She came in hurriedly, swathed in a coat of black broadtail, made very simply, its lines following her long, slim figure.
He started up, instantly recognized her, though her figure was swathed in an opera wrap, and the lace scarf over and about her head concealed her features without suggesting intent.
She saw the minister with his head on the swathed knees of her grandfather.
Swathed in white bandages, the limb ended some foot and a half short of where it should have.
The man for whom the bell was tolled last night was soon brought in, the coffin swathed in a common sheet.
He would have looked like Death on horseback, swathed in a black mantle, but for the dangling gaitered legs, which spoilt the solemn effect.
I mounted zigzagging, as up the slate roof of some gigantic church, swathed in a heat that burned through the very soles of my shoes.
I had exhibited my dust-swathed person in at least half a dozen hotels and fled at announcement of their charges, when I drifted into the narrow calle Rosario and entered the "Fonda de las Quatro Naciones.
Ay, swathed in black cloth; and now they set them against the wall.
Of New Place nothing remains but the foundations, swathed in the kindly coverlet of turf, that in England, so soon cloaks deformity with graceful sweeps and swells of verdure.
Why had I not stayed at home and died like a Christian woman upon a spring-mattress, swathed in thick blankets, environed by friends and all the appliances conducive to euthanasia?
Tarrar, also swathed in linens of many colours, squatted like a little monkey on a camel and defied the sun of his native land, the glare of his Libyan desert.
The fact that he was in a strange room with his head swathed in bandages, and that a young and possibly pretty nurse sat at the window, evidently for the purpose of ministering to him, suggested a hospital.
Your heads are swathed in night," turns into "With Stygian shade each destined peer" (peer is good!
And, with clinking spurs, he strode out through some big kind of anteroom, swathed in wrappings, into a yard beyond, where a big limousine was throbbing gently.
Then, wearied out with the fatigues of my sleepless night, I fell into a deep slumber, my verdant waterproof swathed round me, Semlin's overcoat about my knees.
Close beside him a wounded man, with a legswathed about, sat with an expressionless face and watched the progress of that burning.
Swathed as usual, he was sitting beside a table, reading the evening paper; but when his employer appeared in the doorway he half rose as if to come forward in greeting.
He tripped and fell, clutched at the apron to save himself, and came to the ground swathed in it, giving the effect of an apron mysteriously endowed with life.
She could not understand that this concerned her, that it was she who had been swathed like a corpse and placed in the grave.
Ingrid at once tried to comply with his request, but she was so tightly swathed in the sheet that she found it difficult to get up.
It certainly looked as if the coffin were a coffin, and the grave a grave, and that she herself a few minutes ago was nothing but a swathed and buried corpse.
Oh, very well," said she, swathed in languor as usual.
He wore a brick-red blanket sewn with large blue beads, swathed round him rather gracefully, and a necklace of some wild beasts' teeth about his neck.
I leaned out, swathed in chiffon, and said more sweetly than I felt: "I am Miss Saurin.
Although we recognized several of the cavalcade, not one now had a bandage or a sign of a wound; even the man whose leg had been swathed in cotton was joyously curveting and pirouetting on a splendid horse.
Most of them appeared to have been wounded: one had his arm in a sling, another had his leg swathed in white cotton and tried to repress a groan when he moved.
Her gauzy gold wedding-sash, swathed round her hips, fell in a fringed knot below her knee.
Why, you admit yourself that the woman was so swathed in veils that you could not see her face.
Grimes, with his head swathed in bandages, was a woe-begone object.
He would be very short, and would have his neck swathed in a high black-satin stock.
The contrast between the handsome white-and-gold theatre and the rows of portly, dowdy matrons, each one with her ample bosom swathed in a piece of antimacassar, was very comical.
Eugene sat bound hard and fast to the settle, with his face swathed like a mummy's, with only enough space clear for breath.
His womankind had swathed all their fiercer human emotions with shy decorum and stern modesty, as Turkish women swathe their faces with veils.
She was well wrapped against the cold, her head especially being swathed about with lengths of knitted scarf over her silk hood; there was only a thin sharp gleam of face out of it, like a very lance of intelligence.
Nothing ever seemed to happen to her as to anybody else; but if happiness chose to come to her swathed in mourning bands, none the less kindly and thankfully must it be welcomed.
Under the wrappings appeared--swathed in tissue paper--a picture.
They found a table in a little stall whose window overhung the gray, fog-swathed river which seamlessly joined gray fog-misted sky.
It was the photograph of a bit of sculptured marble; a woman swathed in rippling draperies lying, at ease, on her side.
The promised view from the crest was swathed in haze--so was his outlook on the future.