It remains, then, only to fasten the door leading thence into the corridor, in order to be secure from interruption.
Nobody shall suppose that he is secure frommy wrath, and no one shall rely on the security afforded him by my love.
Impregnable, unassailable, not to be taken by assault, not to be stormed, secure from capture, tenable against all odds.
Unassailable, inexpugnable, not to be taken by assault, not to be stormed, secure from capture, tenable against all odds.
I have not yet that breathing-time you speak of; but you say he has prospered; and, with your friendship, he is secure from fortune.
His dark shadow fell over the clear mirror of the fountain just as Riccabocca had said, "All here is so secure from evil!
I promise not only that Antonia shall be secure from me in future, but that the rest of my life shall prove .
Secure from interruption, I related to her the true cause of my disappearing on the fatal fifth of May.
The old woman hobbled up to me as I stood under a mango tree, secure from observation.
They hid themselves, as they thought, secure from observation in the bushes by the side of the road, and waited the arrival of the goddess.
The next time it was his turn to attend us, I begged he would come to the cell at night or in the evening, when he would be secure from observation, for that I had something particular to communicate to him.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "secure from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.