By such men the work of reform for this time must be carried forward.
The war against the Bible, carried forward for so many centuries in France, culminated in the scenes of the Revolution.
The thread must be carried forward but a short distance at each passage of the chaser, gradually deepening the thread while carrying it forward.
F is the straightedge, levelled ready to form a guide whereby the line D may be carried forward, as at E, level and straight, to the third target, and so on across all the targets.
Because of the stiffness in the hock the animal raises the quarter when the limb is carried forward.
Lameness in a hind limb is characterized by more or less dropping of the quarter of the well limb when weight is thrown on it, and sometimes by a "hitch" or elevation of the quarter of the diseased limb when it is carried forward.
After reducing the luxation it is advisable to tie the rope to the collar, so that the limb is carried forward.
As the filling-in proceeded between the two sets of 10 forms each, the form in each set nearest the starting point was removed, carried forward, and put in place at the other end of its set of forms.
For arch centering, it is necessary and convenient to use independent ribs and loose lagging, for the centers can then be carried forward piece-meal, the falsework upholding the green arch and re-erected at the advance end of the work.
Altogether, such superior work, carried forward in his own unique way, has added many hundreds of dollars to the annual income of the farm.
The range of topics included hints regarding any of the allied manufacturing industries which were carried forward by the farm company.
Carried forward by the resistless force of an enthusiasm born of a mighty purpose; with strong hands and willing hearts, let us undertake the speedy accomplishment of our chosen task!
Whatever he undertook he carried forward to successful completion and won not only financial independence but also a high place in the esteem of his fellowmen.
He is a man of sound business judgment, sagacious and farsighted, and his well defined plans are carried forward to successful completion.
Whatever he undertook he carried forward to successful completion and the integrity of his business methods was above question.
It is my belief that a feasible and practical rural electrification program should be carried forward as rapidly as possible.
Plans for all this work are being prepared in order that it may be carried forward as rapidly as possible.
I trust that these objectives thus clearly and unequivocally stated will be carried forward by cooperation between this Congress and the President.
The sciences and arts cannot be carried forward except in a country where the laws of God are respected, where justice is upheld; where intellect generally is cultivated, and taste is diffused.
The rectum must be first emptied and then the hand carried forward until it reaches the front edge of the pelvic bones below, and pressed downward to ascertain the size and outline of the womb.
Fracture of the body is always accompanied with displacement, and as a consequence a shortening of the leg, which is carried forward.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carried forward" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.