Although in shape and size they exactly resemble the ocean bonito of tropic seas, these new arrivals are lighter in colour, with bands of marbled grey along the sides and belly.
The ventral surface has an obscure marbled pattern.
Although it breeds and lives on the grassy meadows of the interior, the marbled godwit seems to prefer the seacoast on its migrations, frequenting more rarely the shores of large lakes.
The marbled godwit has on several occasions been recorded outside of its normal range principally to the south and east of its winter quarters.
Such spots are the chosen breeding grounds of the marbled godwit, and, so far as our experience goes, the nests of this species are invariably placed on these grassy plains or meadows.
The marbled godwit lays four eggs regularly, very rarely three and still more rarely five.
As soon as the breeding season is over, or even before all the broods are fledged, the marbled godwits begin to gather into flocks and become much more wary.
The latter writes: The marbled godwits are very common in the South in winter, but they are particularly abundant in Florida.
The marbled godwit has a great variety of striking and characteristic notes.
The flight of the marbled godwit is strong, rather swift and direct; the head is usually drawn in somewhat, the bill pointed straight forward, and the feet stretched out behind.
All were sewn roughly together into a mould-stained, marbled cover.
The marbled water shadows deepened to fire in the Alpine after glow; and the little waves of the lake came lipping and lisping and laving at their feet.
To judge from the form of the bowl and stem, the cup of finely marbled schmelz at Hertford House cannot be dated much later than 1500.
The head looked white and luminous, standing out from a dark gray sky, marbled at the horizon by purple clouds, upon which were visible the bluish summits of distant hills, in deep shadow.
The marbled harbor seal, so called because of his spots, was being wiped out, as he was wiping out the fish many years ago, before the Government put a price on his head.
Toiney, mixing up his pronouns in guttural excitement over this river duel, such as he had witnessed once before, when two male seals contested for the favor of some marbled sweetheart.
Leon ran his finger down the seal's dog-like head and back, already faintly dotted with those round markings which gain for his family the name of the "marbled seal.
Nixon, looking at the head and back of the marbled seal.
This species is very similar to the Marbled Murrelet, the chief difference being in the bill which is shorted.
They are grayish white or cream color marbledwith pale brown and gray, with fainter markings of lilac.
The eggs are very peculiar and beautiful, having a light grayish or cream color ground, peculiarly marbled with many shades of brown and lilac.
This species is 19 inches in length, is of a nearly uniform ruddy color and is handsomelymarbled above, and barred below with black.
In the breeding plumage, this bird is brownish black above, barred with rusty and below is marbled with brownish gray and white.
They are smaller than the Marbled Godwit (length 18 inches) and are deep reddish brown below.
They lay from six to sixteen eggs which have a ground color of buff or brownish buff, heavily speckled, blotched and marbled with blackish brown.
A buffy colored species, with a peculiarlymarbled back.
This species is apparently not as common or is more locally distributed during migrations than is the Marbled Godwit.
This species is more uniform and brighter ruddy beneath than the preceding, and the back is not marbled as strongly.
Domino" was an Italian word, used in Italy as early as the fifteenth century for marbled paper.
The pale ground color of the marbled pattern in most specimens is least extensive on the back and arms, but most extensive on the legs.
Marbled sea' is good; as good as 'the mobled queen.
By cattle paths grass-grown and worn, Through marbled streets all stain'd and torn By time and battle, there I walked.
Churned water marbled astern Grey riverbanks in the dusk Melting away into mist And a shrill wind hard off the sea.
She saw, with some long inner sight, a vast hall with mighty pillars; a smooth, marbledfloor and a great throng whose silent eyes looked curiously upon her.
The flesh is a beautiful, marbled yellow, rayed with red at the pit and perfectly free from the stone.
I remember buying the thing, a stout volume with commercially marbled covers, at a stationer's shop in the Goswell Road.
Why does the marbled appearance of fat in meat indicate that it is young and tender?
These pretty plants of the Lily order have more or less oblong or cylindrical bulbs, sometimes with creeping rhizomes, and leaves more or less marbled or blotched or sometimes green.
This species is very variable, but the fore wings are usually dark brown, marbled with a lighter colour--white or grey.
The wings have always a whitish ground marbled and dotted with dark brown, but in some the fore wings are almost entirely dark brown with the exception of a transverse central bar.
The fore wings of the moth are dingy brownish grey, marbled in a very confused manner by darker markings.
The Marbled White (Melanargia Galatea) Our first member of this family is the exception to which we have already alluded as a relief to the general dinginess of the 'Browns.
On this type English earthenware, which usually has a red body, the liquid slip was marbled or combed over the surface of the vessel with a toothed instrument of wire or leather to produce the effect of paper-marbling.