The janitor in charge admitted that some of thestricter members of the sect had made urgent objections against this form of entertainment, but the committee "was not willing to let the devil have all the fun.
The Irish are the most old-fashioned kind of Presbyterians, being stricterthan the Scotch.
A man of stricterhonour and of more reasonable sense could not have been selected for the employment.
The visible part seems to be nothing but stricterpractice than that of our church, clothed in the old exploded cant of mystical devotion.
Virginians had no interest to contend for any stricterform of slavery than this.
The indulgence of the old to the follies or pleasures of the young is often contrasted with the stricter view of the obligations of life, entertained by an earlier generation, and always in favour of the former.
But the state of public opinion in the last years of the Republic is not to be gauged either by that of an earlier time, or by that existing during the stricter censorship of the Augustan regime.
Nor had he learned the stricter conditions under which that metre could be adapted to the powerful and weighty movement of the Latin language.
Emilie said that she would be more at liberty when she was married, while Armelline, vexed at her giving me any hopes, told her sharply that a married woman had stricter duties to perform than a girl.
I agree, but God sent us into the world that we might run the risk" "To a man it may be a necessity and a delight, but a girl is bound by stricter laws.
We retain them here, with a stricter definition, however.
The great number of species afterwards discovered leads to the stricter definition given above.
Even Greek composition, which the stricter taste of the Scipionic age had totally set aside, now revived.
On these and other points of dispute the Sadducees invariably followed the exact letter of the Law, which resulted in their occasionally enforcing stricter rules than the Pharisees, who have been so much abused for their rigid austerity.
The novice was not allowed, however, to enter immediately into the community, but was subjected by degrees to an ever stricter observance of the laws of abstinence and purity.
But, on the other hand, morality was stricter in Galilee, and the observance of laws and customs more rigidly enforced.
Della Quercia, in obedience to the stricter laws of sculpture, restrains his composition to the three chief persons, and brings them into close connection.
If, in the matter of reform, a stricter discipline was enforced upon the inferior clergy, and the abuse of pluralities was checked, nothing was done to touch the prerogatives of the Pope, or of the cardinals.
The more careless and ignorant of the clergy feared the stricter supervision and discipline which would ensue.
Now, as then, he urged that till the whole force was new modelled, and placed under a stricter discipline, "they must not expect any notable success in anything they went about.
The Parliament was showing less and less inclination to dissolve itself, and was meeting the growing discontent by a stricter censorship of the press and a fruitless prosecution of John Lilburne.
They live in a large building at free cost, and under stricter oversight than the rest of the students.
It may well be supposed that from this time forward, a much stricter eye was kept upon every sort of Verbindung of the students.
The immediate family is under still stricter rules.
I wis we have been less stricter than you in breeding up our maids: but to think that one of them should bring this like of a misfortune on us!
Methinks the Church of England is too comprehensive, and should be drawn on stricter lines.
But under this title lurked also the far stricter sects of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren, who differed from the predominant church in more important particulars, and bore, in fact, a great resemblance to the German Protestants.
Applause) During the last five years there is apparent among business men a larger recognition of their obligations to the community, and there is noticeable among the directors of many of our corporations a stricter sense of trusteeship.
Stricter demands are also made on the laity for personal holiness, especially as regards continence from the sins of the flesh, and the marriage of relatives (Leviticus xviii.
He is at length induced to permit himself to be placed at their head as their abbot, requires his followers to observe strictly the ancient rule, and gives them a few other directions of still stricter life.
But the writer of the Tract seems to allude to the stricter sense, when he calls it a characteristic of rationalism "to base its system upon personal experience, on the evidence of sense.
The sanction of the Law is stricter than that of Custom, just as the Law itself is stricter than is Custom.
It imposes upon us a stricter duty to guard with a firm and powerful vigilance those whose principles of conscience weaken their principles of self-defence.
We make binding laws of morality, and leave it to the man of exceptional qualities to break them; for the generality of mankind, the stricter code is safer.
But if we use stricter reasoning, we can see how, in either case, we identify ourselves with others.
In itsstricter application, it belongs to a party among them; to Voltaire and his immediate followers, and especially to the Encyclopaedists.
The manoeuvres of the troops became more regular, the discipline stricter and more exact for a time.
It would maintain a stricter censorship than heretofore, and is inclined to attribute all the immorality of the age to the unbridled license of authors.
A man who aspires to chivalry must guide himself by stricter rules than other men.
But then came the remembrance that such a proceeding would almost infallibly transfer him to a still stricter prison, where, instead of being voluntary and but for one day, his imprisonment would be forced and long-continued.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stricter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.