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Example sentences for "sphincter"

Lexicographically close words:
spheroid; spheroidal; spheroids; spherule; spherules; sphincters; sphinx; sphinxes; sphygmographic; sphynx
  1. Along their course these ducts are provided with a sphincter muscle, which squeezes the secretion towards the external orifice into the mouth-cavity.

  2. The rumen has smooth and not papillose walls, and from it are developed the "water cells," diverticula with narrow mouths provided with a closing sphincter muscle.

  3. To a philosopher such questions as this must arise: Has the appendix at its entrance a sphincter muscle similar in action to that of the rectum and oesophagus?

  4. One set of fibers forms a thin band which encircles the pupil and serves as a sphincter to diminish the opening.

  5. The radiating muscles open and the sphincter muscles close the natural openings of the body, such as the mouth.

  6. It is, happily, of rare occurrence, and follows only extensive operations, such as those in which the sphincter has been divided more than once, etc.

  7. The outlet of the intestine is closed by two sphincter muscles, the external being immediately beneath the skin surrounding the margin of the anus.

  8. Palliative treatment will meet with success in a considerable proportion of cases, especially when there is no great hypertrophy of the sphincter muscles.

  9. Kelsey[49] advocates in these cases the complete excision of such a cicatrix, exposing freely the divided ends of the sphincter and bringing them together by deep sutures, exactly as in cases of lacerated perineum.

  10. Occasionally the spasmodic condition of the sphincter in these cases simulates the symptoms of stricture; but a thorough examination will dispel all uncertainty by revealing the presence of the ulcer.

  11. This should be subsequent to the passage of the probe, as otherwise the introduction of the finger into the bowel will set up a spasm of the sphincter muscles, which will greatly interfere with the passage of the probe.

  12. The rectal muscular fibres perform the office of a sphincter for the sigmoid cavity.

  13. Not so very long ago it was the custom to stretch the sphincter muscles for the "cure" of constipation; at the present time the "cure" is found in the valves of the middle lower portion of the rectum.

  14. Those who believe in the gymnastics of man's ears and of his sphincter ani and the therapeutic merits of this and of that could readily assent to the same glorious conclusion.

  15. The partially constricted and irritable sphincter muscles become excited during the act of stooling and react on the anal grip or contraction, making it more intense.

  16. A person suffering from constipation should make powerful movements of the sphincter ani, and of the levator ani, in as rapid succession as possible, continuing the exercise for three or four minutes or until the muscles are fatigued.

  17. Immediately above the sphincter muscles on the posterior wall of the rectum the greatest dilatation is found (as shown by the bent probe), and extends on each side with less depth about the anterior wall of the rectum.

  18. In some cases a few of these channels open into the rectum just above the internal sphincter muscles and become filled with water during the use of the enema taken to move and cleanse the bowels.

  19. Often the upper half or more of the anal canal is also dilated with the rectum, leaving the sphincter muscles quite bare of fatty tissue, with anal length of a quarter of an inch or less.

  20. The milk is abstracted from the blood in the glandular part; the tubes receive and deposit it in the reservoir, or receptacle; and the sphincter at the end of the teat retains it there until it is wanted for use.

  21. The lower end of the vagina is surrounded by a band of striped muscular fibers comprising the sphincter muscle of the vagina (sphincter vagina).

  22. Later on one or more of the piles are caught in the grasp of the sphincter muscle and rapidly increases in size.

  23. It is better to introduce an oiled finger through the sphincter muscle and pass the nozzle along the finger and gently into the bowel.

  24. As a result of this handling, they grow sensitive, swollen, inflamed and ulcerated, and the sphincter muscle becomes irritable.

  25. Cleansing the parts with weak castile soap water is essential to allay the pain, reduce the inflammation and soothe the sphincter muscle; cold, or if it is more agreeable, hot applications may be kept constantly on the parts.

  26. The bowel contents press upon it; spasm of this sphincter muscle is frequently brought on by the presence of a crack in the mucous membrane, caused by injury inflicted during expulsion of hardened feces.

  27. This is due to paralysis of the sphincter muscle of the pupil, but it generally disappears.

  28. Stretching the sphincter must be done carefully, but in a thorough manner.

  29. The sphincter muscle contracts so tightly around them as to cause strangulation and unless properly treated they become gangrenous and slough off.

  30. Stretching of the sphincter closes the opening so that the feces are not passed at all times.

  31. In health it is closed by the external Sphincter (closing muscle).

  32. When they are acutely inflamed they swell greatly, are highly colored, swollen, painful, and extremely sensitive to the touch and cause frequent spasmodic contractions of the sphincter muscle and may finally result in an abscess.

  33. Here belong the Cardiacea and gigantic Chamidæ, in which last a byssus occurs, and the union also of the two occlusor or sphincter muscles, as in the following order.

  34. In the Bird the rectum properly opens into the urinary cyst between the two blind sacs or cæca, and that indeed with a regular vulva, which is a sphincter muscle.

  35. The sphincter or occlusor muscles of the anus have been formed like the sphincter muscles of the pharynx.

  36. The two sphincter or occlusor muscles signify shoulder and haunch.

  37. She could not speak for many minutes, but continued the exquisite pressures of the sphincter muscle on my enraptured prick.

