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Example sentences for "scantily"

Lexicographically close words:
scanted; scanter; scantest; scantier; scantiest; scantiness; scantling; scantlings; scantly; scanty
  1. I felt that the sittings I gave you being so few and so scantily measured out, the least I could do was not, wittingly, to make you lose your time.

  2. Three of the five inmates were present, scantily dressed and all claiming to possess health certificates, issued by the house doctor.

  3. A little woman admitted the investigator to the receiving room, where sat nine inmates, all scantily dressed.

  4. The soil of the country through which we passed was a hard-baked clay producing scantily and at intervals a few blades of sickly grass.

  5. The Tadjiks were poor pilgrims, themselves but scantily supplied with the bare necessaries of life.

  6. The steep slopes are generally bare, the lower portion only being scantily clothed with deciduous oak, for the most part stunted, and with low scrub of juniper and barberry.

  7. The ragged limestone banks are scantily clothed with the evergreen oak, and the sandstone with pines; while every available spot is carefully cultivated.

  8. He was a little less sure of this when he saw Agatha, who sat near an open window, in a scantily furnished match-boarded room.

  9. A sandy or light earthy soil, scantily furnished with vegetation, is preferred to any other station.

  10. The produce of the fish-ponds, woods, and fields was then a matter of some moment, and much depended on the training of the Hawks and diligence of the falconer whether the daily board should be plentifully or scantily furnished.

  11. It was very scantily furnished: a spring mattress in an iron frame, a child's bedstead, two trusses of straw.

  12. We were but scantily armed; some of us had a revolver and no bullets, the others bullets and no revolver.

  13. Even Poland has only given her a desert, a kingdom scantily cultivated, scantily peopled, discontented serfdom and a broken frontier.

  14. Pity it is, the time had not been long enough for more remains of it to have come to us than those that scantily supply museums.

  15. Without preliminary notice, without declaration of war, he at once entered the Austrian territory, which was scantily defended by three thousand men and a few garrisons.

  16. Here and there, the disposition of the rocks leaves at corners of the road, or perhaps on shelves above its level, irregular patches of more generous soil, but scantily disposed, and of difficult access.

  17. One could see from a distance the inner wall with its scantily furnished shelves, and the deal counter painted brown.

  18. The company is generally well composed, and gives, during the whole year, performances, which are but scantily attended, notwithstanding the passionate admiration which the Odessians affect for Italian music.

  19. The apartment was small and scantily furnished--a sort of anchorite cell.

  20. The light glow in the west disappeared and left the earth but scantily lighted by a new moon.

  21. The match flickered feebly in the damp air, revealing scantily a small room which looked like a laundry.

  22. The house was but dimly illumined by some dirty lamps, scantily furnished with oil.

  23. Teresa's bent, withered form was stooping over the fire, which, like the inmates of the mansion, was very scantily fed.

  24. Our route, however, lay over wide plains, scantily clothed with brushwood, with here and there a melancholy village, with its old and dilapidated church.

  25. His soiled shirt was open at the throat--a throat presenting alternate ridge and hollow, and covered scantily with colorless hair.

  26. It was scantily lighted by a square window of diminutive size, for in making the opening Peter had been careful not to get it large enough to admit the body of a man.

  27. In a deep cleft below the outer wall women and girls, very scantily clad, were washing clothes in a pool that is reserved apparently for the use of the stricken village.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scantily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barely; hardly; imperfectly; infrequently; lightly; little; minimally; minutely; poorly; rarely; scarcely; slightly; sparingly; sparsely; thin; uncommonly; weakly