Hylton was a test case; and its decision involved immense sumsof money.
There wasn't a trace, a clue to the vast sums with which Maitland had entrusted him.
But the prisoner had such belief in Chamberlayne that he firmly anticipated that all would be well, and that these sums would be repaid, and that a vast profit would result from their use.
Mr. Doolittle replied that he was afraid the large sums he referred to were the property of the bank.
Believing thoroughly in Chamberlayne and his methods, he had entrusted him with very large sums of money.
It sums up the various problems with which nations will have to grapple in every realm of human activity.
Fabulous sums are placed at the disposal of these bodies for home and foreign mission work.
How would you like to leave this money, and the sums to which you will be entitled under our arrangements, from quarter to quarter, to increase at compound interest?
It was a fellow called Crowther; he lived in Dean Street, Soho; in a window on the ground floor there was a card with "Sums from One pound to a Hundred lent at short notice.
This was not only an insult to their lord, but a serious blow to his treasury: the merchants who found themselves no longer protected by his guarantee employed elsewhere the sums which would have come into his hands.
The large sums she earned by her literary labours were expended on the support of her family.
He had one thousand scholars under discipline, and taught them to read, write and work simple sums at a yearly cost of less than 5s.
Be they ever so many, still they all belong to the same class, and an infinite number of nothings only sums up into nothing.
The last verse sums up the diverse fates of the "men of blood and deceit" and of the psalmist.
It rather sums up the whole series of plagues, likening them to an embassy (lit.
The last clause sums up the whole in the petition, "Scatter the peoples that delight in wars.
He entered the several sums upon the registers, and the officiating priest again made a public announcement of our liberality.
Still greater sums were drawn from those who were compromised in the revolts which chequered the king's rule.
Sums were extorted from the clergy; monopolies were sold; the confiscations of the civil war filled the royal exchequer; Edward did not disdain to turn merchant on his own account.
It is further in evidence that it has been the custom of the managers of the Erie Railroad from year to year in the past to expend large sums to control elections and to influence legislation.
He gave to that school several thousand dollars, and upwards of three thousand acres in Vermont, besides land contracts upon which considerable sums were still due.
In flush times like these it is comparatively easy for us to spare large sums of money, because such capital is available and not missed at home.
She has immense sums of money invested in Brazil and she will follow up this advantage keenly.
At Bath the card-tables were one of the chief attractions, and the sums of money staked during a single night seem prodigious.
City governments must spend vast sums of money, and this fact is a standing temptation to dishonest men both in and out of office.
Here vast sums of money are expended, sometimes wisely, and sometimes under the supervision of officials who are lacking in the technical knowledge required by this kind of work.
Footnote 20: Considerable sums are derived by our National government from the sale of public lands.
Merchants paid annual tributes of large sums of money to the Pasha to save their cargoes from seizure.
But this stupendous project calls for ships, men, and vast sums of money.
Therefore many persons who offered fabulous sums of money were refused admittance, and told that every seat was taken.
The collection is most remarkable, even when we remember the large sums of money, and the patience and ability, which have for many years been focussed on its formation.
Eventually, after overcoming great difficulties, the Duke arrived in Spain, where he joined his regiment, and endeavoured to live upon his pay of eighteen pistoles a month, and sums of money sent to him by the Pretender.
They borrowed great sums of the Jews at exorbitant premiums.
Lord Hertford, Lord Sefton, the Duke of York, and many others squandered vast sums in this amusement.
He sums up with a judgment as fair and as calm as if he had been speaking of a writer of some distant period.
This is saying a good deal, when we consider that the Preface sums up the allurements of the Pacific coast in a single sentence covering two and a half pages.
The nation paid very large sums (in the aggregate, I believe, nearly a hundred millions) to relieve Florida of the aboriginal tribes.
Some weighty Sums receiv'd for Corn and Cheese, Are Spent in Treats, and Giv'n away in Fees.
W—n, of Tavistock-street, is prepared to receive small sums for investment on the forthcoming great events.
Relative to various sums of money borrowed and disposed of.
Fouquet has embezzled large sumsof money from the treasury and appropriated them to his own purposes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sums" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.