Sweeter than the angels' music is His voice to me; He is mine, I am His.
There are few things sweeter in this world than the guileless, hot-headed, intemperate, open admiration of a junior.
I've a neater, sweeter maiden in a cleaner, greener land!
But love is far a sweeter flower Amid life's thorny path o' care.
Do let me forget that they are nieces of yours, and let me say that I never saw a more interesting, sweeter pair of sisters in my life.
There was a bliss in these business confidences, which each one thought was her or his own exclusive and unsuspected theft, and which was all the sweeter for the confidences' practical worthlessness.
That is why we go to Miss King and Miss Wallace," she thought to herself, "because they have found the best soil, and have grown sweeter every year.
But a fair face looks yet fairer under the light of the moon, and a sweet voice sounds yet sweeter among the whispering sounds of a summer night.
But if you come into the family like a lump of sugar into a glass of water you will all, in time melt together and the whole family will be the sweeter and better for your coming.
Indeed as I strolled through it with him I thought the real sense of ownership must be sweeter from the thousands of his fellows whom we saw rejoicing within it than if he were indeed the lordly owner in fee and rented it for revenue.
She was surrounded by a resigned grief, a sorrow so dignified that it did not clash with the sweeter influences of nature.
Sweeter love abides him, and lips more longed for.
Do you forget, my fair soubrette, Those suppers at the Cafe Rector,-- The cosey nook where we partook Of sweeter cheer than fabled nectar?
No festooned cup Filled foaming up Can lure me elsewhere to confound me; Sweeter than wine This love of mine For these old books I see around me!
Her voice in heaven's own quire Can sound no heavenlier lyre Than here: no purer fire Her soul can soar: No sweeter stars her eyes In unimagined skies Beyond our sight can rise than here before.
Rebellion smells no sweeter because it is called Secession, nor does Order lose its divine precedence in human affairs because a knave may nickname it Coercion.
Never had Lionel heard anything like that reading; the feeling which brought out the depth of the sense, the tones, sweeter than the flute, which clothed the divine words in music.
Could the pipe of Horace's Faunus be sweeter than that flute?
Sweet fancy of a sweeter maidenhood, That thou dost walk at dawn a woodnymph wild.
No bud e'er sweeter in its unoped cup; No jewel brighter in the chrystal sea; No diamond richer in the caves of earth.
I don't think I ever saw lovelier eyes or a sweeter expression.
She had lived her own life; paying him for all benefits with sweet false words, and sweeter falser kisses.
I have thought for a long time that the sweet words, and sweeter smiles which have made the light of my life might mean very little--might mean just the daily sacrifice which a young wife makes to an old husband, and nothing more.
The smell of the flowers is stronger and sweeter than before, the brooks sound louder, and the sheep bells are silent.
It is much better and sweeter and nobler, I believe, to be the best that a woman can be than the strongest and greatest and proudest that a goddess can be.
That you should say you love me, you who have never seen me, is sweeter perfume to my sated senses than the incense of all the thousand seraph-flowers that bow and swing at my feet.
Nothing seemed sweeter to her than this subtle amor di lontano--this love across the distance.
Then, looking, although she did not think so, twenty years younger and twenty times sweeter than she did before, she went downstairs to wait for Nino.
The sweet smile she gave me, the sweeter words she spoke, were sufficient to assure me I should not be forgotten; and it was all I wished, for then my heart was fixed upon my future.
But a smile of sweetness all his own, and of significance sweeter than sweetness, brightened his frank adieu for me into the day-spring of my decided destiny.
I have money enough; and you know how sweet it is even to give money,--how much sweeter to give what cannot be bought by money!
And the fonder one is of the poor short-comer, the sweeter it becomes to correct the loose idea.
As we came out a bell chimed, breaking for an instant the silence, and making it seem the sweeterwhen it returned.
He was strong now, and was glad to admit that much of his strength derived its power from a sweeter passion glowing in his bosom.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sweeter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.