, nine farthings a Cornish Acre, and foure Cornish Acres, a Knights fee.
Cornwall is seated (as most men accompt) in the Latitude of fiftie degrees, and thirtie minutes; and in the Longitude of sixe.
So they compounded to furnish ten Oxen after Michaelmas for thirtie pound price; to which, by another agreement with the Officers, they should adde fortie markes of their owne.
Some one, but not euerie such Rocke, may yeeld yeerely towards thirtie dozen of Guls.
Lucas de Barameda in Spaine) they will be there in thirtie or fourtie daies, & home againe in Cornewall in other eight weekes, which is a goodlie matter, beside the safetie and quietnesse in the passage.
Wherefore if we saie or write a moneth, it is to be expounded of eight and twentie daies, or foure weeks onelie, and not of hir vsuall period of nine and twentie daies and one and thirtie minuts.
Apollo Capitolinus that stood at Rome, was thirtie cubits high at the least; Tarentinus Iupiter of 40.
Of these two, Iardsey is the greatest, an Iland hauing thirtie miles in compasse, as most men doo coniecture.
Rome, in old time called Petressa and Scalas, though some like better of blacknesse where the breadth of the sea is not aboue thirtie miles.
By helpe of whose seruice at last Etheldred recouered his realme againe out of the hands of Swaine, and reigned ouer the whole monarchie eight and thirtie yeeres.
Item a collar of the garter of thirtie ounces of gold Troie weight.
Amongst other couenants and articles of this marriage, there was a truce accorded, to indure betwixt the two realms of England and France, for tearme of thirtie yeares.
After this, they set fire in more than thirtie places of the towne, so that there remained nothing vnburnt.
The weather and wind were so fauourable to the earles purpose, that within lesse thanthirtie daies he passed and repassed from Calis to Dublin, and backe againe.
The queene caused the king to dub hir sonne prince Edward knight, with thirtie other persons, which the day before fought on hir side against his part.
Thus was Normandie lost cleerelie out of the Englishmens hands, after it had continued in their possession the space of thirtie yeares by the conquest of Henrie the fift.
There died also the earles bastard sonne Henrie Talbot, and sir Edward Hull elect to the order of the garter, and thirtie other men of name and right valiant personages of the English nation.
Why Warwike, canst thou denie thy king, ·eak050· Whom thou obeyedst thirtie and eight yeeres, And bewray thy treasons with a blush?
We then with saile and ore, went backe againe in hast: A thirtie leagues I thinke, and more from thence where we were chast.
And being accompanied with diuers lords of England, he came to the citie of Excester, and so to Falmouth in Cornewall, and there taking ship sailed into Spaine, where shortlie after he died being thirtie yeares of age.
Examples in this booke be diuerse, among which one is verie memorable, mentioned in the thirtie & ninth yeare of Henrie the sixt.
And after this, shee assigned to him a gard of thirtie persons in murrie and blew, and highlie honoured him as a great estate, and called him the white rose of England.
The next yeare after there was a great plague, whereof men died in manie places verie sore; but speciallie and most of all in the citie of London, where died in that yeare thirtie thousand.
He reigned eight and thirtie yeares, six moneths and od daies, and after his readeption of the crowne six moneths.
The daie was verie hot, and hauing in his armie aboue three thousand footmen, he trauelled with them and the residue thirtie miles and more.
In the other end of the same pane a hall, conteining in length an hundred foot, vpon a vawt of twelue foot high, ordeined for the cellar and butterie: and the breadth of the hall six and thirtie foot.
Thus ye haue heard, how king Henrie the sixt, after he had reigned eight and thirtie yeares & od moneths, was driuen out of this realme.
And from the prouosts stall, vnto the greece called Gradus chori ninetie foot; for thirtie six stalles on either side of the same quiere, answering to threescore and ten fellowes, and ten priests conducts, which must be De prima forma.
The French king glad to heare these things, gaue to the herald when he should depart, beside the other reward, a peece of Crimson veluet of thirtie yards long.
