His retirement to private life removed the obstacle to the action of his friends and soon thereafter Mr. Linn, a senator from the State of Missouri, brought in a bill for refunding the fine.
The report was generally acquiesced in, and satisfaction and tranquillity ensued; the abolition societies thereafter limiting their exertions, in respect to the black population, to offices of humanity within the scope of existing laws.
Four days thereafter Mr. Clay answered it; and although ready at an extemporaneous speech, he had the merit, when time permitted, of considering well both the matter and the words of what he intended to deliver.
The boat was none the worse for its jaunt with a dead engine up the bay on that eventful night, but thereafter Frank carried an extra set of batteries for any similar emergency that might arise.
Instead of going to Bethany, Jesus remained two days in the village without doing any thing; thereafter he told his apostles that it was necessary to return into Judea.
Thereafter he launched out in invectives against the doctors, whom he called hypocrites, ignorant and blind, who directed others that were also blind.
Some days thereafter Jesus preached along the sea coast, and passing near the custom-house, perceived Matthew, one of the officers, who sat there.
Thereafter (adds the text) the angel departed from her.
It was essential to commence with gaining adherents and co-operators, and thereafter a party among the people, to support him against the grandees of the nation.
John informs us, that Mary Magdalane, after visiting the sepulchre, carried the news to the disciples, and thereafter returned to this same sepulchre, where she beheld Jesus in the company of angels.
This fanatical way of thinking was necessary to console the first Christians in the midst of persecutions which they suffered at first from the Jews, and thereafter from the emperors and grandees, incited by the heathen priests.
It was in these circumstances that Constantine, to strengthen himself first against Maxentius, and thereafter against Licinius, thought it his interest, by a stroke of policy, to draw over all the Christians to his party.
Thereafter he gave them the cup, saying that it was "his blood which was to be shed for them.
An inventory was early taken of the food-stuffs, and thereafter rations were issued alike to all, whether rich or poor.
Thereafter she had contented herself with inquiring at his door each day--until the day when they told her that the sickness was broken; that he was again rational and doubtless would soon be well.
Thereafter such rebutting evidence as may be held by the Tribunal to be admissible shall be called by either the Prosecution or the Defense.
Funk, who had previously been a financial journalist, joined the Nazi Party in 1931, and shortly thereafter became one of Hitler’s personal economic advisers.
Promptly thereafter the Tribunal shall fix and announce the date of the Trial in Nuremberg to take place not less than 30 days after the service of the Indictment and the defendants shall be advised of such date as soon as it is fixed.
Shortly thereafter he was made a department head in the German Labor Front and the official in charge of capital construction on the staff of the deputy to the Führer, positions which he held through 1941.
The Gestapo was created by the Nazi conspirators immediately after their accession to power, first in Prussia by the Defendant GÖRING and shortly thereafter in all other states in the Reich.
The fact that Great Britain had come to the assistance of the Greeks, and might thereafter be in a position to inflict great damage upon German interests was made the occasion for the occupation of both countries.
Thereafter he proceeded to bring continued pressure on the Austrian Government to bring Nazis into the Schuschnigg Cabinet and to get them important positions in the Fatherland Front, Austria’s single legal party.
Always thereafter he referred to the boy as the Little Cricket.
Thereafter the water roads were thought to be only for fighting men.
Thereafter Arnold left the work of his office to Jack and gave his time to the enjoyment of the company of his wife and a leisure that suffered little interruption.
Often thereafter he spoke of Margaret as 'the heart of England.
He was busy thereafter mixing with the throng, volunteering information that had not been solicited but which appeared to be welcome.
Thereafter she sings low songs and takes the alto part in the choir.
Thereafter all things in his universe revolve around it.
Thereafter the policy was indeed anti-Spanish, but on the lines advocated by Hawkins and Essex (who may now be said to have taken the place occupied by Leicester till his death in 1588), not by Raleigh and Drake.
He renders a service to a wealthy old gentleman who takes a fancy to the lad, and thereafter helps the lad to gain success and fortune.
