When the current is first switched on it passes through the heater coil which, becoming incandescent, by radiation heats the glower until it becomes conductive.
The glower then takes current, becoming itself brilliantly incandescent, and the electromagnet becoming energized switches the heater coil out of circuit.
The iron ballast wire increases in resistance with increase of current, and so operates to keep the total current through the glower constant in spite of small variations of circuit voltage.
Mention should also be made of the Helion filament glow lamp in which the glower is composed largely of silicon, a carbon filament being used as a base.
Fiddlers' dogs and fleshers' flees come to feasts unbidden," said Mysie; but Sandy gae her a glower that garred her steek her moo gey quick.
Duke's they were not thine, and if they were not thine thou wert not robbed, and, since thou wert not robbed, wherefore groan and glower ye on the moon?
His angriest glower did not seem to stir the sulky car, and in disgrace it was hauled off to a garage.
It was dismaying to Babbitt to have such a person glower at him.
Take that injured gloweroff your puss," I snapped.
The Vidame was silent, seeming to gloweron the boy.
And we--well we slunk away and sat on the other side of the terrace, whence we could stillglower at the offender.
Glower of Chelmsford had a patient who lived ten years on a pint of tea daily, only now or then chewing a half dozen raisins or almonds, but not swallowing them.
The heater is cut out by an electromagnet when the glower goes into operation.
Owing to the fact that this glower decreases rapidly in resistance as its temperature is increased, it is necessary to place in series with it a substance which increases in resistance with increasing current.
The glower is heated initially by a coil of platinum wire located near it but not in contact with it.
They glower at each other through each course, and are positively devoted in their attentions to John and Letitia.
I s' lat nobody glower at her 'at wad gang an spairge sic havers about her, Mistress Mellis.
It reminded her of the way that once, at one of the lectures in Glower Street, something in a big jar that, amid an array of strange glasses and bad smells, had been promised as a beautiful yellow was produced as a beautiful black.
Hab to be spry to arn a libin' in dese yer times, but I can do it fum dem dat's fren'ly and not fum dem dat glower at me.
The fount of my felicity indulged in a glower that can only be described as truculent, but her flutelike tones had a little piping thrill that softened its effect considerably.
Time enough," said the Chief Constable, subsiding with a growl and a glower into the left-hand corner.
I have eight more lessons to administer today," sighed Max with a parting glower at the premises of the Chicago Musical College, "But when my old friend Broun has an exhibition I go.
I passed through the Auld Toon the noo--a place I never speak in; an' if they did naglower at me as I had been a strange beast.
They cam' to their very doors to glower at me; if ye'll believe me, I thoucht shame.
As he marched down upon the bodies he fixed them with a wide-open glower that was devoid of every expression but courageous steadiness.
Gourlay looked over at him in the far corner of the brake, with the wide-open glower that made people blink.
Some even stood away out in front of their doors to glower at him advancing, turning slowly with him as he passed, and glowering behind him as he went.
When Gourlay was in wrath he had a widening glower that enveloped the offender; yet his eye seemed to stab--a flash shot from its centre to transfix and pierce.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glower" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.