As strontium salicylate and lithium salicylate are now generally considered to differ but slightly, if at all, in their action from that of sodium salicylate, each dose of Thoxos, 1 teaspoonful or 4 c.
Strontium salts are used in sugar refining and making red fire.
The so-called alkaline earth-metals are the elements beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium.
Ammonium chlorate, NH4ClO3, is obtained by neutralizing chloric acid with either ammonia or ammonium carbonate, or by precipitating barium, strontium or calcium chlorates with ammonium carbonate.
The metals comprising this group are never found in the uncombined condition, but occur most often in the form of carbonates and sulphates; they form oxides of the type RO, and in the case of calcium, strontium and barium, of the type RO2.
Beryllium and magnesium are permanent in dry air; calcium, strontium and barium, however, oxidize rapidly on exposure.
Strontium sulphate is dug from shallow pits in the red marl of Gloucestershire and Somersetshire.
In the absence of baryta or lime it is filtered off, and weighed as strontium carbonate, which contains 70.
The solution contains the barium as baric chloride mixed, perhaps, with salts of strontium or lime.
It is dried, ignited and weighed as strontium sulphate.
Celestine is much used for the preparation ofstrontium hydrate, which is employed in refining beetroot sugar in Germany.
The mineral is used also as a source of various salts of strontium such as the nitrate, which finds application in pyrotechny for the production of red fire.
Stoddart showed that many plants growing on Keuper marls containing celestine near Bristol appropriated the strontium salt, and the metal could be detected spectroscopically in their ashes.
Strontium is much like calcium, which is a major component of milk.
It was found that female dogs increase their strontium retention while they are nursing newborn puppies.
No strontium in any amount recognizable by chemical tests was proved in the plant.
Can Strontiumand Barium Replace Calcium in Phaenogams?
He will recognize it by the color; because strontium gives a red light which nothing else will give.
The red tint has, no doubt, been produced by strontium also.
We have accordingly learned to recognize two substances, namely, strontium and sodium, by the different lights which they give out when burning.
Studies have suggested, however, thatstrontium moves in solution and thus indicates the movement of water.
Experiments have shown that plant uptake of strontium from soils can be reduced by introduction of calcium in available form into the soil.
Barium and strontium as saline elements are characterised by their powerful basic properties, so that they form acid salts with difficulty, and scarcely form basic salts.
They are both heavier than water; the specific gravity of barium is 3·6, and of strontium 2·5.
Peroxides of calcium and strontium may be obtained by means of hydrogen peroxide.
Neither calcium nor strontium oxides are able to give such a peroxide directly, but they form peroxides under the action of hydrogen peroxide.
As rubidium and cæsium are more rarely met with in nature than potassium, so also strontium and barium are rarer than calcium (in the same way that bromine and iodine are rarer than chlorine).
Most feldspars, unfortunately, contain far too much, but rapid screening by X-ray fluorescence or flame photometry methods can weed these out and identify specimens low enough in original strontium to be useful.
The whole-rock rubidium-strontium age dates the time when the rock became impermeable.
What we need is strontium contaminated to just the same extent as the strontium that was taken as an impurity into the closed system when it first formed.
The ⁸⁷Sr peak in this spectrum is obviously larger than in the common strontium in A.
Now strontium is geochemically similar to calcium, and some strontium will have gone into the apatite crystal in place of calcium.
This work has been done frequently, and the results have been fruitful for rubidium-strontium analysis.
The temperature needed to cause the rapid loss of strontium from mica is not much higher.
Mica With the development of the rubidium-strontium (parent-daughter) method by L.
Therefore, rubidium must be separated chemically fromstrontium before the strontium can be analyzed in a mass spectrometer.
The only difficulty arises from the fact that few rocks are sufficiently impermeable to solutions to retain argon, and many rocks contain so much common strontium that rubidium-strontium analysis is impractical.
The rubidium-strontium age of feldspar usually comes close to the time of original crystallization of the rock.
Strontium carbonate, a mineral of a white, greenish, or yellowish color, usually occurring in fibrous massive forms, but sometimes in prismatic crystals.
A radioactive isotope of strontium produced by certain nuclear reactions, and constituting one of the prominent harmful components of radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions; also called radiostrontium.
