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Example sentences for "beaten whites"

  • Then fold in the well-beaten whites of the eggs, and fry by spoonfuls.

  • Beat well and add the stiffly-beaten whites, put into an oiled pudding-pan set in a pan of boiling water, and bake.

  • Mix well and fold in quickly the well-beaten whites.

  • Beat up thoroughly and add the Stiffly-beaten whites.

  • Fold in carefully the well-beaten whites of the eggs, and bake in muffin pans in a quick oven about twenty minutes.

  • Then cut out with cutlet-cutter or shape with knife; dip in beaten whites of the eggs, then in fine breadcrumbs, repeat a second time, and fry in hot Crisco.

  • Cover with meringue made with stiffly beaten whites of eggs to which two tablespoonfuls powdered sugar have been added.

  • Another way is to omit the yolks of the eggs and take only the beaten whites, cherries, huckleberries and blackberries.

  • Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar together, then add the milk, bread, fruit, and lastly the well-beaten whites of the eggs.

  • Beat the sugar and yolks together, add the milk, bread, and fruit, and lastly the well-beaten whites of the eggs.

  • Lastly add the flavoring and stiffly beaten whites of four eggs.

  • When cooked sufficiently turn over the beaten whites of two eggs and stir.

  • Sift dry ingredients together four times, add warm milk and stir well then fold in beaten whites of two eggs.

  • Add gelatine to whites of eggs; mix sugar, water and lemon juice together, then add to beaten whites of eggs, and freeze.

  • Add mixture of yolks of eggs and sugar, well beaten, a little vanilla, and lastly well-beaten whites of eggs.

  • Teaspoonful vanilla; three tablespoonfuls corn starch dissolved in a little milk; beaten whites of four eggs last; then beat steadily.

  • Beat the yolks of the eggs and sugar until very light, add the well-beaten whites, and stir this into the hot milk.

  • Then stir in one pound of sifted flour and the well-beaten whites of the eggs.

  • Add milk, cooled slightly, very slowly, beating continually; add flavoring; mix well and fold in beaten whites of eggs.

  • Beat the sugar remaining and the butter to a cream; add to the yeast foam about 7 to 8 cups of flour, and the stiffly-beaten whites of the two eggs.

  • Beat hard and then add the 2 yolks and the stiffly-beaten whites of eggs.

  • PEACH SNOW Add sweetened cream to stiffly-beaten whites of eggs (a.

  • Add stiffly-beaten whites of eggs to other ingredients which have been mixed.

  • Meringued Stuffed Potatoes= Add 1 or more yolks of eggs to the mashed potato, fill skins and heat as in preceding recipe, then pile the salted, stiffly-beaten whites of eggs on the tops and brown delicately.

  • Cream suet and sugar; beat in the yolks when whipped smooth and light; next put in milk; then flour and crumbs alternately with beaten whites; then brandy and spice, and lastly the fruit well dredged with flour.

  • Pour this gradually upon the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs.

  • When it is nearly stiff, add the well-beaten whites of three eggs.

  • Add to the yolks, and lastly add the well-beaten whites of six eggs.

  • When mixture begins to form, beat with a Dover beater until almost white, then add well-beaten whites of three eggs and beat thoroughly.

  • Pour over one-half pint of boiling water, boil one minute, add one-half cup sugar and pour while hot over the well-beaten whites of three eggs.

  • Beat the yolks of the eggs until very creamy, then stir them into the sauce, take from the fire, and fold in the well-beaten whites of the eggs.

  • Add the vanilla, and when cool fold in the well-beaten whites.

  • Beat well, add two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder and fold in the well-beaten whites.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beaten whites" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    active verb; another account; apply himself; beaten eggs; beaten gold; beaten separately; beaten together; beaten white; beaten whites; beaten yolk; beaten yolks; considered them; excellent illustration; five months; international trade; justice shall; only knew; other islands; poor relation; says she; simple enough; special form; teaspoon sugar; this end; used for; wild goose