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Example sentences for "sometyme"

Lexicographically close words:
somethings; somethink; sometime; sometimes; someting; sometymes; someway; someways; somewhar; somewhars
  1. But now a daies howe many Auxons do we see whiche thorowe cruell beatynge, hurte the chyldrens healthe, make them one eyed, weaken them, and sometyme kyll them.

  2. And sometyme we shall suffer that the chyld shuld thynke he hadde gotten the better, when he is worse in deede.

  3. Yea they wyl not be knowen that it is a medicine, for the only imaginacion sometyme maketh vs quake for feare.

  4. Let gentle admonicion be oure rodde, and sometyme chydyng also, but sauced wyth mekenes, not bitternes.

  5. Further not a fewe be called frome lowe degre to hye estate, yea sometyme to be great byshops.

  6. They brynge theyr lytle children to great and longe feastes, yea feastyng sometyme vntyl farre forth nyghtes, they fyl them wyth salt and hoat meates, somtyme euẽ tyl thei vomite.

  7. And when he dyd that sometyme many houres, yet was he not weery.

  8. For as for the elders it is meete sometyme that they be sente far out of oure syght, whiche thing as it were a graffing, is inespecially wont to tame yonge mens wyttes.

  9. He shall shewe him that ther is a greate beaste called in Greeke an Elephante, and in Latine lykewyse, saue that sometyme it is declined after the latine fashion.

  10. How a conspiracie was sometyme emong the Goddes and Goddes, to binde the great God Iu- piter.

  11. Honour and preeminent state, doeth sometyme induce obli- uion, whereupon thei ought the more vigilantlie to wade: [Fol.

  12. So glory doth remaine, sometyme my state on high, was sette in Princelie throne, my porte and traine ful roiall was, a kyng my father also was, my housband scepter held.

  13. An Oracion Historicall, vpon Kyng Richard the thirde sometyme Duke of Glocester.

  14. And in this yere Sir Richard Wiche sometyme vicarie of Depford, and another secular man were dampned for heretiks, and brent at Tour hille, in a mornyng at vij of the belle.

  15. Saw Balbirny, sometyme Sir Alex'r Clerks, now it pertaines to a tailzeour called Balfour.

  16. His grandchild sold it to the chancellor, who hes also bought the barrony of Cluny, sometyme belonging to Crighton of St. Leonards.

  17. Sometyme it is more largelye declared, as in the oracion for Murena.

  18. Instrument semeth to be a part of facultie: for instrumentes sometyme are cause of oure hablenes to do a thinge: and it is a more mischeuous deede to kyl with venome thẽ with swearde.

  19. The common scholemasters be wont in readynge, to saye vnto their scholers: Hic est figura: and sometyme to axe them, Per quam figuram?

  20. Of Ulswater, she says: I rode the whole Length of this water by its side, sometyme a Little higher upon the side of the hill and sometyme just by the shore.

  21. Also a 5 myle fro Naym, is the cytee of Jezreel, that sometyme was clept Zarym; of the which cytee Jezabel the cursed queen was lady and queen, that toke awey the vyne of Nabaothe, be hire strengthe.

  22. By this tale one may note, that it is better sometyme to be laste than fyrste.

  23. This tale sheweth that dreames sometyme come to passe by one meane or other.

  24. The Earle of Sussex keepes Mrs. Syluester Morgan (sometyme his ladies gentlewoman) at Dr.

  25. There was a company of yong gallants sometyme in Amsterdame which called themselves the Damned Crue.

  26. The land of promise given to Abraham for the syn of the people; lett vs leave synning least our land be given into the hand of a strange people againe, as it was sometyme to the Romans, and lastly to the Normans, for a conquest.

  27. Lord is a name sometyme of place, and sometyme of grace; and soe the ecclesiastike may haue it as well as the temporall, for to the temporall it is a name of place onely, but the ecclesiasticall by their merit may haue it of grace.

  28. When we were there, he began to speake to me in the Italian tongue, and asked me agayne from whence I was, affyrming that he knewe me, and that I was no Mahumetan: also that he had been sometyme in Genua and Venice.

  29. Therefore, when they intend to sacrifice, some of them kyll three sheepe, some foure, and tenne; so that the butcherie sometyme so floweth with blood that in one sacrifice are slayne above three thousande sheepe.

  30. He used a good deal of freedom in his translation, "sometyme addynge, sometyme detractinge and takinge away suche thinges as semeth me necessary and superflue.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sometyme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.