Their first symbolisation seems clearly to have been the simple line, pillar, or a stroke, as their male god; and a cup or circle as their female; and lo!
However varied the explanations offered may be, and whatever the mystery said to surround this object, the feature always remains,--its symbolisation of life and regeneration.
In this vision the Dragon is pressed as far as the form can go in the symbolisation of evil.
The idea of the Infinite is a late one, however, and the symbolisation of it by Sesha is consistent with a lower significance at first.
But a more minute examination will show that the symbolisation on the floor is so arranged that a definite effect is produced.
Her father smiled at her lovingly as he resumed: "The symbolisation of the word on the reverse is simpler, though the meaning is more abstruse.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "symbolisation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.