The exact amount of reduction to be desired in the tunnel gradient must be finally determined in conjunction with a careful study of its southerly extensions based on complete and accurate surveys of the possible routes.
It is not necessary to give a long list of examples of the incompleteness and the inaccuracy of much of the old data of which the Bureau of Surveys is the official repository in Pittsburgh.
The surveys made for the County Commissioners, under the direction of E.
As the precise surveyswere extended the charts and plans published from the preliminary surveys were withdrawn, the new charts necessarily having later dates.
And in Alaska, Nautical surveys have developed long stretches of the "Inland passage" and the most important anchorages, supplementing the general reconnaissance of the whole coast line.
The original surveysmade by Coast Survey are the foundations on which they very generally must build, while re-surveys point out to them the obstacles that must be overcome.
Doubtless much has been suppressed through lack of means, as it has always been the aim of the Superintendents to expend the appropriations in producing the most useful results, whether in surveys to be made or facts to be published.
To be successful, the plan must conform to known general laws and the peculiarities of local conditions, many of which are only ascertainable by comparison of surveys at different periods.
Fortunately Congress prescribed the method on which the work should be conducted, and that the method permitted making surveys widely separated with the certainty that they could eventually be joined and form a consistent whole.
The original surveys of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts are now practically completed, but very little more remaining to be done in a few comparatively unimportant localities.
From the first glance we see that, in the negro, we are in the presence of a being differing profoundly not merely from the white man but also from those human types which we discovered in our surveys of the brown and yellow worlds.
The statistical disproportion between the white and colored worlds becomes still more marked when we turn from surveys of area to tables of population.
The surveyswere made in 1825 with the greatest difficulty, on account of the opposition of landowners.
Accordingly Stephenson was invited to make surveys and estimates, as he was said to be a man of great energy and the only man in England with the necessary experience.
If there is no such "speculation" now of record, is it not time that a true agricultural survey corresponding to our geologic and geodetic surveys should be entered upon?
The field reports describe progress in the surveys of the surface geology, the Newark system, and the upper Cretaceous formations.
The eighth volume of the report of the Iowa Geological Survey comprises the accounts of surveys completed during 1897 in six counties, making up the whole number of twenty-six counties in which the areal work has been completed.
In this case, it might be best, after deducting the expense incident to the surveysand sales, to place the surplus in a situation where its increase might correspond with the natural increase of the unpurchased slaves.
The problem of overlapping boundaries occasioned by the conflicts between the first two surveys was solved neatly.
Since the two colonial land surveys were not drawn to scale, some confusion arose in 1954 as to their orientation to the surviving topographic features.
This was doubtless a contrivance designed to reconcile the Gregg and Buckner surveys and also to benefit John Mercer.
Many surveys were undertaken, and much useful scientific information was obtained, but no new discoveries of any importance were made by either the Hansa or the more fortunate Germania.
Many most useful surveys and some geographical discoveries were made, but beyond the traces found by Ommaney and Penny nothing of the fate of the Franklin expedition was discovered.
From a scientific point of view Doctor Kane's expedition had most important results in the discovery of a large channel to the north-west, and in many other discoveries and surveys of the American and Greenland coasts.
Some land expeditions were made and surveys taken, but at the end of September the strait was quitted, and a refuge sought within Kennedy Harbour.
During the remainder of the winter, surveys were made; but Buddington did not continue the discipline of Hall.
Surveys for the much-needed submarine cable from our Pacific coast to Honolulu are in progress, and this enterprise should have the suitable promotion of the two Governments.
Surveys for the connecting links of the projected intercontinental railway are in progress, not only in Mexico, but at various points along the course mapped out.
During his administration fortification policies were established, surveys were completed, and funds were provided to start construction.
He made numerous surveysand located the permanent site for the fort.
The lake most distant from the north is Elk Lake, so named in the official surveys of the U.
He charted it with a faithfulness and accuracy that would do credit to the surveys of the present day.
Steps back and surveys the timepiece, whose hands clearly indicate a time long passed or not yet come.
Throws down his pen, chuckles, and half standing on the rungs of his chair and balancing himself against his desk, surveys the ledger.
But still she surveyshim with the smile of Mona Lisa.
Leichhardt; and, 2nd, to connect the exploring surveysof Mitchell and Kennedy with his own; such proposal to be accompanied by an estimate of the probable expense which it will be necessary to incur.
To Mr. Augustus Jones [Footnote: This gentleman's name is familiar to all Toronto lawyers and others who have had occasion to examine old surveysof the land herebouts.
He directed surveys to be made of the greater part of the country, which was laid out, under his supervision, into districts and counties.
Roxburghe Club, Surveysof Lands of William, First Earl of Pembroke.
Roxburghe Club, Surveysof the Manors of William, First Earl of Pembroke.
The phrase "town lands," which appears not infrequently[390] in the surveys and estate maps of the sixteenth century may perhaps be taken as indicating the same conclusion.
Roxburghe Club, Surveysof Manors of William, First Earl of Pembroke.
Roxburghe Club, Surveysof Manors of William, First Earl of Pembroke; cf.
Roxburghe Club, Surveysof Lands of William, First Earl of Pembroke (Straton).
The occultation, observations of satellites, and our position deduced from daily surveys with the compass, agree remarkably well together, and mutually support and strengthen each other.
In all of the Western States and Territories these fraudulent surveys had accomplished the seizure of the best and most valuable lands.
The cost of procuring surveys and fraudulent entries did not probably exceed $3 an acre.
The forgeries and fraudulent surveys by which these huge estates were secured were astoundingly bold and frequent.
Although the law restricted surveys to agricultural lands and for homestead entries, yet the Land Office had long corruptly allowed what it was pleased to term certain "liberal regulations.
Surveys were so construed as to include any portion of townships the "larger portion" of which was not "known" to be of a mineral character.
Perjury, fraudulent surveys and entries, collusion with Government officials-- these were a few of the many methods.
According to the American surveys the country is arranged in squares, as shown on all the maps.
The districts susceptible of such extensive improvement are only approximately known, and as it is only through these surveys their availability will be made manifest, the importance of the work can hardly be overestimated.
The progress of the surveys of the region, therefore, that have been instituted by the general government, are watched with absorbing interest.
The congress of the confederation provided the first act in 1785, for the organization of the land surveys and land parcelling system, that title to the unoccupied territories in the west might be securely vested in the individual.
We have record of the stimulus this act gave to the settlement of a large territory, and raised the demand for surveys in the still further west, developing the geography of a vast region that has since become the home of millions of people.
In 1899 and subsequently surveys were made with a view to connecting the Georgian Bay through the intervening water stretches, with the Ottawa river system, and thence to Montreal.
Meanwhile the surveys and construction were carried forward not by a company, but as a government work.
He studied law with General Sullivan, assisted Captain Holland In hissurveys for the map of New Hampshire, and in 1775 was appointed brigade major in the militia of that state.
This plan of the battle of Princeton I copied from a large drawing in the library of Princeton College, made from surveysby Professor Albert B.
The area suitable for dry-farming in this district has not yet been fully determined and, therefore, the Arizona and New Mexico stations are undertaking dry-farm surveys of their respective states.
The present volume surveys the field of attained results and the method of their attainment, in this engaging research.
Vocational surveys were initiated for the purpose of acquiring information which could be placed in the hands of pupils and of those in charge of their training.
These surveys made systematic inquiry into the vocational opportunities afforded to young people by the industries and enterprises of the vicinity.
Beginnings in Industrial Education Righter and Leonard: Educational Surveys and Vocational Guidance Weeks, R.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "surveys" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.