I may add, with regard to the camps, that the reference in the manifesto to the pecuniary assistance furnished by foreign sympathisers appears to rest on a misconception.
Nor have those English sympathisers considered the significant fact that this agitation is literally the bread of life to those who have created and still maintain it.
They have ignored all this orderly legal machinery; and their English sympathisers have not remembered it.
At the same time some Lutheran sympathiserswere expelled from Prague, and a regular organisation was formed in the Small Division to crush opposition.
Lev of Roz̆mital was restored to all his former power, and a system of terror was gradually established, under which the Brothers and all Lutheran sympathisers were subjected to various kinds of persecution.
Many believed in her innocence to the last, and the number of her sympathisers was legion.
Nowadays the many sympathisers with the victims of this dastardly act, who come from all parts of the world to visit the scene of the murder, will find a marble tablet fixed in the wall over the exact spot where they fell.
The baseless and malevolent allegations of specific acts of inhumanity or outrage on the part of British soldiers, circulated by Boer sympathisers in England and on the continent of Europe, have been passed over in silence.
It was one of the many instances in which their English sympathisers have led the Boers to destruction.
Even the English sympathisers of the Boers were in favour of acceptance.
The work of art presents itself as the most effective means by which the individual is enabled to convey to wider and wider circles of sympathisers an emotional state similar to that by which he is himself dominated.
They represented that so long as the relatives andsympathisers of the brigands remained in their villages, no progress was possible.
Sympathisers with the Boers were ordered to leave the place on pain of being handed over to the Provost-Marshal to be dealt with by military law.
A great deal was said at the time by British sympathisers of the kindness of the Boers to the prisoners and wounded of their antagonists; but the opinions of Mr. Rider Haggard and Sir Owen Lanyon are worth considering.
The Genoese were zealots for the cause, all the more if it were under a republican flag; in Savoy there was a strong strain of liberalism, and its position made it a connecting link with sympathisers in France.
They worked with remorseless energy, month after month, corresponding with sympathisers all over the peninsula, planting lodges of Young Italy wherever a chance opened, drawing together the threads of conspiracy.
For four years after the war ended, the treatment of British sympathisers was the dominant political issue in New York.
It operated, for the most part, in that city, but its sympathisers covered the whole State.
The imperial edict against Luther threatened all his sympathisers with extermination.
When the Peasants' War came in 1525, many of the earlier sympathisers with Luther saw in it an indication of the dangers into which they fancied that Luther was leading Germany.
The Lutheran sympathisers were in a majority, and the delegates from the cities insisted that it was impossible to enforce the Edict of Worms.
But the knowledge that they had sympathisers and brethren beyond their own land must have been a source of strength to the German nonconformists.
Its specific and real object was to slander unfortunate Queen Caroline and to torment, stigmatise, and blacken "the Brandenburg House party," as her honest sympathisers were called.
But the disappointment which the Shogunate gave to its friends, turned them into sympathisers with the radical opponents.
Besides, he had many sympathisers among the daimyo.
All that the latter really had done was to place Norfolk and the French sympathisers under a cloud, and make Gardiner entirely master of the situation whilst he carried out the King's own policy.
Even the women and children of the supposed sympathiserswith the Papacy were not spared; and the aged Countess of Salisbury, with her grandson, and the Marchioness of Exeter, with her son, were imprisoned with many humbler ones.
Jane Waterston, late President of the Women's Rand Relief Committee, in a letter to the Cape Times, with level-headed brevity discussed some points which the Boer sympathisers had carefully ignored.
These sympathisers were not, as on October 31, working men, but mainly what Count Bismarck would call the populace.
The sharp reference to the Judaising teachers would be difficult for their sympathisers to swallow, but charity is not broken by plain repudiation of error and its teachers.
Possibly they suspected a miracle, or perhaps feared that inquiry might revealsympathisers with the prisoners among their own officials.
Through the Laird of Dun, who had been sent to her, she expressed her willingness to stay the trial of the ministers, if they and their sympathisers consented to disperse at once.
The Governor must still have had many sympathisers in the city, for it is stated that ‘the deacons of the crafts were easily persuaded to assist him in his wicked enterprise.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sympathisers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.