The name is taken from the fact that the chief sprocket wheel is shaped somewhat like a Maltese Cross.
After getting this far, the arm on its upward course leaves the three-divided wheel, which stands still while the shutter is open until the arm gets around again, and as the shutter closes pulls the sprocket around another space.
Without going into a long, tiresome, technical explanation of this very important little feature of the projecting machine, it will suffice to say that the three-groove wheel is connected with the sprocket underneath the film gate.
From the film box the film runs to a roller, where a sprocket enters the all-important perforations and draws out the strip to make a small loop above the film gate.
This of course turns the lower toothed sprocket and jerks the film down the space of one picture.
The speed of this shaft and consequently the speed of the traverse is increased or decreased by changing the Sprocket Gear.
The Worm Gear Shaft is driven by a sprocket chain in the bead end.
Gearing chain, an endless chain transmitted motion from one sprocket wheel to another.
Pitch chain, a chain, as one made of metallic plates, adapted for working with a sprocket wheel.
Slowly the ponderous caterpillar belts moved around on the sprocket wheels.
They inspected the powerful gasolene engines, saw how they worked the endless belts made of plates of jointed steel, which, running over sprocket wheels, really gave the tank its power by providing great tractive force.
In 1877 Rousseau, of Marseilles, removed the pedals from the wheel axle and applied the power to the axle by a chain extending from a sprocket wheel on the pedal shaft to a sprocket wheel on the wheel axle.
Sprocket wheels and a chain connect the engine shaft to the rear axle.
I found the lock ring of one chain wheel missing altogether, and the sprocket half-way unscrewed from its shaft.
The chain was all right, but the engine sprocket had almost come right off the driving shaft.
The cam shafts may be driven by a chain, the links of which fit over teeth cut on sprocket wheels, but there must always be a constant relation between the position of the cam shaft and that of the crank shaft.
The parts to be turned are sprocket wheels which are held in the two 9-inch chucks.
As the film is drawn forward by the main sprocket pulley, it is quickly pulled downward by each rotation of the rapidly moving eccentric roller on the disk.
The picture film is drawn from an upper reel, passed over a sprocket pulley, downward through a retaining clamp, and over a second pulley to the bottom or winding reel.
The electric motor operates a main shaft to which it is geared, a worm engaging a gear on the shaft with the main sprocket pulley, and draws the picture ribbon downward at a uniform speed.
The perforations in the edges of the film are of a special square shape, and give the square sprocket wheel of the propelling pulley a better tension on the film.
The speed of the film passing under the exposing chamber must be absolutely uniform; this is obtained by propelling the sprocket wheel by an electric motor or by a spring motor.
A further check of alinement is observing that rearsprocket runs centrally in chain.
With clutch in fully disengaged position (foot pedal heel down) the clutch release lever must clear the countershaft sprocket cover stud and/or nut by 1/16 inch.
Inspect countershaft sprocket, and rear wheel sprocket to see that they are in good condition, not excessively worn, and that rear sprocket rivets are tight.
Length of control cable must be adjusted to obtain 1/16-inch clutch release lever and sprocket cover stud and/or nut clearance.
Install cap screw which secures rear chain guard end and chain oiler pipe clamp to sprocket cover.
This is accomplished by means of a sprocket chain gear and a crank connected to the engine shaft.
Dick slowed it down, and then the work of repairing the broken sprocket chain and gear was undertaken.
In biplanes, such as the Burgess, Wright or Curtiss, it is the custom to operate the propellers directly from the motor, either by means of a shaft, or by sprocket chains.
No, but we've broken the sprocket chain on the port propeller," answered Mr. Vardon.
The larger sprocket wheel is rotated by means of a triangular shaped lever attached at the lower corner to the crank of the sprocket wheel and having a handle at each of its upper corners.
An upright framework secured to the platform carries a large sprocket wheel, which is connected to a smaller one upon one of the axles by means of a chain.
The over-all gear or ratio of the system was the multiplication due to the double purchase of the plunger sheaves times the ratio of the chain and drive sprocket diameters: 2(12.
At the bottom of the run the chains passed around huge sprocket wheels, 12.
Sometimes the intermittent sprocketdoes not work properly and the lower sprocket pulls away all of the loop.
The upper steady-feed sprocketfeeds just as much film into the upper loop as the intermittent sprocket takes away; while the lower steady-feed sprocket takes away just as much as the intermittent sprocket feeds to it.
The lower feed loop is provided to prevent the lower sprocket from pulling on the film and thus interfering with the work of the intermittent sprocket.
Now apply a liberal coating of cement to the latter section and carefully lay the first upon it, taking great care that the sprocket holes in the two sections overlap and match perfectly.
