Here is a spherule which is producing it in an elastic solid.
Now the motion of the luminiferous ether relatively to the spherule gives rise to the same effect as would an opposite motion impressed upon the spherule quite independently by an independent force.
Let me twist this spherule in the jelly as I am doing it, and that will produce vibrations, also spreading out equally in all horizontal directions.
Imagine the solid to extend miles horizontally and miles down, and imagine this spherule to vibrate up and down.
Lastly, I must tell you about the color of the blue sky which was illustrated by the spherule embedded in an elastic solid.
Just so, the energy required to put the moisture spherule into a state of strain is latent until some power releases it, when it reappears as active energy of some form.
Let us follow this vapor spherule as it floats into the upper regions of the atmosphere.
Everybody knows that every one of us individually became what we now are by a slow process of evolution from a microscopic spherule of protoplasm, and yet this did not interfere with the idea of God as our individual maker.
Each one of us, individually, was formed gradually by a process of evolution, from a microscopic spherule of protoplasm undistinguishable in structure from the lowest forms of protozoal life.
In a little time, two lines forming a cross are perceived: after which the spherule divides into four, which grow, and are again divided as before.
According to the calculations of the Florentine academicians, a spherule of water, only one inch in diameter, expands in freezing with a force superior to the resistance of 131/2 tons weight.
Under ordinary circumstances the spherule rebounds, and may be thus reflected backwards and forwards several times between the adjacent masses.