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Example sentences for "teache"

Lexicographically close words:
tea; teach; teachable; teachableness; teached; teachee; teacher; teachers; teaches
  1. And girt with girlonds of wild Yvie twine, How I could reare the Muse on stately stage, And teache her tread aloft in buskin fine, With queint Bellona in her equipage!

  2. I will no longer chyd the, But I will teache the to kepe home.

  3. I woulde teache him I trow, to make girles shent or beaten.

  4. Furst / bicause that they do teache / that other mens synnes ar lyke vnto pitche / which doth stycke vnto the fingars and garments of them that do touche it.

  5. Wherfore seinge the papistes do bothe thincke and teache otherwise in this matier then the holie scripture dothe teache / and do defend their errour with an obstinate mynde they are heretikes.

  6. He dyd resorte to the dyners / and feastes / where scribes and pharisees / publicanes and synners were / to thys ende onlie / euen to teache them and to winne them vnto the Gospell.

  7. Against al theise manifest testimonies of the holy scriptures / theise men do teache their contrary doctrine / and do obstinatly defend it / wherfor they are heretiques.

  8. But let the examples of the holy scripture / I praye you / teache vs euen the same.

  9. Paule spake this of whordome / I graunte that: But the prophettes do teache vs that the moste vile and horrible whordome is Idolatrie.

  10. They do teache furthermore / that it is lawfull in the congregacion to do the holy seruice / in a tongue that is not vnderstõded.

  11. It importeth also to knowe, how to be assured of a toune, when thou doubteste of the fidelitie thereof, so sone as thou haste wonne the fielde, or before, the whiche certain old insamples maie teache thee.

  12. In the Schoolemaister, on the contrary, the exercises follow the rules, "to the end that I may teache by experience and practice that which I have shewed by arte.

  13. The Philosophers did neuer so liuely sette forthe and teache in their scholes and audience, what vertue [Sidenote: Realmes maie learne concorde out of Esopes fables.

  14. He mighte haue commaunded the Angell to teache =Cornelius=, but he followed an orderly meanes.

  15. Other Fathers of the Churche haue written nothing particularly of this storie, so far as I know, but in certaine places of their workes, they teache generally that good spirites are not pulled backe into the earth by Magicall Art.

  16. Wherefore féeble is that obiection of theirs: God can sende soules vnto men, to teache and admonish them; therefore these spirites that praye ayde, bee soules that come out of Heauen or Hell.

  17. Dooth not Christ teache vs, that if at any time we féele any weaknesse of faith, we shuld crie out with the Apostles, Lord increase our faith?

  18. There was a certayne tyran,[285] the which, to pylle one of his subiectes of his goodes, commaunded hym to teache an asse to spelle and rede.

  19. To comforte hym there came a very merye man whiche, as they talked to gether sayde, he wolde teache hym suche a rule that, if he wold folowe it, he shuld neuer falle from tree more.

  20. Of hym that undertoke to teache an asse to spelle and rede.

  21. Of hym that vndertoke to teache an asse to rede.

  22. Whych saying whan the prince heard, he sayed: he had yet nede of him to teache hym the arte to keepe sylence, by coloure whereof he retayned the olde man about hym a whole yere longer.

  23. They lette passe a meete and cunninge man to teache chyldren, and take one that can no skyll, for none other cause, but that he is set forwardes at the desyres of their friendes.

  24. Yet be ther some that thynke that these kynde of men, euen inespecyally worthye to be set to teache yonge chyldren, whylest they thynke their sturdynes in lookynge is holynes.

  25. Neyther do any torment chyldren more cruelly, thẽ they that canne not teache them.

  26. What wyll a chyld hear more gladlye then Esops fabels, whyche in sporte and playe teache earnest preceptes of philosophy?

  27. But these y^t can do nothynge elles but beate, what wolde they do if they had taken vpon them to teache Emperoures or kynges chyldren, whome it were not lefull to beate?