Some sprockets are made reversible and the trouble can be remedied by turning the sprocket wheel around.
The upper loop often causes trouble by enlarging; this occurs when the intermittent sprocket fails to work while the steady sprocket continues to feed.
The main trouble with all sprockets is in the wear of the teeth, as in time they wear away near the body of the sprocket and form hooks.
In case the lower sprocket is not working properly, the loop may become enlarged and the film may run onto the floor.
This sprocket moves the film by an intermittent motion allowing the film to remain stationary in the light for about four-eightieths of a second and shifting it during about one-eightieth of a second.
Films are frequently split along the line of the sprocket holes.
As for instance, between Grant Adams and Captain Morton over a sprocket which the Captain had invented and Henry Fenn had patented for the Captain.
Chiefly, he was telling what he thought the sprocket needed to make it work upon an automobile.
So the Judge, thinking to get rid of the Captain and oblige the Fenns with one stroke, sent the Captain away with twenty-five dollars to pay Henry Fenn for getting the patent for the sprocket and securing the charter for the company.
And now what I want is a patent for the sprocket and a charter for the company to put it on the market.
When the upper sprocket, which is approaching the film, engages a perforation, just below the upper partition, it will carry the film downward until the sprocket disengages from the perforation at the lower partition.
The sprocket can be purchased from a moving-picture stock house cheaply, but if the builder so desires, one can be made from wood turned up about 1 in.
With the addition of some crosspieces in the main frame at the front and a motorcycle engine fastened to them so that the driving sprocket will be in line with the sprocket on the coaster hub, the builder will have a real cyclecar.
The sprocket cylinder is driven by a smaller grooved wheel or pulley, D, to which a crank is attached for turning.
Printing Machine] The sprocket A is placed directly back of the opening B which may be regulated to admit the proper light.
Duryea explained the function of these unique little parts: "as soon as tension came on that ring gear that we talked about, it not only tightened the chain hanging on this sprocket on the upper side, but it tightened it on both sides.
It was an internal-cut gear, according to Duryea's description, with sprocket teeth on its periphery.
An endless chain connects the sprockets on the carriage wheels to the sprocket wheels on the driving shaft.
A small sprocket on each end of the shaft carried a chain from the larger sprockets clamped to the spokes of each rear wheel.
Of course, the key that prevented the sprocket from slipping on the shaft had dropped out soon afterward, thus allowing the shaft to revolve without transmitting the slightest power.
The nut that held the engine driving sprocket on the shaft had worked loose and dropped off.
Sort of flew off the sprocket when the link parted and went bang through the side plate of the fuselage, sir.
The teeth engage with the film perforations, so that by the rotation of the handle and sprocket the film is fed forwards regularly, smoothly and evenly, as it is drawn from the loaded spool box B.
The film is taken from the upper unexposed film-box, passed over the sprocket, through the gate, under the sprocket and wound into the lower exposed film-box.
The sprocket G continuously revolves under the steady turning movement of the handle, and the two films are held rigidly, tightly and steadily together by the pressure gate F.
The engagement of the films with this sprocketis ensured by the two pressure rollers H.
The sprocket A is driven directly by the operating handle, which engages with the sprocket spindle.
It must be seen that the teeth of the sprocket engage with the perforations in the film.
The film is moved intermittently through the printing gate F by the sprocketwheel G, the teeth of which engage with the perforations in the films.
A pair of twin rollers, D and E, bear against this sprocket under the tension of a spring, their object being to keep the film pressed firmly against the sprocket.
Here again one must be careful to see that the insertion is square and that the sprocket teeth mesh with the film perforations.
As the film emerges from the gate it is picked up once more by the sprocket A, the engagement of the perforations in the film with the sprocket teeth being assured by the two rollers J and K.
The film now is passed round the under side of the sprocket A, the spring roller J being pressed back to admit of easy entrance, and the end of the blank is passed under the second or pressure roller K.
Once formed they remain constant, because of the action of the teeth on the sprocket; for the movement of the ribbon over the sprocket is equal to that produced by the claws through the gate.
This sprocket A is fitted with two rows of teeth, mounted upon its periphery, and so spaced apart, both circumferentially and transversely, as to coincide with the distances between the perforations of the film.
The lower reel= is also loose on its axle, but it is driven by means of a friction clutch, the clutch always rotating faster than the reel so that the used film delivered by the sprocket pulley E is wound up as fast as delivered.
This is driven by a motor of about 1/7 horse power, which also drives, through the gears shown, the sprocket pulley E.
E is the sprocket driving pulley which engages with the perforations on the film and unwinds it from the reel A to reel H.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sprocket" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.