A few minutes spent in quiet prayer by friends or fellow-workers before parting wonderfully sweetens the spirit, and cements friendships, and makes difficulties less difficult, and hard problems easier of solution.
Prayer wonderfully clears the vision; steadies the nerves; defines duty; stiffens the purpose; sweetens and strengthens the spirit.
But Faith steers up to a more glorious scope, Which sweetens our sharp passage; and firm hope Anchors our torn barks on a blessed shore, Beyond the Dead Sea we here ferry o'er.
Love is a usurious plant, whose sun never goes down; a romance sweetens the mood as May dew sweetens the blood.
It sweetens the whole heart and sheds a moral and affectionate influence through the whole mind.
It is the power of God to God; gives its sanction to virtue; adorns the mind with the graces of godliness; sweetens the heart with amenities of goodness, and dignifies the soul with a spiritual assimilation to the Father.
So that an æsthetic sanction sweetens all successful living; animal efficiency cannot be without grace, nor moral achievement without a sensible glory.
And it sweetens every bit of work to think that I am doing it in humble, far-off, yet real imitation of Jesus.
I have before shewn how the Influence of Hope in general sweetens Life, and makes our present Condition supportable, if not pleasing; but a Religious Hope has still greater Advantages.
This work of mental training, apparently so vast, is really so pleasant and easy that it sweetens every day's life.
Charity stowed away in the heart, like rose leaves in a drawer, sweetens all the daily acts of life.
White wands which look so beautiful are merely the ends of the common tall blackberry, and the wild rose sweetens the same banks.
It sweetens honest labor, helps earthly endeavor, strengthens human affection and leads the soul naturally from the beauty of this world to the greater beauty of that which is to come.
In the end it is love and love alone that sweetens life, and what could his love be to mine?
Though the spring be unfulfilled, itsweetens the year.
It sweetens and makes wholesome what otherwise might only be an existence of monotonous toil.
The dull soul who is content to plod along year after year in the same rut may be honest, and this one redeeming feature may be of such inestimable value to him that it sweetens and softens his entire days.
It likewise cleanses the body, purifies andsweetens the blood, and is a general and sovereign help to nature.
The hope of the smiles and approbation of my friend sweetens all my toils and labors.
Life is too short to have the dearest of its enjoyments curtailed; the social feelings grow callous by disuse, and lose that pliancy of affection which sweetens the cup of life as we drink it.
Can it be your aim in life to aid that power which injures, destroys, embitters life and estranges from God, or the power which heals, builds up, sweetens life and makes one with God?
The consciousness of being no longer a bond-servant sweetens all my toils.
Let him be enriched with the possession of all that sweetens life, his horse alone is his protector.
The salt cleanses, arrests corruption which impends over the dead masses, sweetens and purifies, and so preserves from decay and dissolution.
Love sweetens pains; and when one loves GOD, one suffers for His sake with joy and courage.
What gives me some ease and sweetens the feelings I have for your griefs is, that they are proofs of GOD'S love towards you.
One cannot always, sir, good temper keep; But then it sweetens food and sweetens sleep.
It corrects a sharpness of temper, and sweetens and softens the mind.
Afflictions may try me, but can not destroy; One vision of home turns them all into joy; And the bitterest tear that flows from my eyes, But sweetens my hope of that home in the skies.
His presencesweetens all our cares, And makes our burdens light; A word from him dispels our fears, And gilds the gloom of night.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sweetens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.