Even the sullen black rhinoceros, after bending his head awhile to listen, beat a leisurely retreat, viciously snorting as he retired.
On the edge of the thicket which he had quitted, a large black rhinoceros was just breaking cover, snorting with fury, and evidently making straight for him.
The penguins wished to pass, either from impudence or a real desire to cross the beach, but the bulls barred the way, heading them off, turning and twisting, snorting as if to blow the feathered ones away.
Then, as he glanced at the great bulls taking headers in the sunset light andsnorting in from the sea and squatting over the beach, he came as near as anything to bursting into a roar of laughter.
He was a man like myself, but his horse, which was grazing by his side, and from time to time snorting in a proud manner, was quite unlike my own.
The pawing and snorting of the horses, the rattling of their trappings, and the voices of the men, made a strange and alarming din about the quiet house of Rowallan.
The night was utterly, intensely dark, and they could see nothing, but they could hear now both the trampling and the snorting of horses, and also at a little distance the low, eager voices of men.
Mr. Wagner wore a challenging glance and was snorting defiance of the law.
The door being opened, Inez would enter, snortingher small opinion of him who had sought to bar her from her rights.
The next object of attraction was a small cart drawn by one poor animal, sweating and snorting under the weight of six Swells, led by an old man, who seemed almost as incapable as his horse seemed unwilling to perform the journey.
The twigs and branches crashed as the pack train pushed its way through the unbroken forest, the horses snorting and whinnying, the oxen and cows lowing and grunting, while the baaing of a few sheep added to the general disturbance.
The silence of night was only disturbed by the clattering scales of the crocodiles, or the snorting of the hippopotami that sported on the banks.
Roaring of lions and hyenas, distant snorting of hippopotami.
Dick called softly to the snorting horse; and, hurriedly getting into clothes and boots, he went out with a gun in each hand.
Blanco Sol heard him coming and whistled a welcome, and when Gale ran up the horse was snorting war.
The horse of one of the Gardes de Paris was alone heard snorting in the centre of the space which had been kept clear.
In the long streets edged with low buildings, work-shops and factories, one heard engines snorting and machinery rumbling, while up above, the smoke from the lofty chimneys was assuming a rosy hue in the sunrise.
The horses backed and shied in alarm, snorting violently.
The horse-hoofs thundered down the slope, the staunch steed tearing at his bit, and snorting with mingled excitement and apprehension.
However, with muchsnorting and scrambling, he ultimately suffered himself to be led into safety.
Their symbolic torches, their snake-entwined tresses, their dreadful eyes, and nostrils snorting fiery breath, were shown for the first time visibly in the trilogy of Orestes.
Not far away are stretched the Furies, hideous, andsnorting in their slumber.
Doesn't it make your heart beat to hear the rattle of the wheels and the snorting of the horses?
I've had a nap too, and you've been breathing pretty hard, but not snorting and gurgling like that old wretch.
It is such a great, still world; who would fancy that there were so many noisy men, barking dogs, snorting steam-engines in it?
Engines are snorting and puffing about; boilers letting off steam, with a noise calculated to break the drum of any ear; tarpaulin-covered waggons standing shunted on side lines.
Just as they reached it and crouched, the walrus rose, snorting the brine from its shaggy muzzle, and lashing the water into foam with its flippers.
Then there was a heavysnorting and the locomotive came round a curve, rocking and belching out black smoke.
Black smoke streamed about the cars and he heard a heavy snorting some distance off, but the caboose lurched slowly along the uneven track.
A rhythmic snorting and a rumble pierced the throb of the river, and Kerr looked up the track.
He started next morning, in the caboose of a returning supply train, and Festing, who went to see him off, stood for a few minutes on the snowy track while the rattle of wheels and snorting of the locomotive died away.
They dared not trust the horses here, but dismounted and crept gingerly across, the animals slipping and snorting behind them.
The snorting horse leaped up the steep incline, at a pace that shortly left him groaning for breath.
He put his gun to the delicate head, and an hour later Pard was snorting under a gunny-sack of venison.
Already were heard the snortingand neighing of the first of the king's horses.
Now came, snorting and prancing, the dapple-grey charger that bore the king.
Mr. John listened to her in silence and then resumed his promenade with his hands behind his back snorting furiously.
Not another word did they now speak, only their panting sobs were to be heard like the snorting of two wild boars as they dragged and dashed each other up and down on the sward.
Dick, as the noise increased, the shouts of men mingling with the snorting and bellowing of cattle.
Any noise the horses made must have been covered by the lowing, snorting and occasional bellowing of the cattle in the corral.
But there was no sound of lowing cows or snorting steers, and there came to the ears of Nort and Dick no distant shouts of Bud and the cowboys, though the main herd, with the men in charge, could not have been more than two miles away.
Then Nort and Dick caught the snorting of the cattle in the improvised corral--Diamond X cattle unlawfully taken.
Suppose a representative of that unsympathetic government came snorting down upon you one day in a wild fearful invention they called a motor-boat, as you were lolling under the thatch roof your grandfather built, and cried: "Come on!
On Sundays when all the rest of the world was up and shaved and breakfasted and off on the 8:39 of a brilliant, sunny day to Panama, "the Sloth" would be still imperturbably snorting and choking in the depths of his cot.
We were sound asleep one night, when, about two hours before day, the snorting of our horses and lowing of our cattle, which were ranging in the woods, suddenly awoke us.
My horses were leaping about, snorting loudly, and the cattle ran among them in great confusion.
He stopped short and began snorting and splashing angrily whilst he fussed and fumed with a gutta-percha tube that he was trying to apply to the bottom of the aquarium.
As they sat up, and groped for their rifles, not realizing what manner of peril could be hanging over them, the loud snorting of the horses came to their ears.