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Example sentences for "stoute"

Lexicographically close words:
stound; stoup; stoupe; stoups; stout; stouter; stoutest; stoutish; stoutlie; stoutly
  1. And Gyges with stoute courage, bent himselfe thereunto, for he saw no remedye, but that he must kill, or els be killed.

  2. The lyfe and giftes of the most Famous Queene Zenobia with the Letters of the Emperour Avrelianvs to the sayde Queene, and her stoute aunswere thereunto.

  3. The siege of Rome by Porsenna, and the valiaunt deliuerie thereof by Mutius Scæuola, with his stoute aunswere vnto the kinge.

  4. The siege of Rome by Porsenna, and the valiaunt deliuerie thereof by Mutius Scœuola, with his stoute aunswere vnto the kinge.

  5. The lyfe and giftes of the most Famous Queene Zenobia with the letters of the Emperour Avrelianvs to the sayde Queene, and her stoute aunswere thereunto.

  6. Wherewithal Ricciardo encouraged, proued a very stoute and valiaunt man in suche wyse almoste as the affaires of the whole state passed through his handes.

  7. When he was come thether, he said nothing of that which had passed betweene theim, and verelye thoughte that the Counte Guillaume although that he was a stronge and stoute gentleman, yet he was no man to do so great an enterprise.

  8. Ariobarzanes hearing the king speake so reasonably, was abashed, but yet with stoute countenaunce he feared not particularly to remember the woordes which he had spoken of the king, and the cause wherefore he spake them.

  9. Stepe stayred [þe] stones of his stoute throne, Bright shone the stones of his firm throne.

  10. Now ys Pers bycome bryche That er was bothe stoute and ryche.

  11. Thai made it botħ stoute and gay; Here hed«is» here maistowe see.

  12. Was it for thys the stoute Norwegian bledde?

  13. A more gallante warrioure than that lorde Is not yon hostes among; And the gallante troopes that hee doth leade, Like hym, are stoute and younge.

  14. The Duke greatly commended them both, hir for hir stoute audacity, in defence of an innocent Gentleman, and him for his honour, and modesty, by seeking to preserue the Fame and good reporte of a vertuouse Gentlewoman.

  15. Let fearful Doves on cowards’ tombs take rest— We Eagles stoute to stoute men give a crest.

  16. Thus in stoute Hectors race three hundred yeares, The Romane Scepter royall shall remaine, Till that a Princesse priest conceau'd by Mars, Shall yeeld to dignitie a dubble birth, Who will eternish Troy in their attempts.

  17. A Roge is neither so stoute or hardy as the vpright man.

  18. Provision growing short, left Stoute and Miller with two loads, to come on with a sled on the ice, which was on the water in some of the coves.

  19. But be stoute and of good cheare, for I am with you vnto the worldes end.

  20. Doth this modestie, doth this obedience, that was in great kyng Cyrus, and stoute Samson, remaine in our yongmen at this daie?

  21. They were a stoute and a warlike people, by reason whereof, they were Lordes of the land.

  22. But to behold the stoute courage of Cortez, his charges, and liberalitie in expences, it was straunge, and to sée how hee was deceiued.

  23. Cortez finding them stoute and stubborne, liked not the bargaine.

  24. My louing fellowes and déere friendes, it is certayne that euery valiant manne of stoute courage, doth procure by déedes to make him selfe equall with the excellente men of his time, yea and with those that were before his time.

  25. Nexst in ordre, this bochier stoute and bolde That killed hathe bulles and boores olde, This Berthilmew, for al his broode knyff, Yit durst he neuer with his sturdy wyff In no mater holde chaumpartye.

  26. The stoute courage of capitaines, the witte and policie of counselors, the learning of bishoppes[81], did robbe the of thy glorie and honor.

  27. Mr. Stoute gave the vice-principal a hearty welcome; and it was soon evident that they were men who could cordially agree.

  28. He found himself unable to stand up; and he reeled to the mainmast, where Professor Stoute was already moored to the fife-rail.

  29. Professor Stoute walked away, apparently to avoid any further conversation on the disagreeable subject.

  30. They had had a long talk together about the second drenching of the senior, and Mr. Stoute was obliged to conclude that the deed had been wilfully done.

  31. But Mr. Stoute was unwilling to believe that the captain would resort to such a proceeding.

  32. While changing his garments, he recited to Mr. Stoute the new misfortune that had overtaken him.

  33. Let me say that Mr. Stoute did not indorse my course, and that in future I will give Mr. Kendall permission to leave the class whenever he desires to do so.

  34. His description of the dikes and ditches of Holland was very full; but such portions of it as have been given by Mr. Stoute will be omitted.

  35. At the same time Mr. Stoute searched the steerage for any which might have been concealed.

  36. Without waiting for his associate's final decision as to what he intended to do, Mr. Stoute left the state-room.

  37. Professor Stoute and himself were the only persons left in the steerage; but while the former laughed, the latter stormed.

  38. Mr. Stoute shook his fat sides, laughing at the ire of his distinguished and learned associate.

  39. I had requested Professor Stoute and Mr. Terrill to take seats in this carriage in order to afford any information we might need; but I find the facts in the case are not disputed.

  40. Mr. Stoute had a horrid vein of humor running through his fat frame, had, perhaps, a suspicion that he was making fun at his expense.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stoute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.