A retired merchant in New York secures him the situation of errand boy, and thereafter stands as his friend.
The family who had sent him to the doctor were much touched by this fresh evidence of her kindness, and thereafter they sent their son with the old man to the morning services each day, saying: "The Christian doctor is so good and kind.
In one form or another the ceremonies are repeated every seventh day thereafteruntil the forty-ninth day.
Thereafter the doors of "Purity Hall," so long fast closed to all, were thrown open to the Stone family.
In 1884 they succeeded in inducing Lord Derby, then Colonial Secretary, to agree to a new Convention, which thereafter defined the relations between the British crown and the South African Republic, a title now at last formally conceded.
Though frequently thereafter threatened and sometimes attacked, he succeeded, by his skilful policy, in avoiding any serious war until the fall of Lo Bengula in 1893.
The British army was marched back to Cape Colony, and Moshesh thereafter enjoyed the fame of being the only native potentate who had come out of a struggle with Great Britain virtually if not formally the victor.
Even had Thyrza's condition allowed of this, her friend would have dreaded to lose sight of her now, to let her travel to London and thereafter be alone.
This project passed under review, then Egremont himself led the talk to widely different things, and thereafter resisted any tendency it showed to return upon his special affairs.
How many a time thereafter did he think of those words--'It would be too cruel!
The popularity of the Emperor thereafter soon began to wane, partly because of the scandalous character of his private life, and partly because he declined to observe constitutional restrictions and chose his ministers at will.
None of the States was thereafter to recognize in any of them a government which had been set up in an illegal fashion.
Soon thereafter her parents had emigrated; they and their nine-year-old daughter joining a large exodus of freedom-minded Greeks to New York.
Shortly thereafter he had married Hansen's mother, a Swede named Erica who had helped in the evacuation, and then, after the war, they had immigrated to America.
By the end of the year 1887 the political phase of the labor movement had shrunk to insignificant proportions, and soon thereafter collapsed.
But it was really more than he had wanted, and thereafter he was content to remain in peace and rest in the stable.
Thereafter two and three times a day the young man came to him, sometimes in the corral, sometimes in the stable, but always with each successive visit, it seemed to Pat, revealing increasing buoyancy and strength.
But he had learned something, even as Pat had learned something, and thereafter there existed tacit understanding between them.
Thereafter she made a small hole in each for the escape of the steam and all went well.
Flakes of this size were much more frequently produced in breaking a nodule with fire and water, and all his knives were thereafter furnished with wooden handles.
They had been greatly alarmed, and so two pieces had been thereafter lighted and both taken into the cave to avoid such another mishap.
The first touch of the hot meat with lips or fingers brought exclamations of surprise or fear from some, but, on the whole, cooking was voted a success and was thereafter universally practiced.
Everything to be used for food was thereafter submitted to the cooking test, and, whenever broiling or roasting in the ashes seemed to improve the taste of any article of food, this was adopted.
Hester was silent thereafter until the subject of conversation was changed.
IV Thereafter there was no more trouble with the unruly element.
Pestalozzi married at twenty-three a woman older than himself, on whom he thereafter relied in all his troubles.
The account of Froebel's life given in this volume is supplemented somewhat by the "Reminiscences" of this same Baroness, who became acquainted with him in 1849, and was thereafterhis most enthusiastic and successful apostle.
And thereafter my rocks and crystals served me as a mirror wherein I might descry mankind, and man's development and history.
Thereafter they conducted the "mother" to the place where the caterpillars were, consoling her, in order that all the caterpillars might leave the garden.
After the meal her husband jumped over her, and the beans might thereafter be eaten by all.
Thereafter he went every day and walked farther every time.
With us that power behind the government, that sovereignty, is the people; but in Haiti in 1804 and for many years thereafter there was no such thing as people in a political sense.
It is no reflection upon Haiti to state the historic fact that in 1804 and for many yearsthereafter there was no such thing on her soil as people, in a political sense.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thereafter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: after; afterwards; hereafter; later; next; since; subsequently; then; thence; thereafter