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Example sentences for "long talk"

  • Abd-el-Latif came, and we had a long talk.

  • Seyd Huseyn Bilgrami, however, with whom I had a long talk, says the Government of India will never consent to such a plan, and asked me besides whom they could possibly trust to advise them for their good.

  • We had a long talk, principally about the misfortunes of their community.

  • In the smoking-room I had a long talk with M.

  • This new topic seemed to please her, and we had quite a long talk upon it; she speaking of her visits to the park, for skating and the like, and I dwelling on the beauty of the works of art and the views in the park.

  • That evening, the two friends had a long talk together.

  • There was a long talk, between Roger and his uncle, as to the steps that should be taken.

  • That evening, after Mistress Mercy, the girls, and Roger had retired to bed, Reuben Hawkshaw and his cousin had a long talk together, concerning the next voyage of the Swan.

  • After tea called to visit very sick old man; long talk; no assurance of forgiveness of sins.

  • I'm going to your room at bedtime for a long talk.

  • Then he kissed her again, and went in search of Beth, with whom he had a long talk, despite the fact that it was then after midnight.

  • And then Dolly turned consoler, and there was a long, long talk, despite the fact that it was in the wee small hours, and that they were all to take a railroad journey that day.

  • Lord Carlisle came and had a long talk with M.

  • And as the sun went down, and the cool wind began to blow in the hot streets and the stars came out, Samuel took Saul upstairs to the flat roof, and there they sat and had a long talk together.

  • I have been having a long talk over it with Colonel Adair, this afternoon, and he quite agrees with me that we must reckon on the probability of an attempt to fire the town.

  • They had a long talk together, that evening.

  • I had a long talk with a broken old bum who lay on his back in an empty truck looking up at the stars and spun me yarns of his life as a cook on ships all up and down the world.

  • And then into my small workroom came Eleanore's father for a long talk.

  • I spoke to her, of course; we had quite a long talk, till she said the sun was in her eyes, and walked on.

  • Heriot found me, and we have had a long talk.

  • Aunt Milly, as though you did not know, when he told me that you and he had had a long talk about it yesterday!

  • He received us quite informally, and we had a long talk in French, which he pronounced remarkably well; he explained it to me by saying that he belonged to a Jersey family.

  • Great Sachem Elias Reese presented his long talk, regretting that he had not been able to institute any new Tribes, but reported the Order in a very healthy condition.

  • John Fowler's garden, to which the brethren will march in procession, where a long talk will be delivered by one of the order.

  • The Great Sachem then read his long talk.

  • A long talk followed, Mrs. Carrington and Sophie giving their experiences of the war and its results, to which the others listened with deep interest.

  • No, he has kindly promised me time for a long talk.

  • Clara came to have a long talk with me to-day, but Dick will serve her turn much better.

  • Said he, settling himself in his chair again for a long talk: "It is clear from all that we hear and read, that in the last age of civilisation men had got into a vicious circle in the matter of production of wares.

  • Soon afterwards a boy, who was out minding sheep, came up from the west, and we had a long talk.

  • Further on I had a long talk with a young man who is inquisitive about modern life, and I explained to him an elaborate trick or corner on the Stock Exchange that I heard of lately.

  • This morning I had a long talk with an old man who was rejoicing over the improvement he had seen here during the last ten or fifteen years.

  • All right, come to see me next time in your Brixton-Viennese costume, and we'll have a long talk.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "long talk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    blind alley; brief while; long continuance; long day; long drive; long face; long flight; long friend; long hair; long hill; long history; long last; long line; long nose; long piece; long ride; long robe; long rope; longer afraid; longer exist; longer knew; longer required; principal object; quilted cotton; slow step; thus judge