  38. The doctor, satisfied for the moment, lay soaking in the exquisite pressure that aunt's sphincter ani was applying to his happy prick.

  39. His pressures with the sphincter were exquisitely delicious, and he had acquired the charming side wriggle so exquisite in quim fucking.

  40. She was perfectly overcome with delight, and sank senseless on her belly, dragging me down with her, for her grip by the sphincter was too strong to let anything out that was within.

  41. Uncle continued soaking in all the blissful after-sensations, which I did everything in my power to enhance by the delight-giving pressures of my sphincter muscle.

  42. The iris contains a sphincter and a dilator muscle; the former, supplied by branches from the oculomotorius nerve, is under control of the will, whilst the dilator fibres belong to the sympathetic system.

  43. The third or outermost chamber, the proctodaeum, is closed externally by the sphincter ani; the orifice is quite circular.

  44. The entrance into these compartments can be closed by a sphincter muscle after they are filled with water (Fig.

  45. Only in the monotremes do the anus and the genito-urinary tract open into a common cloaca surrounded by a sphincter common to the anal and genito-urinary openings (sphincter cloacae).

  46. The entrance of the small intestine is guarded by an annular sphincter valve, whose central circular opening leads into a proximal compartment of the caecum.

  47. The resultant wound included the lower part of the vagina and rectum, the sphincter and, the fourchet, and perineum.

  48. Capuron, Gravis, and Lebrun all report accouchement through a perineal perforation, without alteration in the sphincter ani or the fourchet.

  49. The Turks were also fearful of premature interment and subjected the defunct to every test; among others, one was to examine the contractility of the sphincter and, which shows their keen observation of a well-known modern medical fact.

  50. The margin of the sphincter and, the skin of the perineum, the bulbous portion of the urethra, some of the skin of the scrotum, and the right testicle were destroyed.

  51. There have been cases reported in which the recto-vaginal septum has been ruptured, as well as the perineum and the sphincter ani, giving all the appearance of a birth by the anus.

  52. There is a case described of a man who evidently suffered from a patent urachus, as the urine passed in jets as if controlled by a sphincter from his umbilicus.

  53. The lower part of the rectum depended between the labia; in the presence of the physician the nurse drew this out and it separated at the sphincter ani.

  54. At its posterior end it terminates in the pylorus, a fleshy ring or sphincter formed of annular muscular fibres[437].

  55. These are really functional disturbances in which increased desire is followed by increased vesical action, and may be regarded, if one likes, as micturition or sphincter tics.

  56. Suppositories may also be used to advantage in stimulating sphincter contractions and accustoming the muscles to constrictive action.

  57. Our remedial effort should be in two directions: we should try to regularize the operation of the intestines by giving solidity to the excretions; secondly, we should endeavor to strengthen the sphincter muscles.

  58. Inability to contract the lip and sphincter muscles (loss of saliva, involuntary defecation).

  59. It is dependent on the stimulation of the ends of the nerves which contract the pupil, especially the ends of the nervus oculomotorius supplying the sphincter iridis; this form of myosis is called myosis spastica periphera.

  60. In attempting to extricate his swollen penis from the boy's rectum the dog tore through the sphincter ani an inch into the gluteus muscles.

  61. With savages, the sphincter muscles are often relaxed, just as may be observed in much frightened dogs, and as I have seen with monkeys when terrified by being caught.

  62. The sphincter muscles cease to act, and no longer retain the contents of the body.

  63. The above conditions are an almost constant attendant on that condition of the sphincter described by Agnew as sphincterismus, which also is productive of hæmorrhoids and fissure, and often of fistula.

  64. The condition may, however, be due to spasm of the sphincter muscle, which closes the lids, or to inflammation of the upper lid, usually a result of blows on the orbit.

  65. In connection with this it may be noted that frequently there is paralysis of the sphincter ani and a dilated condition of the anus.

  66. The sensations or sensitive motions of the glans penis, and of the sphincter of the bladder, have been accustomed to exist together during the discharge of the urine; and hence the two ends of the urethra sympathize by association.

  67. The sphincter of the rectum becomes painful or inflamed from the association of its sensitive motions with those of the sphincter of the bladder, when the latter is stimulated into violent pain or inflammation by a stone.

  68. As in the furor uterinus, and satyriasis, and in the sphincter ani and scrotum.

  69. It is generally owing to a stone in the sphincter of the bladder; or to the inflammation of the neck of it occasioned by cantharides.

  70. The lower part of the rectum becomes inverted, and descends after every stool chiefly in children; and thus stimulates the sphincter ani like any other extraneous body.

  71. A sponge introduced within the sphincter ani to prevent the constant discharge, which should have a string put through it, by which it may be retracted.

  72. Within the rectum just beyond the sphincter muscle which ordinarily keeps the vent closed are two papillae from which the scent is discharged.

  73. It is the will which during sleep maintains the contraction of the sphincter of the bladder, notwithstanding the effort of the urine to escape.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sphincter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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