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Example sentences for "elevations"

Lexicographically close words:
elevate; elevated; elevates; elevating; elevation; elevator; elevators; elevatory; eleve; eleven
  1. After this point, deflections of the line and elevations and depressions of the road-bed were no longer rare.

  2. It has been asserted that during the most intense of these eruptions the particles reached elevations of perhaps more than twenty-five miles above the level of the sea.

  3. They occur in groups, each hillock being sometimes less than a yard in height, but ranging up to elevations of 100 feet or more.

  4. On the cranial surface of the pinna elevations correspond to the concha and to the fossae of the helix and antihelix.

  5. In 1849 Stokes showed that the normal elevations N of the geoid towards the ellipsoid are calculable from the deviations [Delta]g of the acceleration of gravity, i.

  6. The forms of its elevations and depressions can be inferred only from the shapes of the black, unmitigated shadows cast by them.

  7. Spruce, pine, and aspen occur at higher elevations and oaks, thorny shrubs, and grasslands are present lower down.

  8. Spruce, pine, and fir grow in the Appalachians at elevations of 6000 or more feet, supporting the idea that similar elevations existed near Fossil Lake and that a general Gulf Coast climate prevailed in Fossil Basin.

  9. Several of the lesser elevations near the lake are especially famous as view-points, such as Castle Head, Walla Crag, Ladder Brow and Cat Bells.

  10. South of Buxton the elevations along the main axis decrease, thus Axe Edge reaches 1600 ft.

  11. There are localities in the open country and on exposed elevations where healthy conditions prevail, but the greater part of this region is considered unhealthy.

  12. Massif, and to the north the lesser elevations of the Monts Dome.

  13. The highest elevations of these ranges do not exceed 1400 ft.

  14. At elevations beneath those dominated by the conifers, the mixture of broad-leaved deciduous trees is similar to that of the Stara Planina.

  15. This central region is encircled at higher elevations by a belt of chestnut and brown forest soils.

  16. Lower elevations are snow covered an average of twenty-five to thirty days a year.

  17. Meadow and layered podzol (gray forest) soils occur in most of the higher elevations throughout the country.

  18. Scrub and brush prevail at all upland elevations where terrain and soil conditions are poor or where the original forest has been removed and has not been replaced.

  19. Regions in the Rodopi and the higher elevations around Sofia feature sun and snow in a pleasant combination for about four months a year.

  20. Its elevations run to only a little more than 5,000 feet, but it is narrow and achieves an impression of greater height.

  21. Intermediate elevations usually have brown forest soils, some of which are excellent.

  22. There are dense elm, oak, and ash forests at lower elevations in the Kamchiya River valley where it descends from the eastern part of the Stara Planina.

  23. The major portion of it follows higher elevations and ridges in the Rodopi.

  24. Higher elevations are the most generously watered, in some places receiving forty inches or more.

  25. Coming from some of the highest elevations on the Himalaya at which shrubby vegetation exists, this species is the hardiest of the Indian Roses.

  26. Great pains are taken with watercuts, which are led off into each ravine that debouches into the valley, at elevations of sixty to eighty feet above the river; opposite each, the river where led off is bunded across.

  27. Latitudes, and Elevations above the Sea, of the various localities visited in Affghanistan.

  28. I thence proceeded over some nasty swampy ground with a few low elevations until we reached Ghaloom's, which we did about 2 P.

  29. I remember shooting the same species at elevations of 8,000 feet in Bootan, in oak forests.

  30. Again, why do some plants flower sooner at such elevations than at other lower places?

  31. We crossed three streams at the respective elevations of 2,550 ft.

  32. These show that many of the elevations marked on the existing maps of Brazil are inaccurate, the error amounting sometimes to several hundred feet.

  33. We crossed the range by two low cols at elevations of 1,550 ft.

  34. Three more streamlets flowing from west to east were encountered at elevations of 2,700 ft.

  35. High snowy peaks loomed against the sky on our right, while we were travelling all the time at elevations varying from 3,531 m.

  36. In the full moon of a glorious night we could discern to the north a mountain region with elevations of over 3,000 ft.

  37. We were travelling all the time at elevations varying from 1,450 ft.

  38. Coultas (field notes) writes that the nest is cup-shaped, made of grasses and strands of hair fern, and placed at low elevations in small trees and bushes.

  39. He did not find the bird at high elevations on the island.

  40. I did not find the bird at elevations of more than three to four feet above the ground.

  41. Two other elevations are illustrated, in addition to those which have accompanied some of the foregoing plans, in order to show the kind of feeling which pervades most of the sketches in Thorpe's book.

  42. The symmetry of plan was carried out in the elevations too, at least so far as the courtyard is concerned.

  43. The treatment of the elevations is as symmetrical as that of the plan (Fig.

  44. There are several elevations on the floor.

  45. Lee are prominent, in the shape of a number of attenuated bright elevations separated by gaps.

  46. It has a central mountain and other minor elevations on the floor.

  47. In addition to these features, there is a shallow rimmed crater, about midway between the extremities of the rill-valley, and several minor elevations on the floor.

  48. It must be remembered that at high elevations the exertion of walking eight miles would be equivalent to that of marching about twice the distance at much lower altitudes.

  49. Those found at lower elevations do not possess quite such a luxuriant growth of hair, nor, I am told, are their curved horns quite so long.

  50. This same kind of butterfly I found at even greater elevations in Tibet.

  51. I had observed all along; but here the elevations of its peaks became gradually lower and lower, so much so that the name of "hill range" would be more appropriate to it than that of "mountain chain.

  52. The action of the sun alone would, therefore, be sufficient to produce a flow and ebb of the sea; but the elevations and depressions caused by this means would be about three times less than those produced by the moon.

  53. As the moon returns toward the equator, the parallels described by the opposite elevations approach toward each other, until the moon comes to the equator, and then they coincide.

  54. Illustration: +Front and Back Elevations of Cottage designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Mr. Alban Scott.

  55. The chief desiderata are a plain straightforward plan and broadly treated elevations where voids and solids are carefully disposed with an eye to getting as large unbroken blocks of cob as possible.

  56. The worm is about 2 inches long and like a stout thread, thicker toward the head than toward the tail, and with numerous little conical elevations (papillæ) around the head.

  57. In this affection the individual elevations on the inflamed skin show in the center a small sac of white, creamy pus, in place of the clear liquid of a blister.

  58. In rare cases the mucous membrane of the nostrils may also become affected, showing yellowish flat elevations and ulcerations, and these may extend by metastasis to internal organs.

  59. I have not seen this cottage, but I've seen plans, elevations and photographs of it, and of views from it.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elevations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.