The sages of old veiled indeed the highest truths in allegorical forms, in symbols, and finally in a beautiful and richly-colored mythos, but they brought them near to the multitude shrouded it is true but still discernible.
If I ask them, perchance I shall find that they have met somewhere a princess, beautiful and clever, suitable for me, the Tsar Archidei.
They do not see that it is a Holy name, a beautiful and tender as well as an awful and venerable name.
Do you mean to assert that the same things may be beautiful and ugly?
Will he, with the "beautiful and noble" at his side, be less able to aid his friends?
No, dearest, nobody as beautiful and as vital as you can be dull to any one who is not out of tune with life.
Suddenly there stood beside him a small boy who shone with brightness, and was as beautiful andkind as an angel.
He took her with him into his royal palace, and as she was so beautiful and good, he loved her with all his heart, had silver hands made for her, and took her to wife.
Then said the maiden, "I should like to be asbeautiful and fair as the sun," and instantly she was white and fair as day.
The young toad brought the box, and the fat toad opened it, and gave Simpleton a carpet out of it, so beautiful and so fine, that on the earth above, none could have been woven like it.
Madeira, lying in the finest climate in the world, beautiful and fertile, and easy of access to foreigners, ought not to be a mere half civilised colony.
Beautiful and gay, and the lately married and cherished wife of a most worthy man, Mrs. N.
Any one--any one as poor as she well knew missis to be--who could take the fact of being cousin to so beautiful andrich a young lady with such coolness and apparent indifference quite passed Anne's powers of comprehension.
Elizabeth's countenance was illumined with so beautiful and radiant a smile that even the king saw it and admired her beauty.
Do you not find the music very beautiful and enticing?
I believed my rooms to be beautiful and charming; the prince royal himself regulated their arrangement, and Pesne and Buisson ornamented them with their most beautiful paintings.
Darwin certainly brought much that is beautiful and true to the light of day.
And what is the meaning of beautiful and holy, if there is no contrast between good and evil.
He also concedes that a lie can never accomplish any good, and believes that the truth is beautiful and holy.
She was not in the least changed, but looked as beautiful and serene as usual.
Venetia, beautiful and noble-minded Venetia, condescend to fulfil it!
Hester does not think these things, and she is beautiful and happy.
You feel a thing to be beautiful and joyful; I seek to know why it is beautiful and joyful.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beautiful and" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.