These bookes are to be solde at the long shoppe* | *at the Weast ende of Paules.
Camphora is a precious thing among the Indians, and is solde dearer than golde.
They bring thither also much cotton, yarne red coloured with a root which they call Saia, which will neuer lose his colour: it is very wel solde here, and very much of it commeth yerely to Pegu.
Printed at London for Mathew Walbancke and are to be solde at his shops at the new and old Gate of Grayes-Inne.
Imprinted at London in Fletestret at the signe of the Faulcon by Wylliam Gryffith, and are to be solde at his shoppe in Saynt Dunstones Churche yarde in the West.
John Kendale solde his malt at Ormesby mad of the barly growyng the same yer that the foreseid croppe was taken fro hym, for iiijs.
Of one that came to buy a knife, and made first proofe of his trade on him that solde it.
Theyr sundry sortes of wines shalbe declared in an other place: it woulde be a prolixious thing to rehearse all the things that are to be solde in that markette.
That none should wrög or iniurie any Indian their friëds: he also taxed yron worke and apparell, for cause of the excessiue prices that they were there solde for.
But yet one Christopher Galsada rentgatherer to the Byshoppe, and receyuer for the Popes Bulles, solde to him great store of Bacon and bread of that Countrey called Maiz, and other prouision, whereby his fléete was reasonably prouided .
Yet (as many affyrme) hee commaunded that hee shoulde haue no victuals solde vnto hym.
Madame Soldesaid to her: "My poor Marie--does it feel so dreadful, so dark?
The Governor and Madame Solde first brought news of the complete escape of the prisoners.
The Governor and his wife saw it, and Madame Solde said: "Alfred, I shall be glad when I shall see that no more.
Madame Soldebowed coldly, but said: "It is very well done, monsieur.
At Oxford, Printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to bee solde in Fleetestreete at the signe of the Turkes head by Iohn Barnes.
Mathew Lownes, and are to bee solde at his shop in S.
Imprinted at London for Sampson Clarke, and are to solde at his shop, on the backe-side of the Royall Exchange.
Imprinted at London, by William Hoskins, and are to be solde at his shop ioyning to the midle Temple gate, within Temple Barre.
Imprinted at London by Richard Iohnes, and are to besolde at his shop ouer against S.
Colophon] Imprinted at London, by Abell Ieffes, and are to be solde in Paules churchyard by Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling at the signe of the Beare.
White, and are to bee solde at his Shoppe neere the little North doore of S.
Imprinted at London for Samson Clarke, and are to be solde at his shop, on the backe-side of the Royall Exchange.
London Printed by Valentine Simmes, for Mathew Law, and are to be solde at his shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Fox.
London: Printed for William Leake, and are to besolde at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple Gates.
Short, for Cuthbert Burbie, and are to be solde at his shop at the Royall Exchange.
Colophon] Imprinted at London by Richarde Ihones, and are to be solde ouer agaynst Saint Sepulchres Church, without Newgate.
Printed at London by John Danter, for Raph Hancocke, and John Hardie, and are to be solde at the shop over against Saint Giles his Church without Criplegate.
Yes, yes, even at Hob Filchers house, by him that bought and solde me!
When I was as yonge as thou art now, 905 I was wythin lyttel as fayre as thou, And so myght have kept me, yf I hadde wolde, And as derely my youth I myght have solde As the tryckest and fayrest of you all.
I solde six broad clothes for fiue hundred and fifty reys the cubit: and I was offered thirty thousand reys for a cloth.
From this city to the Eastward 60 leagues lieth the prouince Sonsonate, where I solde the merchandize I caried out of Noua Hispania.
Thus I hope in God to make more profit and gaine this voyage, then in two voyages to Angola: for I haue solde most of my hats for two duckets and a halfe and for three ducats.
The captaine of our ship solde all his cloth for ready money for fore hundred and fifty reys the cubit, and thought that he had made a good market, but he hath deceiued himselfe.
Vineger is solde for two and thirty, sixe and thirty, and forty reals a iarre, by reason there is great store of limmons and orenges in the countrey: but in Angola it is more woorth.
