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Example sentences for "somethink"

Lexicographically close words:
somesing; sometam; somethin; something; somethings; sometime; sometimes; someting; sometyme; sometymes
  1. I thought it was Reciters, or somethink o' that.

  2. Somethink in that workman's eye, And the clenching of his fist, Ought to put you on the twist.

  3. For the rest of this trip I stick to bottled beer, or somethink with a label.

  4. We'll all be the better for a snack an' somethink 'ot.

  5. If this was only somethink I could hentrust to a man!

  6. But 'ere's somethink I've never told a livin' soul.

  7. E ain't got a dry stitch on 'im, and 'is langwidge was somethink 'orrid.

  8. I halways thought you 'ad somethink of an old dog in you," said Dumsby.

  9. Suddenly, "Beg pardon, sir; I think I see somethink on top of that kop-je on the fur side yonder.

  10. The man I wos fightin' with sed somethink under 'is breath, but I didn't ketch the words.

  11. But there's somethink you've got to do fust.

  12. Then they looked at each other, and sed somethink I didn't 'ear.

  13. I never learnt a honest trade, and in course I 'ad to do somethink for a livin'.

  14. As I stooped to pick up a pot, somethink brushed by me.

  15. They say as niggers' music is somethink downright horful.

  16. I knowed they was up to somethink as soon as I heard 'em talking together!

  17. What I would like is to be useful, and to do somethink to help earn my keep.

  18. That'll give 'im somethink helse to worry habout," reflected the boy.

  19. Ho, Hi sy, 'ere is somethink she sent you.

  20. I want you to give me somethink to buck me up" said the Sergeant in a tearful voice.

  21. Cawn't you give me somethink to buck me up, Doc please?

  22. Nothing's wrong with me" said the sergeant, "I jist want somethink to buck me up; this rine is getting on me nerves.

  23. If you don't give me somethink Doc I am afraid I'll cut me bloody throat and I don't want to die.

  24. I've got somethink else to do but stand 'ere.

  25. I say, Flo, would yer like somethink real, not an ony s'pose?

  26. I hadn't been talkin' to her long before I see there was somethink wrong with her and I told her as much.

  27. Last night the son who is "somethink on a homnibus" came in.

  28. The landlady has a son who, she told me, is "somethink on a homnibus.

  29. Indeed, I'd heard a somethink of it from the Griffinses servnts, that my lord was mighty tender with the ladies.

  30. I knew it--I knew it quite well, as soon as I saw the old genlmn igsammin him by a kind of smile which came over his old face, and was somethink betwigst the angellic and the direbollicle.

  31. When I began, I knew no better: when I'd carrid on these papers a little further, and grew accustmd to writin, I began to smel out somethink quear in my style.

  32. He felt that there was somethink a-going on behind the seans, and, though he could not tell how, was sure that some danger was near him.

  33. I believe she bullyd the poor creature into marridge; and it was agreed that he should let his ground-floor at John Street, and so add somethink to their means.

  34. E said somethink which I couldn't catch and didn't want to, and walked rarnd in a slow sircle, smiling to 'isself.

  35. Me frend, Chawley Martin, was the Frenchman's caddie, and 'e took ercasion to remmark to me that we seemed in for somethink warmish.

  36. Oh, it was somethink dreadful to hear her laughin' at her cleverness.

  37. Poor young gentleman,' said Farrow, when we were discussing the affair this afternoon, 'he was cut up somethink orful.

  38. Why don't they go to sea as stooardesses or somethink o' that sort?

  39. Take a note to the dam passon for me, an' bring a harnser, an' I'll give yer somethink when yer gits back.

  40. She just smiles pretty, an' puts in a word or two, an' then seems lookin' away as if she saw somethink beautiful which nobody else can see.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somethink" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.