Neuer till Caesars three and thirtie wounds Be well aueng'd; or till another Caesar Haue added slaughter to the Sword of Traitors Brut.
Of thirtie Saile: and now they do re-stem Their backward course, bearing with frank appearance Their purposes toward Cyprus.
Why Warwicke, canst thou speak against thy Liege, Whom thou obeyd'st thirtie and six yeeres, And not bewray thy Treason with a Blush?
Smith they conducted to a long house, where thirtie or fortie tall fellowes did guard him, and ere long more bread and venison were brought him then would have served twentie men.
M470) Therefore I determined to cause two great Barkes to be built, ech of which might be thirtie fiue, or thirtie sixe foote long in the keele.
They espied thirtie Indians comming ouer a plaine, which the Cacique sent, to discouer the Christians determination: and assoone as they had sight of them, they tooke themselues to flight.
For the said Captaine Charles with halfe a dozen more of his company kept themselues aboord of our ship and held vs in a talke, while thirtie or fortie others should haue entred our ship vnawares from one of the ships of S.
The Gouernour tooke thirtie horsemen, and eightie footemen, and they went to Saquechuma (for so was the Prouince called of that chiefe man, which he said had rebelled.
Also the passage is short, for we may goe thither in thirtie or fortie dayes at the most, hauing but an indifferent winde, and returne continually in twentie or foure and twentie dayes at the most.
The Gouernour rested therethirtie daies, in which time, because the Countrie was very fruitfull, the horses grew fat.
Herevpon his sonne prince Edward came to his succour vnto Cambridge, bringing thither with him thirtie thousand able men out of the north parts, Scots and other.
The earle comming thither, tooke thirtie scholars, with one master Odo a lawier, and brought them to Wallingford castell, and there committed them to prison.
Sidenote: Thirtie of the citizens of Norwich hanged and burnt.
About thirtie of those offendors were apprehended, and put to execution, besides those that escaped, some into sanctuarie, and some into voluntarie exile, running out of and vtterlie forsaking the countrie.
Also in Februarie there appeared a comet or blasing starre verie dreadfull to behold, for the space of thirtie daies togither.
For number you exceede, for you haue thirtie ribauld words for my one, and yet you beare a good spirit.
Her sacred Maiestie hath this thirtie yeares, with a setled and princelie temper swayed the Scepter of this Realme, with no lesse content of her subiects, than wonder of the world.
The prouince of Quicheu, two millions thirtie and foure thousand.
And there was of this linage three kings, and reigned seuen and thirtie yeares, against the last of these rose vp Tonco.
Of cleane rice (which is a common victuall throughout all the kingdome, and of the countries adioyning to them) they pay him three score millions, one hundred three score and eleuen thousand, eight hundred thirtie and two hanegges.
Of wheat like vnto that in Spaine, thirtie three millions, one hundred twentie thousand and two hundred hanegges.
The mines of pearles, whereof you haue many in this kingdome (although they are not verie round), is woorth vnto him commonly two millions sixe hundred and thirtie thousand Taes.
Of muske and amber, one million and thirtie fiue thousande Taes.
The prouince of Susuan foure score and sixe thousande footemen, and foure and thirtie thousande and fiue hundred horsemen.
When that the King of China is married, then dooth he choose thirtie concubines, the principallest persons in all his kingdome, the which hee dooth keepe and maintayne within his pallace so long as hee doth liue.
This yeare in England was a great dearth and scarcitie of corne, so that a quarter of wheat in manie places was sold for thirtie shillings: by reason whereof poore people died in manie places for lacke of sustnance.
But the townesmen bent on reuenge, assembled togither in great numbers, and falling on the Englishmen slue thirtie of their horssemen and of their footmen to the number of seuen hundred, or thereabouts.
His armie consisted as some write of foure thousand men of armes on horsbacke, and thirtie thousand footmen, besides fiue hundred men of armes on horssebacke, and a thousand footmen of the bishoprike of Durham.
Neuerthelesse in the meane while, as some English chronicles make mention, there died of the Scots in these warres to the number of thirtie thousand, and aboue fifteene thousand Irishmen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thirtie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.