He calls attention to the fact that “the salicyl content of strontium salicylate is about four-fifths that of sodium salicylate based on the amount of available anion.
Each tablet, or teaspoonful of the liquid, is said to contain: “Strontium salicylate from Natural Oil 5 gr.
The question naturally arise whether this smaller salicylate content may not contribute to the notion that strontium salicylate is less likely to cause salicylism.
Strontium Salicylate Not Superior to Sodium Salicylate Sodium salicylate is a valuable drug.
A combination of Calcium and Strontium Di-Salicylate, in seemingly true chemical union.
As there is no evidence to show that strontium salicylate, calcium salicylate or a mixture of the two salts has any advantage over sodium salicylate, these claims cannot be accepted.
Taste” is a difficult subject to dispute; but in the experience of the referee, patients object more to the strontium than to the sodium salt.
Blankenhorn shows that strontium salicylate possesses no advantages over sodium salicylate, as regards either therapeutic efficacy or freedom from undesirable by-effects.
Strontium Salicylate not superior to Sodium Salicylate, 572 Strychnin Arsenate, The Journal, Sept.
The product, however, may be assumed to be a mixture (not a chemical combination) of calcium salicylate and strontium salicylate.
No evidence is submitted to prove that the strontium salt is less apt to disorder the stomach.
It is claimed (quoting from Hare) that strontium salicylate “.
For this reason, such studies as that of Blankenhorn on strontium salicylate are of special value.
No strontium could be detected in the ash of any of the plants save barley, and then only the merest trace was found.
Daubeny concluded that the roots were able to reject strontium even when presented in the form of a solution.
Heat strontium theosulphate for fifteen minutes over a good Bunsen gas lamp and then for 5 minutes over a blast lamp.
Shades of more or less depth or intensity are imparted by adding to the tin chloride a little nitrate of strontium or barium.
Heat equal parts of strontium carbonate and lac Supt gently for 5 minutes, then strongly for 25 minutes over a Bunsen lamp, and finally 5 minutes over a blast lamp.
On the other hand, if we start with a solution containing a very large excess of a strontium salt, more than is required by the equilibrium ratio, then strontium sulphate will be precipitated first, until the ratio given is reached.
If we start with equivalent quantities of barium and strontium chlorides, say in 0.
The alkaline earth ions, especially the ions of barium, strontium and calcium, form a great number of insoluble salts, which may be used to separate them from each other.
After that, strontium sulphate will be precipitated, with traces of barium sulphate, the ratio expressed in the equilibrium equation being maintained in the supernatant liquid.
The much more soluble strontium sulphate makes the concentration of the sulphate-ion very much greater than it is in the saturated solution of pure barium sulphate and diminishes the concentration of the barium-ion proportionately (p.
The resemblance between calcium and magnesium, or strontium and zinc, is much less marked.
The corresponding salts of the three elements are very similar to each other and show a regular variation in properties in passing from calcium to strontium and from strontium to barium.
The method of preparation of strontium hydroxide is analogous to that of calcium hydroxide.
Write equations to represent the reactions involved in the preparation of strontium hydroxide and strontium nitrate from strontianite.
The alkaline-earth family consists of the very abundant element calcium and the much rarer elements strontium and barium.
Only a few of the compounds of strontium have any commercial applications.
Strontium and barium have as yet been obtained only in small quantities and in the impure state, and many of their physical properties, such as their densities and melting points, are therefore imperfectly known.
Ammonium carbonate is added to the filtrate; this precipitates calcium, strontium and barium.
The next group may contain the white calcium, barium and strontium carbonates.
In 1808 Davy isolated sodium and potassium; he then turned his attention to the preparation of metallic calcium, barium, strontium and magnesium.
Davy first observed, that when strontia was heated in chlorine gas, it gave out oxygen gas, and a chloride of strontium was formed.
Chloride of strontium goes into solution, chloride of barium remaining undissolved.
In this way, a solution of sulphides of barium and strontium is obtained, which is then tested as directed above.
Illustration] Crystals of barytes are orthorhombic and isomorphous with the strontium and lead sulphates (celestite and anglesite); they are usually very perfectly developed and present great variety of form.
The rosium oxide and salts of strontium are to be dumped into the tank together.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strontium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.