Then fold in the well-beaten whites of the eggs, and fry by spoonfuls.
Beat well and add the stiffly-beaten whites, put into an oiled pudding-pan set in a pan of boiling water, and bake.
Mix well and fold in quickly the well-beaten whites.
Beat up thoroughly and add the Stiffly-beaten whites.
Fold in carefully the well-beaten whites of the eggs, and bake in muffin pans in a quick oven about twenty minutes.
Then cut out with cutlet-cutter or shape with knife; dip in beaten whites of the eggs, then in fine breadcrumbs, repeat a second time, and fry in hot Crisco.
Cover with meringue made with stiffly beaten whites of eggs to which two tablespoonfuls powdered sugar have been added.
Another way is to omit the yolks of the eggs and take only the beaten whites, cherries, huckleberries and blackberries.
Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar together, then add the milk, bread, fruit, and lastly the well-beaten whites of the eggs.
Beat the sugar and yolks together, add the milk, bread, and fruit, and lastly the well-beaten whites of the eggs.
Lastly add the flavoring and stiffly beaten whitesof four eggs.
When cooked sufficiently turn over the beaten whites of two eggs and stir.
Sift dry ingredients together four times, add warm milk and stir well then fold in beaten whitesof two eggs.
Add gelatine to whites of eggs; mix sugar, water and lemon juice together, then add to beaten whites of eggs, and freeze.
Add mixture of yolks of eggs and sugar, well beaten, a little vanilla, and lastly well-beaten whites of eggs.
Teaspoonful vanilla; three tablespoonfuls corn starch dissolved in a little milk; beaten whites of four eggs last; then beat steadily.
Beat the yolks of the eggs and sugar until very light, add the well-beaten whites, and stir this into the hot milk.
Then stir in one pound of sifted flour and the well-beaten whites of the eggs.
Add milk, cooled slightly, very slowly, beating continually; add flavoring; mix well and fold in beaten whites of eggs.
Beat the sugar remaining and the butter to a cream; add to the yeast foam about 7 to 8 cups of flour, and the stiffly-beaten whites of the two eggs.
Beat hard and then add the 2 yolks and the stiffly-beaten whites of eggs.
PEACH SNOW Add sweetened cream to stiffly-beaten whites of eggs (a.
Add stiffly-beaten whites of eggs to other ingredients which have been mixed.
Meringued Stuffed Potatoes= Add 1 or more yolks of eggs to the mashed potato, fill skins and heat as in preceding recipe, then pile the salted, stiffly-beaten whites of eggs on the tops and brown delicately.
Cream suet and sugar; beat in the yolks when whipped smooth and light; next put in milk; then flour and crumbs alternately with beaten whites; then brandy and spice, and lastly the fruit well dredged with flour.
Pour this gradually upon the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs.
When it is nearly stiff, add the well-beaten whites of three eggs.
Add to the yolks, and lastly add the well-beaten whites of six eggs.
When mixture begins to form, beat with a Dover beater until almost white, then add well-beaten whites of three eggs and beat thoroughly.
Pour over one-half pint of boiling water, boil one minute, add one-half cup sugar and pour while hot over the well-beaten whites of three eggs.
Beat the yolks of the eggs until very creamy, then stir them into the sauce, take from the fire, and fold in the well-beaten whites of the eggs.
Add the vanilla, and when cool fold in the well-beaten whites.
Beat well, add two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder and fold in the well-beaten whites.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beaten whites" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.