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Example sentences for "speculators"

Lexicographically close words:
speculation; speculations; speculative; speculatively; speculator; specyal; specyall; specyally; sped; spedde
  1. It became a heavy gold producer--miners, capitalists, speculators swarmed into it from all over the Pacific slope.

  2. It is so with the speculators in this country.

  3. Towns must continue to grow, and in the imagination of speculators there were hundreds of cities numbering their millions of inhabitants.

  4. The speculators had plantations where they kept the children until they were big enough to sell, and they had an old woman there to tend to those children.

  5. At an early period speculators were lured to the spot by the manifest advantages it presented for the building of a great city.

  6. The chief ambition of the speculators was to found a city.

  7. Hand-in-hand with the contractors were the speculators who were taking advantage of the absence of the leading officials to secure valuable concessions, mining claims, and even gold mines.

  8. Somebody will make a "clean-up" to-day and many speculators will disappear; for margins are being wiped out every minute.

  9. Our moneyed men and speculators are now wide awake.

  10. They would not be sold to speculators or traders for any price whatever.

  11. From the first day on which I emitted shares, speculators have gotten hold of them, and have crushed me, till my whole fortune has been spent in useless efforts to keep them up.

  12. Out of a hundred enterprises which appear in the market, it may safely be said that sixty are nothing but the simplest kind of wells, into which the capital of foolhardy speculators is sunk almost instantly.

  13. If ideas are not on hand ready for sale, speculators try to pass off words in their stead, and actually live upon them as a bird lives on the seeds of his millet.

  14. Speculators in the manufactured products of the intellect have developed a spice, a ginger, all their own.

  15. The general upset of 1830 brought to birth, as everybody knows, a number of old ideas which clever speculators tried to pass off in new bodies.

  16. At all events, Mr. Stephenson, the great English engineer, investigated the subject, and surveyed the line through which certain French speculators proposed that the canal should be cut.

  17. During the early part of the year, a serious revulsion took place in railway speculation; the rate of money became high; a panic seized the speculators and adventurers in such undertakings: in this way many incurred serious loss.

  18. Mr. Canning declared that if immediate and hasty steps were not taken, our West Indian possessions would be abandoned to a state of savage desolation, of which wild speculators had not the slightest notion.

  19. At that period of the Randt's existence the speculators appeared, and soon thereafter the London Stock Exchange became a factor in the affairs of the Randt.

  20. One of the most disappointing scenes to be observed in Pretoria is the horde of Uitlander politicians and speculators who are constantly besieging the Raad members and the Government officials.

  21. Women fainted, ticket speculators fell $2 on desirable seats, and strong men coughed up a clove.

  22. The great mass of poor people lived in rented dwellings, built by unprincipled speculators with unprecedented carelessness, on the principle "cheap and bad," yet nevertheless leased at high prices.

  23. The experiment was not at first very successful, but gradually the shares passed from the original speculators to men who knew how to use the rich soil and usually healthy climate of the island.

  24. It has tended to keep open the public lands for entry by emigrants at Government prices instead of their being compelled to purchase of speculators at double or triple prices.

  25. But say more correctly, the speculators and spendthrifts of New York and Pennsylvania, but never consider them as being the States of New York and Pennsylvania.

  26. There is an error into which most of the speculators on government have fallen, and which the well known state of society of our Indians ought, before now, to have corrected.

  27. His partisans were the new emigrants from the United States and elsewhere, fugitives from justice or debt, and adventurers and speculators of all descriptions.

  28. That pen should go on, lay bare these wounds of our constitution, expose these decisions seriatim, and arouse, as it is able, the attention of the nation to these bold speculators on its patience.

  29. His narrative soon spread all over the States, and land speculators crowded from every part to hear Finn's description of the unknown countries.

  30. The dismenmberment of Texas from Mexico was effected by the reports of extensive gold mines, diamonds, etcetera, which were to be found there, and which raised the cupidity of the eastern speculators and land-jobbers of the United States.

  31. It is on such unequal terms that the refined and romantic speculators on possible good and evil contend with their strong-nerved, remorseless adversaries, and we see the result.

  32. Speculators have their eyes on it, and if they are permitted to work their will the State will find a most productive piece of property sadly fallen in value.

  33. When lumber speculators get possession of forests they generally cut down all the trees and strip the land at once, with an eye to immediate profit.

  34. This measure was opposed by the speculators in tobacco, who sold it without custom duties to the Peninsula and other parts of America.

  35. The tumultuous manifestations which a few greedy speculators had deliberately stirred up among the people associated with tobacco culture, ceased for the time being.

  36. No one has ever thought that this nebulous appearance was resolvable into luminous points; but if it were, probably not even the most sanguine of speculators on the multitude of suns would call these points suns.

  37. This, indeed, the boldest geological speculators have not ventured to do.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speculators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.