But we shall for the present resume our series of testimonies to the matter of fact.
We have a chain of testimonies in support of this allegation that are unimpeachable as to their quality, and of overwhelming force in their concurrence and cumulation of evidence.
Tregelles to a consideration of the fact that these most ancient but rejected testimonies were curiously confirmed by the older versions.
We have brought our chain of testimonies down to near the end of the seventeenth century.
If there be any such, let it be shown; but there is none, and innumerable and conclusive testimonies can be cited on the other side.
Such a change of mind based on a conscientious weighing of testimonies and facts is inconceivable and incredible to a regular Roman.
He attacked the opportuneness with such a powerful array of testimoniesin his famous Pastoral, that every one saw clearly the doctrine itself was involved, though he never entered in so many words on the theological question.
A careful re-reading of all this evidence suggests that the various testimonies may indeed have been echoes of the first narrative.
With unwearying patience and absolute confidence in their cause they collected the testimonies for their narratives and then said to those who laughed: Here are the facts; what are you going to do about them?
Evidently, this is sound Lutheranism; and similar testimonieswere occasionally heard within the General Council throughout its history.
But where is there mention of the professional colleagues of Haeckel whose testimonies could be taken seriously?
Dennert has brought together testimonies which leave no room for doubt about the decadence of the Darwinian theory in the highest scientific circles in Germany.
All these things were examined, and those testimoniesthat were brought forth by me were untouched.
If I were, I should appeal more fully to the Old Testament Scriptures to bring in arguments and testimonies to prove the divine authenticity of polygamic marriages.
I have many arguments that I have not drawn upon, not only to reason upon, but testimonies as well in favor of polygamy; but I am informed that only seven minutes of the time remains to me.
The certificates of ministers present were read, after which several lively testimonies were borne and counsel offered, and all ended well.
Several touchingtestimonies were given forth--I might safely say as the Spirit gave utterance.
It was wonderfully touching to hear the bright testimonies of those poor feeble ones who had lain for months on their emaciated backs.
Besides these signs, and the voices which proceeded from the place where the ark was, there were other miraculous testimonies to the law.
And we shall not pause to examine and weigh the testimonies of historical writers on the subject.
The general contradiction between Luke in the Acts and Paul in his Epistles with reference to Paul's movements, will be fully detailed in considering the testimonies to the resurrection of Jesus.
If, then, judged by this Mosaic rule of evidence, disbelief of the alleged supernatural testimonies to the claims of Jesus should be the righteous, and belief the unrighteous result, on whose side would a God of truth be?
The supernatural events recorded in the gospels as testimonies to these supernatural attributes are-- (1.
There are unequivocal testimonies which prove that to the theocratic mind the stories of the Judges were utterly dead, and were consequently neglected by it.
But, Sir, I will not rest merely on these testimonies or arguments, however strong and decisive.
The power reigned over all, and many testimonies were borne therein against that ungodly spirit which sought to make rents and divisions amongst the Lord's people; but not one mouth was opened amongst us in its defence, or on its behalf.
In the sense thereof living and weighty testimonies were borne thereunto by Friends, in the movings of the heavenly power which united us.
Similar, as to the general conclusions, are the reports of the French Academy and the testimonies of all rigorous and well-conducted scientific examination.
These testimonies apply to facts which it is the duty of those experimentalists and physiologists, who have time and opportunity at their disposal, fairly to investigate.
These facts I should scarcely have given credit to if many unanimous testimonies had not convinced me.
Thy Mistris (Pisanio) hath plaide the Strumpet in my Bed: the Testimonies whereof, lyes bleeding in me.
But, notwithstanding all that may be alleged to the contrary, we cannot get over such testimonies as the following.
The list of testimonies such as these might be considerably lengthened.
It is true that favourable testimonies arc not lacking on both sides, but they chiefly refer to remote Catholic and Protestant localities.
His system of attack exhibits no trace of any dispassionate examination of the testimonies of antiquity.
It was, indeed just, that a city, which had been consecrated in all ages to the Muses, should give public testimonies of its esteem for a king who made so bright a figure among the learned.
Such uninterrupted testimonies of a warm and sincere gratitude, do a nation more honour, than the greatest conquests and the most glorious victories.
His speech met with no other interruption, than the public testimonies which were given him of gratitude and admiration.
How far this is conclusive against the testimonies of two such weighty authors as Cicero and Seneca (to say nothing of the poets) is left to the judgment of the reader.
After all thesetestimonies to the perfect safety of the public moneys in the place appointed by Congress, who could have supposed that the place would have been changed?
These testimonies absolve Mr. Jefferson: but the nullifiers killed his birthday celebrations!
Others told of trials and difficulties; mytestimonies were full of victory and praise, and I rejoiced in the fact.
My testimonies (for I was not conscious of any sin and could not give up my hope in Christ) sounded to my own ears as "tinkling cymbal and sounding brass.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "testimonies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.