  28. They shewe them the praye whyle it is yet alyue, and teache them to catche it by leapyng, and at last to eate them.

  29. Howe do they fyrst teache the infante to speake lyke a man?

  30. Furthermore it wyll helpe verye muche, if he that hathe taken vpon hym to teache a chylde, so sette hys mynd vpon hym, that he bear a fatherly loue vnto hym.

  31. The same must be thought of the cõmon sort of teachers, whych only beate for fautes, and do not also teache y^e mynd that it do not amysse.

  32. Thou wylt saye: what shall poore men do which can scarse fynd their chyldren, muche lesse hyre a master to teache them?

  33. He loueth his sonne lyghtlye whych is greued to teache hym.

  34. For there is none so vyle, so naughte, so wretched, whome the common people thynketh not sufficiente ynoughe to teache a grammer schole.

  35. And some he doth teache to stand still, to galopp, to treade the ringe, and passe the carreere: And they learne to doe it all well you see.

  36. For, A man may well teache another the way: although he have gone out of the way himself.

  37. Oh[92] nowe religion teache me to beleive Another god, or I must forfayte heaven And worshypp what I see, thys happy creature.

  38. But stay, Let all sweete rest preserve hym: I will thynke Howe reelinge in the anguyshe of hys wounds I would not heare hym when a was about To teache repentance, and that onlye thought Shall melt me into cynders.

  39. Scoole your ryotous bloode And teache your fancyes Wisdome; be not drawne With suche a frayle unproffytable thynge As face or person when you chusse a frende; Th'are all deceytfull.

  40. Sir, Why you have doone thys that myne inocent soule May teache repentance to you-- [Dies.

  41. Furthermore thei woulde that ther should be a pulpite in the middes of the churche, wherein the prieste maye stonde vpon Sondaies and holidayes, to teache the people those thinges that it behoueth them to knowe.

  42. There ware thei wonte to teache the instrumentes of the olde lawe, and the newe.

  43. Edward, a grosser, is to be deposed that he harde Paget say, I will teache my dogg to speake frenche, and was talking with his dogg in frenche.

  44. Debora did rule in Israel, and Hulda spoke prophecie in Iuda: Ergo it is laufull for women to reigne aboue realmes and nations, or to teache in the presence of men[110].

  45. For we doe not hereby goe about to erect a Schoolehouse of Loue, or to teache Youth the wanton Toyes of the same.

  46. The Lord Sanseuerino hearyng this discourse, promised hir to do hys best, and to teache Valperga to talke more soberly of hir, whom he was not worthy for to serue, but in thought.

  47. I have heard him teache na Articles of heresye; bot that quhilk aggreis with Goddis word; for I wold manteane na man in heresey or errour.

  48. The sugary syrup from the teache was generally potted directly into hogsheads resting on the timbers, and allowed to cool with occasional stirrings.

  49. Thinges thriftie, that teacheth the thriuing to thriue; teache timely to trauas, the thing that thou triue.

  50. The trouth teached two times, teache thou two times ten this trade thou that takest, take thrift to the then.

  51. Thirdly he shall not teache his schollers any unsavory and popishe aucthours which may eyther infecte the yonge wittes of his schollers with heriesies, or corrupte there lyfes with uncleanenes.

  52. Lastly he was not to "begyne to teache or dismiss the schoole without convenient prayers and thankesgyveing in that behalfe publiquely to be used.

  53. The Master shall not begin to teache or dismiss the School without convenient Prayers and Thanksgivings.

  54. Lastly the said master shall not bygynne to teache or dismisse the said Schoole without convenient prayers and thankesgyveinge, in that behalfe publiquely to be used, most requisite att bothe mornynge and evenynge.

  55. And wee preache the lawe of nature: doth not nature teache you, &c.

  56. Teache me thy wayes, O Lord, and I will walk in thy truth.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "teache" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.