Who could be out, being before his beloued Mistris?
He was of person comelie and beautifull, and better beloued of his father and mother than his other brethren.
Besids this they are called ennemies / but yet beloued for the fathers.
Dearly beloued / beleue not euery sprit / but proue the sprites / whether they are of Godd or not.
Meleager lost his Lyfe for the victory of the wyld Bore of Callydonia, Cephalus was slaine for kylling his deare beloued Pocris, and Acastus was accursed for murdering the King's sonne of whome he was the Tutour.
For one beter beloued (I dare presume to say, and so long as I liue wil affirme) is not to be found.
But the loue that I beare to mine onely beloued Aloisio here present, I do esteeme aboue al the Iewels and treasures of the world, whose personage I do regard more than mine owne Lyfe.
For which qualities he was meruaylously beloued of the Souldiours and Men of warre, and for his wisedome and iustice very acceptable to the people.
And you Gentlewoman lyue in rest, as your poore suppliant, wretched Dom Diego, shalbe citizen of wyld places, and vaunt you hardely that yee were the best beloued maiden that euer liued.
What is he that hath bene euer so prodigall, to employ his life (the most speciall pledge in this worlde,) rather than hee would suffer his beloued to incurre dishonoure?
This Hibrahim was so dearelybeloued with the Emperour Solyman as he exercysed the Office of Vesiri, whych is nexte to the Emperour, the chyefest in degree of honor.
But to auoid danger of tumult that might be raised, if a prince so well beloued of the people should be openlie executed; his enimies determined to worke their feats in his destruction, yer he should haue anie warning.
A goodlie balade of Chaucer; beginning--'Mother of norture, best beloued of all.
So that forthwith he was obeyed in Tezcuco by Mutezuma his commaundement, for he was there better belouedthan Cacama, who was somewhat of a croked nature.
Cortes was so wel beloued among hys companie, that they offered willingly to goe with him, by reason whereof he chose .
Hée was a man of a fayre condition, and a doer of Iustice, well spoken, graue and wise, beloued and feared among his subiectes.
He was not for this the lesse estéemed, but rather muche the more beloued among hys men.
Iohns was aduanced in his place, a right noble and manlie knight, but not beloued of the commons.
Sidenote: The duke of Hereford beloued of the people.
Thus my death must be a toy, Which my pensiue breast must couer; Thy beloued to enioy, Must be taught thee by thy Louer.
For he that loueth and is not beloued againe; hath no lesse wrong, that he that lendeth and is neuer repayde.
Moreouer, Henrie the sonne of earle Blois, who before was abbat of Glastenburie, was now made bishop of Winchester, a man for his singular bountie, gentlenesse and modestie greatlie beloued of the English.
To conclude, he was not inferiour to any of the kings that reigned in those daies, in wisedome and policie, and so behaued himselfe, that he was honoured of the Nobles, and beloued of the commons.
He also builded the townes of Cambridge and Grantham (as Caxton writeth) and was beloued both of the rich and poore, for he honoured the rich, and relieued the poore in time of their necessities.
And by this meanes he is not onely beloued of his nobles and commons, but also had in great dread and feare through all his dominions, so that I thinke no prince in Christendome is more feared of his owne then he is, nor yet better beloued.
How commeth it to passe then, that since he which loueth is the doer and shee which is beloued is but the sufferer, she should be infamed for a murtherer, which is beloued.
Nay, it is contrarie, for he that loueth suffreth, she that is beloued doth.
But for all your saying, virginity is a thing much beloued and lyked with all men.
What straunge things did the learned, wise, and vertuous Monarche Marcus Aurelius indure of his well beloued Faustine?
Planet was I borne, that after so longe pleasure receiued with mybeloued fere and companion, I should by her feele a displeasure, an hundred times worse then death?
Hierome reporteth, was the wyfe of Abradatas a noble personage, and in warlicke factes very skilfull, dearely beloued of Cyrus king of Persia, with whom this Lady Panthea was captiue, at the ouerthrow of the Assyrians.
In one, the treason so pernicious, which prouoked you to soile and imbrue your handes (not without cause till this daye proued contrarie) in the bloud of your faithfull and dere beloued wife.
Tis well: and I haue met a Gentleman Hath promist me to helpe one to another, A fine Musitian to instruct our Mistris, So shal I no whit be behinde in dutie To faire Bianca, so beloued of me Gre.
Nay, I told you your sonne was well beloued in Padua: doe you heare sir, to leaue friuolous circumstances, I pray you tell signior Lucentio that his Father is come from Pisa, and is here at the doore to speake with him Ped.
Nowe it remaineth (my beloued Countrey) that thou wouldest take in good part these my labours employed in thy seruice, and accept them with that fauourable and courteous minde which I haue expected.
To his entirely beloued friend Frederick [Footnote: Son of Frederick, Duke of Suabia, was born in 1121.
Our Captaine seeing this sent one of his seruants to them, accompanied with Iohn Poulet being best beloued of those people, to see who were there, and what they did.
If our Father would sleepe till I wak'd him, you should enioy halfe his Reuennew for euer, and liue the beloued of your Brother.
At this time also master Robert Baldocke, a man euill beloued in the realme, was made lord chancellour of England.
Come, let vs go, and pray to all the Gods For our beloued mother in her paines Moore.
Long liue Lord Titus, my beloued brother, Gracious Triumpher in the eyes of Rome Tit.
Vnkle Gloster, stand vp and go in peace, No lesse beloued of vs, then when Thou weart Protector ouer my land.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beloued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.