And if it were not for this kind of cloth, all maner of cloth that goeth out of Spaine, I say linnen cloth, would be solde out of all measure.
If I had brought great store, I could haue solde it all at this rate.
Spaine: a glad man was I at this good hap, and I quickly solde my horse, and made my prouision of hennes and bread to serue me in my passage; And thus within 2.
But I solde mine for two and thirty and sixe and thirty reals the gallon.
Moreover, he appointed them solde and rations, and commanded to transport to their quarters all they needed of raiment and furniture and vessels of price.
Myhellmas next comyng; and it is solde ryth well aftyr that the wole was, for the moste part was ryte febyll.
Imprinted at London for Ioseph Hunt, and William Ferbrand, and are to be solde at the Corner of Colman-streete, neere Loathburie.
London, Printed by Thomas Scarlet, and are to be solde by R.
London, Printed for William Ferbrand, and are to be solde at his shop at the signe of the Crowne neere Guildhall gate.
Imprinted at London for Sampson Clarke, | and are to be solde at his shop, on the backe-|side of the Royall Exchange.
Their liuing is better cheape in Famagusta then in any other place of the Island, because there may no kinde of prouision within their libertie bee solde out of the Citie.
Pegu, whereas they arriued a day before mee; so that Opium which was before very deare, was now at a base price: so that which was sold for fiftie Bizze before, was solde for 2.
Which thing is such a shame to the Tareghe to haue his Iewels returned, that he had rather beare a blow on the face then that it should be thought that he solde them so deere to haue them returned.
Four partriges are here solde for lesse than a groat In this countrey there are most comely olde men.
The 26 day of the same moneth we weighed anker, and departed from thence to the Trinitie, which was seuen leagues Eastward of vs, where she solde her wares.
I was at the shoare, the Master solde fiue basons vnto the same fellow, for halfe an ounce of golde.
The 3 of May not hauing the pinnesse sent vs with cloth from the other ships, as they promised, we solde French cloth, and gaue but three yards thereof to euery fuffe.
We solde them both basons, and Manellios, and Margarits, but they desired most to haue basons: For the most part of our basons wee had by estimation about 30.
Here be solde the voydings of close stooles, although there wanteth not the dung of beastes: and the excrements of man are good marchandise throughout all China.
Angel weight, one with another, and nine white basons, which we solde for a quarter of an Angell a peece, or thereabouts.
And lyke as of other[333] he enquired of one, if any man had brought to hym to be solde the foole that sate at sainct Dunstanes foote vpon the couer of the cuppe?
As a greate fatte woman sate and solde frute in a Lente, there came a yonge man bye, and behelde her frute ernestly, and specially he caste his eyes on her fygges.
Shortly after, it chaunced that as he felled certaine woods, and solde them, they desired him to giue vnto them some parte of it fréely without money: which hee flatly denied.
The monkes kept them undre dust, ye ydle headed prestes regarded them not, theyr latter owners have most shamefully abused them, and ye covetouse merchantes have solde them awaye into foren nacyons for moneye.
They solde wyne so deare that there were no byers save myself who bought suffycent and added to the lyste which my patrons curtesly pay.
Printed by Edward Allde for Edward White, and are to be solde at the little North doore of Paule's Church at the signe of the Gun.
Printed at London by Iohn Danter, and are to be solde by William Barley at his shop in Gratious-street ouer against Leaden-Hall, 1593.
The monkes kepte them undre dust, yeS, ydle-headed prestes regarded them not, theyr latter owners have most shamefully abused them, and yeS covetouse merchantes have solde them away into foren nacyons for moneye.
Some they solde to the grossers and sope sellers, and some they sent over see to yeS booke bynders, not in small nombre, but at tymes whole shyppes full, to yeS, wonderynge of foren nacyons.
Of all these graines the Countrey yeeldeth very sufficient with an ouerplus quantitie, so that wheate is solde sometime for two alteens or ten pence starling the Chetfird, which maketh almost three English bushels.
Your wines shalbe solde by hogs heads, pipes or buttes, but not by quartes nor pintes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.