Beat fifteen minutes longer, then fold in with long strokes, the egg-whites beaten with a good pinch of salt until they stick to the dish.
Add gradually four cups flour sifted with one teaspoonful baking powder, then fold in the whites of fourteen eggs beaten very stiff with a pinch of salt.
Beat smooth, then foldin the stiffly beaten egg-whites alternately with a cup of browned flour.
Then fold in the whites of sixteen eggs beaten with a pinch of salt to the stiffest possible froth.
Sweeten to taste, and beat until it begins to set, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of twelve eggs.
Add the yolks of four eggs beaten with a cupful of sugar, cook for ten minutes, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs, and flavor to taste.
Or, cook in a buttered frying-pan till a brown crust has formed, then fold like an omelet.
Mix well and sweeten to taste, then fold in the whites of two eggs beaten very stiff.
Beat just enough to make smooth, then fold in lightly the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs and pour into an oblong shallow pan that is buttered, floured and rapped to shake out all that is superfluous.
Beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar to a cream; add the grated zest of the rind and the orange juice; then fold in lightly the beaten whites of the eggs.
In the morning turn it on to the molding-board, roll it and rub it lightly with butter, then fold it several times, cut it into pieces the size of a large egg, and mold it into balls.
Season the yolks with salt and pepper and one tablespoonful of milk; then fold in lightly the whipped whites.
Add the flavoring and water; then fold in the beaten whites, and lastly the flour, sprinkling it in, and lightly folding, not stirring it in.
Stir over ice water until just beginning to form, then fold into it one cup of whipped cream.
Strain over one cup of chopped ham and stir until the mixture begins to thicken, then fold in one cup of thick cream beaten stiff; add, also, a few grains of paprica and salt, if needed.
Stir over ice water until the mixture is perfectly smooth and begins to set, then fold into it one cup of whipped cream.
Mix and beat two minutes, then fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs.
Add vanilla, beat mixture well, then fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs.
Add vanilla, beat mixture well, then fold in beaten yolks of eggs.
Beat thoroughly, then fold in the well beaten whites of two eggs.
Then add one-fourth teaspoonful each of salt and cream of tartar; then fold in one cup of sugar sifted three times; also one cup of flour sifted three times, then flavoring, preferably orange flavor.
Whip one and one-half pints heavy cream until solid, then fold in macaroons.
Add salt and paprika to cheese, then fold in whites and roll into small balls; roll in cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat.
Add two egg yolks well beaten, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites.
To the pulp add one-half cup granulated sugar, five tablespoons grated horseradish, then fold in an equal quantity of whipped cream.
Sift dry ingredients together four times, add warm milk and stir well then fold in beaten whites of two eggs.
Season with a few grains of salt and a dash of paprika, then fold in one half tablespoonful of grated horseradish root.
Beat to mix, then foldin the stiffly beaten white of one egg; bake in well-greased and floured pan in slow oven thirty minutes.
Beat just enough to mix, then fold in whites of two eggs, bake in well-greased and floured deep layer-cake pans in moderate oven twenty minutes.
Beat to mix, then foldin the stiffly beaten whites of the two eggs.
Then fold in half crosswise, and place in the box.
Then fold neck, or collar down level with the bottom, so that the crease will fold about the center of the garment, or bottom of arm hole.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "then fold" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.